与玛格丽特的午后 La tête en friche(2010)【完整台词】
与玛格丽特的午后 La tête en friche(2010) 全部台词 (当前第1页,一共 12 页)
Hi Germain.
- Hi Paulo.
That's not right!
- Have you forgotten something?
- You're not only a jerk
you're a thief
It's not the right amount.
- You'd have had it....
..if you'd finished your work.
- I HAVE finished the work.
I'd said 10 hours,
but I did it in 8.
The job's done.
You piece of shit!
You shit!
You shit!
- Fuck off
you dummy.
- Shut ya gob, you thief!
He owes me money.
He's stolen 2 hours.
One, two, three, four...
..five, six...
- Nineteen.
- Are you talking to ME?
- Yes, young man.
There are nineteen.
Why are you laughing?
- You said
''young man''.
-You're young
compared to me.
-D'you come here often?
- Almost whenever
the Good Lord allows.
Something intrigues me.
Why do you count the pigeons ?
- To see if some are missing
or there are new ones.
The little one with a white feather
is new.
He wasn't there on Saturday.
- I'd noticed.
I call him White Feather.
You give them names?
- So's to recognize them.
If you look carefully,
no two of them are the same.
They all have their own
Like little street-kids.
- Do you have children?
- No. Do you ?
- No.
- So if you would've had children,..
..you wouldn't get them mixed up.
- If I'd had 19 of them
that'd be the case.
So tell me the names of the others.
- The others?
There's ..ah...
...'Sparrow' and 'Chicky'
who're having a little kiss.
Off to the side is 'Stubborn'.
Here's 'Rusk'.
That one who wants to have the upper hand
is Johnny.
The one holding the feather
is Thief.
He takes all the feathers.
And the little one
acting like a smart-alec,..
..that's Marguerite.
- Same as me!
- Really?
- I'mm also called Margueritte.
With a double T.
When my father registered me
at the town hall...
...he couldn't spell very well.
Then my mother wanted to keep the name...
...for fun.
I was born out of a love story...
...like everyone else.
- No!
There are those born by mistake.
I gotta go.
- 'Til another day,
- Yeah...
I'm delighted to have made
your acquaintance.
Thanks for having introduced me
to your family.
- Yeah.
Don't leave ...
...your bag.
Some hooligan'll grab it.
- For what little's in it!
- You can't tell from looking at it.
[Italian accent]
- One small glass.
- Hi Germain.
- Ah Germain !
- Ah !
- Your bubbly's good!
- It's blanc de blanc.
-how old?
- Not allowed to say...
it's a state secret.
- Hi Youssef.
You bugger!...
my dancing shoes!
You shit!
- Monsieur Landremont,
a small glass?
- No.
I don't drink alcohol.
A king who lost his head.
Five letters...
- One spaghetti pomodoro.
- You guys catch the chick?
Hot stuff, eh?
- Can't see.
- It's the nurse
from the health centre.
I really got the hots for her.
- Capet !
Louis Capet. Louis XVl
beheaded in 1793.
-Which one?
- Two 'brawns' and a 'special'.
- One more 'special' coming up.
- Who's the 'pomodoro' for?
- The lady..
...in front of the window.
- Let me take it.
- We'll never meet again, ever!
That's not the issue
you son of a bitch!
No...son of a bitch!
- He's setting you up.
- Who's this for?
- Me.
Let me speak.
I can't hear you!
Stop talking!
- What are you drinking?
- Glass of red.
Yeah, yeah...
I hear you better now.
- Are you Marie-Christine?
- No, Stphanie.
- She's in the middle of
dumping her guy!
A glass of Ctes du Rhne!
Go to it!
Her name's Stphanie.
- You're a brick!
Should I make a move now?
- Of course!
Not tomorrow!
Francine, put it all on my tab.
- So when are you paying me?
- Can't tell you!
It's a state secret!
- State secret...
Youssef !
- Can I feel it?
- Come here.
Have you finished playing games?
- Just lightening up the atmosphere.
