海绵宝宝历险记 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie(2004)【完整台词】
海绵宝宝历险记 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie(2004) 全部台词 (当前第1页,一共 10 页)
I got it! I got it! I got it!
Dinghy ahoy.
Dinghy off the port bow.
- Dinghy off the port bow!
- Dinghy off the port bow!
Dinghy off the port bow.
- Captain, dinghy off the--
- Dinghy.
I got it!
I got it.
Where is it?
It's right here, captain.
I never thought I'd see it
with me own eye.
Tickets to The SpongeBob Movie!
Who lives in a pineapple
Under the sea?
Absorbent and yellow
And porous is he
SpongeBob SquarePants
lf nautical nonsense
Be something you wish
SpongeBob SquarePants
Then drop on the deck
And flop like a fish
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
The sea. So mysterious,
so beautiful. So...
Our story begins in Bikini Bottom's
popular undersea eatery
The Krusty Krab restaurant, where--
- Back up. Back up.
- Hey. Wait a minute.
- What is happening?
- PIease, settIe down.
We've got a situation in there
I'd rather not discuss
tiII me manager gets here.
Look, there he is.
TaIk to me, Krabs.
It started out as a simpIe order:
a Krabby Patty with cheese.
When the customer took a bite,
no cheese!
Get ahoId of yourseIf, Eugene.
I'm going in.
Take it easy, friend. I'm the manager
of this estabIishment.
Everything's gonna be just fine.
- I'm reaIIy scared here, man.
- You got a name?
- PhiI.
- You got a famiIy, PhiI?
Come on, PhiI, stay with me.
Let's hear about that famiIy.
I got a wife
and two beautifuI chiIdren.
That's what it's aII about.
I want you to do me a favour, PhiI.
Say cheese.
Order up.
Three cheers for the manager!
Hip! Hip!
Hip! Hip!
Hip! Hip!
Gary, I had that dream again.
And it's finaIIy gonna
come true. Today.
Sorry about this, caIendar.
Because today is the grand-opening
ceremony for The Krusty Krab 2,
where Mr. Krabs wiII announce
the new manager.
Who's it gonna be, Gary?
WeII, Iet's ask my waII
of 37 4 consecutive
empIoyee-of-the-month awards.
SpongeBob SquarePants.
I'm ready. Promotion.
CIeanIiness is next to
I'm ready. Promotion.
I'm ready. Promotion.
What are you doing in here?
I have to teII you something,
Whatever it is,
can't it wait untiI we get to work?
- There's no shower at work.
- What do you want?
I just wanted to say
I'II be thanking you
in my manageriaI acceptance
speech today.
Get out!
Okay. I'II see you at the ceremony.
That sounds Iike the manager
of the new Krusty Krab 2.
Oops. HoId on.
- CongratuIations, buddy.
- Oh, thanks, Patrick.
And tonight, after my big promotion,
we're gonna party tiII we're purpIe.
I Iove being purpIe!
We're going to the pIace
where aII the action is.
- You don't mean...?
- Oh, I mean.
Goofy Goober's Ice Cream
Party Boat!
Oh, l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah
I'd better get going.
I'm ready. Promotion.
I'm ready. Promotion.
Good Iuck, SpongeBob.
Hey, Iook for me at the ceremony.
I got a IittIe surprise for you.
l'm a Goofy Goober
HeIIo, Bikini Bottom!
Perch Perkins here, coming
to you Iive from in front of
The Krusty Krab restaurant,
for years the onIy pIace
to get a deIicious
and mouth-watering Krabby Patty.
UntiI today, that is.
That's right, foIks. Long-time owner
Mr. Krabs is opening a new restaurant
caIIed The Krusty Krab 2.
First of aII,
congratuIations, Mr. Krabs.
HeIIo. I Iike money.
What inspired you to buiId
a second Krusty Krab
right next door to the originaI?
It's not fair.
Krabs is being interviewed
by Perch Perkins,
and I've never even had
one customer!
Don't get worked up again, Plankton,
l just mopped the floors.
Oh, Karen, my computer wife,
if onIy I couId have managed to steaI
the secret to Krabs' success,
the formuIa for the Krabby Patty.
Then peopIe wouId Iine up
to eat at my restaurant.
Lord knows I've tried.
I've exhausted every eviI pIan
in my fiIing cabinet...
- ...from A to Y.
- A to Y?
Yeah, A to Y.
You know, the aIphabet.
What about Z?
- Z?
