超人总动员2 Incredibles 2 (2018)【完整台词】
超人总动员2 Incredibles 2 (2018) 全部台词 (当前第2页,一共 10 页)
Can we just eat?
The dinner, while it's hot?
Did we do something wrong?
- Yes.
- No.
We didn't do anything wrong.
Superheroes are illegal.
Whether it's fair or not, that's the law.
The law should be fair.
What are we teaching our kids?
To respect the law!
Even when the law is disrespectful?
If laws are unjust, there are laws
to change them!
Otherwise, it's chaos!
Which is exactly what we have!
I just thought it was kinda cool.
What was?
Fighting crime as a family.
It was cool.
But it's over.
The world is what it is.
We have to adapt.
Are things bad?
Things are fine.
May I be excused?
How much longer in the motel, Dad?
Not much longer, honey.
What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
Maybe Dicker will find something?
Dicker is done, Bob.
Any thought we had
about being Supers again is fantasy.
One of us has gotta get a job.
One of us?
You did a long stint at lnsuricare.
Hated every minute of it.
I know it was hard on you.
Maybe it's my turn in the private sector
and you take care of the kids...
No, I'm doing this.
I need to do this.
You know where my suit and ties are?
Burned up when...
The jet destroyed our house.
We can't count on anyone else now, Bob.
It's just us. We can't wait for...
No lifeguard on duty!
Swim at your own risk.
Where'd you go today?
I noticed you missed all the fun.
Don't be mad because I know
when to leave a party.
I'm just as illegal as you guys.
Besides, I knew the cops would let you go.
Yeah, in spite of Bob's best efforts.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I heard the program shut down.
How much longer are you in this motel?
Two weeks.
Now, you know the offer still stands.
You're very generous,
but there are five of us.
We wouldn't do that to you and Honey.
Well, door's always open.
You know, the news isn't all bad.
While you guys were being detained...
I was approached by a dude
who represents this tycoon.
- Winston Deavor.
- Wants to talk...
with me, with you two, about hero stuff.
I checked him out.
He's legit. Trained under Dicker.
He wants to meet.
Jeez! More superhero trouble.
We just came from the police station, Lucius.
Tonight. I'm going there now.
You enjoy, I'm sitting this one out.
He wants all three of us.
Honey, let's just at least
hear what he has to say.
You got the address,
I'll meet you guys there.
Go in our Supersuits?
Might wanna wear the old Supersuits.
Got a feeling he's nostalgic.
Where are you going?
The fresh air is especially good tonight.
If Jack-Jack wakes up...
I know the drill.
Your security badges.
Please, this way.
Hey, listen, you're my biggest fan.
Good to see you.
I'm your biggest fan.
I love superheroes!
The powers, the costumes...
the mythic struggles.
Winston Deavor.
You can call me Win.
Genuine pleasure to meet you.
- Frozone!
- It's good to see you.
- Elastigirl.
- Nice to meet you.
- Mr. Incredible!
- Hello.
Mr. Incredible, Incredible
Catching the bad guys
Pow, pow, pow
Who's the cat who's always chill
When survival odds are close to nil
Can't tell you what a thrill this is.
And this...
Hello there, superheroes.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
...is my tardy sister, Evelyn.
And I'm scolding myself
so you don't have to, Winston!
My father was so proud that I
was even remotely connected to you guys.
He used to call you the last line of defense.
He was your top supporter.
He donated to superhero causes.
He raised money
for the Dynaguy statue in Avery Park.
He got to know many Supers personally.
Even installed a phone with direct lines
to Gazerbeam and Fironic...
in case of emergencies.
He loved that,
showed it off to everyone.
He was heartbroken when you
were all forced to go underground.
Father believed the world
would become more dangerous without you.
He didn't know how right he was.
There was a break-in.
My father called Gazerbeam.
The direct line.
No answer.
He called Fironic, no answer.
Superheroes had just been made illegal...
The robbers discovered him on the phone...
and shot him.
It must've been hard.
Especially for Mother.
She died a few months later.
If superheroes
had not been forced underground...
it never would've happened.
Or Dad could've taken Mom to the safe room
as soon as he knew there was trouble.
I disagree strongly!
But we're not going into it right now.
The point is...
nobody expected us to be able to actually
run Dad's company.
But with Evelyn as designer,
and myself as operator...
we threw ourselves into
building DEVTECH into what it is today.
A world-class telecommunications company.
Bigger than ever.
Perfectly positioned
to make some wrong things right.
Hence, this meeting.
Let me ask you something.
What is the main reason
you were all forced underground?
- Ignorance.
- Perception.
Take today for example, with the Underminer.
Difficult situation.
You were faced
with a lot of hard decisions.
Tell me about it.
I can't.
Because I didn't see it...
neither did anyone else.
So, when you fight bad guys like today...
people don't see the fight
or what led up to it.
They see what politicians tell them to see.
They see destruction and they see you.
So, if we wanna change
people's perceptions about superheroes...
we need you to share your perceptions
with the world.
- How do we do that?
- With cameras.
We need you to share your
perceptions with the world.
How do we do that?
We embed tiny cameras, like those,
into your Supersuits.
Wow, so small.
And the picture is outstanding.
Thanks! Designed 'em myself.
We've got resources, lobbyists,
worldwide connections...
and very important, insurance.
Insurance is key.
All we need now
are the super-est superheroes.
It needs you three.
Come on!
Help me make all Supers
legal again.
This sounds great!
Let's get this going.
What's my first assignment?
That enthusiasm is golden.
Now hold on to it.
But for our first move...
Elastigirl is our best play.