- They're for the domino table.
-Love me?
Give 's a kiss...
- Not now.
- Hi Paulo.
That's not right!
- Have you forgotten something?
- You're not only a jerk
you're a thief
It's not the right amount.
- You'd have had it....
..if you'd finished your work.
- I HAVE finished the work.
I'd said 10 hours,
but I did it in 8.
The job's done.
You piece of shit!
You shit!
You shit!
- Fuck off
you dummy.
- Shut ya gob, you thief!
He owes me money.
He's stolen 2 hours.
One, two, three, four...
..five, six...
- Nineteen.
- Are you talking to ME?
- Yes, young man.
There are nineteen.
Why are you laughing?
- You said
''young man''.
-You're young
compared to me.
-D'you come here often?
- Almost whenever
the Good Lord allows.
Something intrigues me.
Why do you count the pigeons ?
- To see if some are missing
or there are new ones.
The little one with a white feather
is new.
He wasn't there on Saturday.
- I'd noticed.
I call him White Feather.
You give them names?
- So's to recognize them.
If you look carefully,
no two of them are the same.
They all have their own
Like little street-kids.
- Do you have children?
- No. Do you ?
- No.
- So if you would've had children,..
..you wouldn't get them mixed up.
- If I'd had 19 of them
that'd be the case.
So tell me the names of the others.
- The others?
There's ..ah...
...'Sparrow' and 'Chicky'
who're having a little kiss.
Off to the side is 'Stubborn'.
Here's 'Rusk'.
That one who wants to have the upper hand
is Johnny.
The one holding the feather
is Thief.
He takes all the feathers.
And the little one
acting like a smart-alec,..
..that's Marguerite.
- Same as me!
- Really?
- I'mm also called Margueritte.
With a double T.
When my father registered me
at the town hall...
...he couldn't spell very well.
Then my mother wanted to keep the name...
...for fun.
I was born out of a love story...
...like everyone else.
- No!
There are those born by mistake.
I gotta go.
- 'Til another day,
- Yeah...
I'm delighted to have made
your acquaintance.
Thanks for having introduced me
to your family.
- Yeah.
Don't leave ...
...your bag.
Some hooligan'll grab it.
- For what little's in it!
- You can't tell from looking at it.
[Italian accent]
- One small glass.
- Hi Germain.
- Ah Germain !
- Ah !
- Your bubbly's good!
- It's blanc de blanc.
-how old?
- Not allowed to say...
it's a state secret.
- Hi Youssef.
You bugger!...
my dancing shoes!
You shit!
- Monsieur Landremont,
a small glass?
- No.
I don't drink alcohol.
A king who lost his head.
Five letters...
- One spaghetti pomodoro.
- You guys catch the chick?
Hot stuff, eh?
- Can't see.
- It's the nurse
from the health centre.
I really got the hots for her.
- Capet !
Louis Capet. Louis XVl
beheaded in 1793.
-Which one?
- Two 'brawns' and a 'special'.
- One more 'special' coming up.
- Who's the 'pomodoro' for?
- The lady..
...in front of the window.
- Let me take it.
- We'll never meet again, ever!
That's not the issue
you son of a bitch!
No...son of a bitch!
- He's setting you up.
- Who's this for?
- Me.
Let me speak.
I can't hear you!
Stop talking!
- What are you drinking?
- Glass of red.
Yeah, yeah...
I hear you better now.
- Are you Marie-Christine?
- No, Stphanie.
- She's in the middle of
dumping her guy!
A glass of Ctes du Rhne!
Go to it!
Her name's Stphanie.
- You're a brick!
Should I make a move now?
- Of course!
Not tomorrow!
Francine, put it all on my tab.
- So when are you paying me?
- Can't tell you!
It's a state secret!
- State secret...
Youssef !
- Can I feel it?
- Come here.
Have you finished playing games?
- Just lightening up the atmosphere.
- They're for the domino table.
-Love me?
Give 's a kiss...
- Not now.
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