- Z. The letter after Y.
W, X, Y,
Z. PIan Z!
- Here it is, just Iike you said.
Dinghy ahoy.
Dinghy off the port bow.
- Dinghy off the port bow!
- Dinghy off the port bow!
Dinghy off the port bow.
- Captain, dinghy off the--
- Dinghy.
I got it!
I got it.
Where is it?
It's right here, captain.
I never thought I'd see it
with me own eye.
Tickets to The SpongeBob Movie!
Who lives in a pineapple
Under the sea?
Absorbent and yellow
And porous is he
SpongeBob SquarePants
lf nautical nonsense
Be something you wish
SpongeBob SquarePants
Then drop on the deck
And flop like a fish
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
The sea. So mysterious,
so beautiful. So...
Our story begins in Bikini Bottom's
popular undersea eatery
The Krusty Krab restaurant, where--
- Back up. Back up.
- Hey. Wait a minute.
- What is happening?
- PIease, settIe down.
We've got a situation in there
I'd rather not discuss
tiII me manager gets here.
Look, there he is.
TaIk to me, Krabs.
It started out as a simpIe order:
a Krabby Patty with cheese.
When the customer took a bite,
no cheese!
Get ahoId of yourseIf, Eugene.
I'm going in.
Take it easy, friend. I'm the manager
of this estabIishment.
Everything's gonna be just fine.
- I'm reaIIy scared here, man.
- You got a name?
- PhiI.
- You got a famiIy, PhiI?
Come on, PhiI, stay with me.
Let's hear about that famiIy.
I got a wife
and two beautifuI chiIdren.
That's what it's aII about.
I want you to do me a favour, PhiI.
Say cheese.
Order up.
Three cheers for the manager!
Hip! Hip!
Hip! Hip!
Hip! Hip!
Gary, I had that dream again.
And it's finaIIy gonna
come true. Today.
Sorry about this, caIendar.
Because today is the grand-opening
ceremony for The Krusty Krab 2,
where Mr. Krabs wiII announce
the new manager.
Who's it gonna be, Gary?
WeII, Iet's ask my waII
of 37 4 consecutive
empIoyee-of-the-month awards.
SpongeBob SquarePants.
I'm ready. Promotion.
CIeanIiness is next to
I'm ready. Promotion.
I'm ready. Promotion.
What are you doing in here?
I have to teII you something,
Whatever it is,
can't it wait untiI we get to work?
- There's no shower at work.
- What do you want?
I just wanted to say
I'II be thanking you
in my manageriaI acceptance
speech today.
Get out!
Okay. I'II see you at the ceremony.
That sounds Iike the manager
of the new Krusty Krab 2.
Oops. HoId on.
- CongratuIations, buddy.
- Oh, thanks, Patrick.
And tonight, after my big promotion,
we're gonna party tiII we're purpIe.
I Iove being purpIe!
We're going to the pIace
where aII the action is.
- You don't mean...?
- Oh, I mean.
Goofy Goober's Ice Cream
Party Boat!
Oh, l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah
I'd better get going.
I'm ready. Promotion.
I'm ready. Promotion.
Good Iuck, SpongeBob.
Hey, Iook for me at the ceremony.
I got a IittIe surprise for you.
l'm a Goofy Goober
HeIIo, Bikini Bottom!
Perch Perkins here, coming
to you Iive from in front of
The Krusty Krab restaurant,
for years the onIy pIace
to get a deIicious
and mouth-watering Krabby Patty.
UntiI today, that is.
That's right, foIks. Long-time owner
Mr. Krabs is opening a new restaurant
caIIed The Krusty Krab 2.
First of aII,
congratuIations, Mr. Krabs.
HeIIo. I Iike money.
What inspired you to buiId
a second Krusty Krab
right next door to the originaI?
It's not fair.
Krabs is being interviewed
by Perch Perkins,
and I've never even had
one customer!
Don't get worked up again, Plankton,
l just mopped the floors.
Oh, Karen, my computer wife,
if onIy I couId have managed to steaI
the secret to Krabs' success,
the formuIa for the Krabby Patty.
Then peopIe wouId Iine up
to eat at my restaurant.
Lord knows I've tried.
I've exhausted every eviI pIan
in my fiIing cabinet...
- ...from A to Y.
- A to Y?
Yeah, A to Y.
You know, the aIphabet.
What about Z?
- Z?
- Z. The letter after Y.
W, X, Y,
Z. PIan Z!
- Here it is, just Iike you said.
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