It's a form! What could be simpler?! | All you must do is fill in the blanks!
What do I have to do, | hire a nursemaid to hold your hand?
Put ribbons in your hair?!
How many times must I tell you?!
If you want him down, | this is no huge problem.
You should be able | to fill out a form correctly!
And if you can't do that...
...then I'll just have to get | somebody who can.
I ain't going to ask you again!
Get back to your desk!
I was a good boy!
What's happening?
Well, well! | Why are you here?
Smelled business.
Third bureaucrat this month.
Enough of this shit. Tell Carl to | shoot him. He's fucking up traffic.
His name?
Jeffrey Brose, Interstate | Commerce Commission...
...whatever that is.
The Interstate Commerce Commission?
- He didn't say that. | - Yes, he did.
Hold this.
Tell them, "Don't shoot. "
- Get back here! | - Hang on a second.
Strap in. This'll get weird.
I got to talk to him.
Go away!
Any improper behavior on the part | of any employee must be reported!
Just be easy, man. Look, I just want | to talk. I got no gun.
- I got no gun. | - I'll kill myself!
I believe you, I just got a question.
You work for the Commerce Commission?
No! They let me go! Threw me out!
You too? | They evicted me too.
They bought my apartment building so | they could turn it into a garage for-
They're so unfair!
I agree! The Durable Goods Division.
What the hell is that?
Don't work there anymore, | and they're on the second floor!
Do you know who I could talk to because | I phone, write and nobody calls me.
It's driving me crazy.
No! I'm crazy!
They were going to shoot you.
Christ, Regis, what are you, insane?
The gun's on safety.
All right, boys, | I'm thinking this looks...
Let's get out of here.
Go, go!
Sector 6 secure.
Sector 1 secure.
Cory Luchessi.
I work here.
Sector 5 secure.
There's a gun on you. Get up, slowly.
Sorry, sir.
Sector 2 secure.
Sector 3 secure.
All sectors secure.
America held hostage, day 182. | A special report.
CNN has just received | this smuggled footage...
...showing American soldiers | in captivity and under extreme duress.
You see this?
The Government expressed outrage | upon viewing the tapes.
Sources say the U. S. Seventh Fleet | remains on full alert... the Sea of Japan at this hour.
Air Force officials have reiterated | their initial statement...
...describing the mission as routine.
Can you believe this? | What is this President waiting for?
Is leaseholder one word or two?
In the face of growing support | for military intervention...
...the President urged patience, | stating negotiations-
Oh, I see.
So you negotiate for 13. | How many do you go to war for? 14?
Everything's about numbers.
Two drinks a day. Healthy. Three...'re an alcoholic.
- That's your third. | - Get me again, man.
It's Farr.
I'm not here.
Yeah, I got a coat...
...and a tie.
1600 what?
Harlan Regis, homicide.
Detective Regis, come right on through.
Your weapon.
You'll get it back when you leave.
This way, please.
Straight ahead.
Look at that.
Straight down this hall to the left.
Multiple puncture wounds | to the upper torso and base of neck.
Wound would be 5 to 8 | centimeters across.
Rigor is progressive.
Get in here and take a look at this.
24, 25 years old, tops. She's a baby.
What is the world coming to?
- When was she found? | - About 11.
- Name? | - Carla Town.
My best guess is | she's dead maybe 3 hours.
- Where's the First Family? | - Camp David.
Left yesterday afternoon.
What's the murder weapon?
It's not as clean as a knife. | See the jagged edge of the wound?
It's not big enough to be scissors, | so it's something smaller.
Excuse me, all film stays in-house. | Orders.
Whose orders?
What was she doing here so late?
You're not cleared.
Who invited you here?
We did.
Sir, he's a D.C. homicide cop.
If I'm not mistaken, | what I see over there is a homicide.
But jurisdiction-
It can go to hell.
I'm in charge of White House security.
I'm the President's National Security | Advisor.
A murder 40 yards from where | the President sleeps... a matter of national security.
Alvin Jordan.
Harlan Regis, homicide.
Do you know why she was working so late | on Friday night?
The government doesn't close | because it's Friday.
Yes, I understand.
Do you know how many people were | in the White House?
Carry on, Detective.
Thank you.
Avoid using two words if you give | any statements to the media.
The words are "woman" and "murder. "
You say, "All information will be | forthcoming on a timely basis. "
One more thing.
- I'll need everything you have on her. | - You'll get what's material.
This is D.C. Unfortunately she's mine.
- She was killed in the White House. | - She was killed in my city.
She was killed in my house.
Don't forget that.
He's all yours.
I'm just trying to do my job.
I guess I'm supposed to get | my briefings from CNN?
No, from your Secret Service liaison.
For the task force.
He didn't assign me one.
He did. | Nina Chance.
I see.
They think I'm BooBoo the Fool.
Excuse me?
I guess he figures I'll be easier | on you than some rookie with acne.
I'm an agent | for the United States Secret Service.
Which means I can answer questions | relating to White House security.
I resent the implication-
You resent the implication?
People don't speak English | in this town anymore.
Detective, it's this way.
I know that.
No statement about...
...what's happening in the White House. | The First Family is at Camp David.
As you can see behind me, | the immediate area has been sealed off.
Sheldon Tercott, CNN, | at the White House.
So why kill someone | from the Office of Protocol?
Maybe she sat some ambassador | in the wrong seat.
- They kill you for that now? | - It's a tough town.
If I'd known, I'd have put a turnstile | in and charged admission.
- Who else was here? | - Secret Service.
They started around 11: 15.
They even took her garbage.
If you want me, | I'm downstairs in 101.
- Thank you very much. | - Anytime.
Wait a minute.
The body's found at 11:00.
The Feds get here 15 minutes later.
They don't even have cool sirens like | we do. Look at her photo album.
Look at this, Regis.
Is this the only one?
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哈利恩(韦斯利·斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 饰)是隶属于华盛顿警署的高级警务人员,专门办一些涉及到敏感信息的重案要案。一天,他被指派成为代号1600的谋杀案的负责人,一位在白宫工作的女性遭到了谋杀。很快,哈利恩就开始了紧锣密鼓的调查,然而随着时间的推移,哈利恩发现,这宗案件并没有表面看上去的那么简单。
虽然哈利恩被告知要尽快结案,但在妮娜(黛安·莲恩 Diane Lane 饰)的帮助下,他还是继续着深入而又危险的调查。不断出现的线索将所有的嫌疑都指向了白宫内部,而哈利恩并不知道的是,当他一步一步的接近真相时,危险也在慢慢接近着他。,©
导演: 德怀特·H·里特
编剧: Wayne Beach / 大卫·霍金
主演: 韦斯利·斯奈普斯 / 戴安·琳恩 / 丹尼尔·本扎利 / 罗尼·考克斯 / 阿伦·阿尔达
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1997-04-18
片长: 107 分钟 / Argentina: 108 分钟
又名: 惊天杀人陷阱 / 白宫谋杀案 / 火线悍将1600
1600谋杀案 Murder at 1600(1997) 全部台词 (当前第1页,一共 7 页)
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