Better than me?
I mean, she's good.
Really, a credit to her...
You know. You know.
With great respect...
The dinner, while it's hot?
Did we do something wrong?
- Yes.
- No.
We didn't do anything wrong.
Superheroes are illegal.
Whether it's fair or not, that's the law.
The law should be fair.
What are we teaching our kids?
To respect the law!
Even when the law is disrespectful?
If laws are unjust, there are laws
to change them!
Otherwise, it's chaos!
Which is exactly what we have!
I just thought it was kinda cool.
What was?
Fighting crime as a family.
It was cool.
But it's over.
The world is what it is.
We have to adapt.
Are things bad?
Things are fine.
May I be excused?
How much longer in the motel, Dad?
Not much longer, honey.
What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
Maybe Dicker will find something?
Dicker is done, Bob.
Any thought we had
about being Supers again is fantasy.
One of us has gotta get a job.
One of us?
You did a long stint at lnsuricare.
Hated every minute of it.
I know it was hard on you.
Maybe it's my turn in the private sector
and you take care of the kids...
No, I'm doing this.
I need to do this.
You know where my suit and ties are?
Burned up when...
The jet destroyed our house.
We can't count on anyone else now, Bob.
It's just us. We can't wait for...
No lifeguard on duty!
Swim at your own risk.
Where'd you go today?
I noticed you missed all the fun.
Don't be mad because I know
when to leave a party.
I'm just as illegal as you guys.
Besides, I knew the cops would let you go.
Yeah, in spite of Bob's best efforts.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I heard the program shut down.
How much longer are you in this motel?
Two weeks.
Now, you know the offer still stands.
You're very generous,
but there are five of us.
We wouldn't do that to you and Honey.
Well, door's always open.
You know, the news isn't all bad.
While you guys were being detained...
I was approached by a dude
who represents this tycoon.
- Winston Deavor.
- Wants to talk...
with me, with you two, about hero stuff.
I checked him out.
He's legit. Trained under Dicker.
He wants to meet.
Jeez! More superhero trouble.
We just came from the police station, Lucius.
Tonight. I'm going there now.
You enjoy, I'm sitting this one out.
He wants all three of us.
Honey, let's just at least
hear what he has to say.
You got the address,
I'll meet you guys there.
Go in our Supersuits?
Might wanna wear the old Supersuits.
Got a feeling he's nostalgic.
Where are you going?
The fresh air is especially good tonight.
If Jack-Jack wakes up...
I know the drill.
Your security badges.
Please, this way.
Hey, listen, you're my biggest fan.
Good to see you.
I'm your biggest fan.
I love superheroes!
The powers, the costumes...
the mythic struggles.
Winston Deavor.
You can call me Win.
Genuine pleasure to meet you.
- Frozone!
- It's good to see you.
- Elastigirl.
- Nice to meet you.
- Mr. Incredible!
- Hello.
Mr. Incredible, Incredible
Catching the bad guys
Pow, pow, pow
Who's the cat who's always chill
When survival odds are close to nil
Can't tell you what a thrill this is.
And this...
Hello there, superheroes.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
...is my tardy sister, Evelyn.
And I'm scolding myself
so you don't have to, Winston!
My father was so proud that I
was even remotely connected to you guys.
He used to call you the last line of defense.
He was your top supporter.
He donated to superhero causes.
He raised money
for the Dynaguy statue in Avery Park.
He got to know many Supers personally.
Even installed a phone with direct lines
to Gazerbeam and Fironic...
in case of emergencies.
He loved that,
showed it off to everyone.
He was heartbroken when you
were all forced to go underground.
Father believed the world
would become more dangerous without you.
He didn't know how right he was.
There was a break-in.
My father called Gazerbeam.
The direct line.
No answer.
He called Fironic, no answer.
Superheroes had just been made illegal...
The robbers discovered him on the phone...
and shot him.
It must've been hard.
Especially for Mother.
She died a few months later.
If superheroes
had not been forced underground...
it never would've happened.
Or Dad could've taken Mom to the safe room
as soon as he knew there was trouble.
I disagree strongly!
But we're not going into it right now.
The point is...
nobody expected us to be able to actually
run Dad's company.
But with Evelyn as designer,
and myself as operator...
we threw ourselves into
building DEVTECH into what it is today.
A world-class telecommunications company.
Bigger than ever.
Perfectly positioned
to make some wrong things right.
Hence, this meeting.
Let me ask you something.
What is the main reason
you were all forced underground?
- Ignorance.
- Perception.
Take today for example, with the Underminer.
Difficult situation.
You were faced
with a lot of hard decisions.
Tell me about it.
I can't.
Because I didn't see it...
neither did anyone else.
So, when you fight bad guys like today...
people don't see the fight
or what led up to it.
They see what politicians tell them to see.
They see destruction and they see you.
So, if we wanna change
people's perceptions about superheroes...
we need you to share your perceptions
with the world.
- How do we do that?
- With cameras.
We need you to share your
perceptions with the world.
How do we do that?
We embed tiny cameras, like those,
into your Supersuits.
Wow, so small.
And the picture is outstanding.
Thanks! Designed 'em myself.
We've got resources, lobbyists,
worldwide connections...
and very important, insurance.
Insurance is key.
All we need now
are the super-est superheroes.
It needs you three.
Come on!
Help me make all Supers
legal again.
This sounds great!
Let's get this going.
What's my first assignment?
That enthusiasm is golden.
Now hold on to it.
But for our first move...
Elastigirl is our best play.
Better than me?
I mean, she's good.
Really, a credit to her...
You know. You know.
With great respect...
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