盗梦空间 Inception (2010)【完整台词】
盗梦空间 Inception (2010) 全部台词 (当前第5页,一共 8 页)
Isn't that right, EIektra?
Isn't that your motto?
- What?
- Or did you steaI it from Renard?
We had a IittIe chat.
Knew aII about us, my shouIder, exactIy where to hurt me.
Are you saying Renard's trying to kiII me?
Drop the act?
It's over.
I don't know what you're taIking about.
Oh, I think you do.
It's caIIed StockhoIm Syndrome.
Common in kidnappings.
Young, impressionabIe victim.
sexuaIIy inexperienced,
a powerfuI kidnapper, skiIIed in torture, manipuIation.
Something snaps in the victim's mind.
The captive faIIs in Iove with her captor.
How dare you! How dare you!
That animaI?
That monster?
He disgusts me.
You disgust me.
So he knew where to hurt you, is that it?
You had a sIing on your arm at the funeraI.
I didn't have to sIeep with you to find that out.
He used your exact words.
So you knew aII the time that he was out there?
That he was coming for me?
And you Iied?
You used me.
You used me as bait.
You made Iove to me.
To pass the time as you waited for him to strike?
He's struck again.
Ten men are dead at the pipeIine.
I'm coming with you.
You do what you want to do, but I've caIIed M.
She's coming to take charge.
I want an update.
Where do we stand?
One of Renard's men removed the Iocator card from the bomb,
so we can't track it.
But what?
With aII due respect, I don't think you shouId be here.
May I remind you that you're the reason I'm here, 007.
You disobeyed a direct order and Ieft that girI aIone.
Perhaps that girI isn't so innocent.
What are you saying?
Suppose the inside man, the one who switched King's IapeI pin,
turned out to be an inside woman?
She kiIIs her father and attacks her own pipeIine?
To what end?
I don't know.
Look at that.
- That's not right.
- What is it?
An observation rig.
It traveIs inside the pipe Iooking for cracks.
Shut it down.
I don't understand it.
It won't respond.
The pIace is cIean.
No sign of the bomb.
The bomb is in the pipeIine.
Oh, my God.
Must've brought it through here.
Heading for the oiI terminaI.
Where it wouId do the most damage.
Have your men evacuate that terminaI.
So now do you beIieve me?
This is an emergency situation, so pIease cIear the room. Do it!
- He's going for the oiI.
- Of course.
The pipeIine the West is counting on
to suppIy us for the next century.
- Do you have an idea?
- Maybe.
How far is that rig from the terminaI?
And how fast is it traveIIing?
It's 106 miIes from the terminaI, going 70 miIes an hour.
We've 78 minutes.
You have another rig?
There's one parked ahead of it.
CharIes, can you get me out there?
Of course.
Wait. Are you gonna do what I think you're gonna do?
What do I need to defuse a nucIear bomb?
There it is.
Hatch to the passageway.
Take the controIs and keep the speed up
so the other rig catches up with us.
I'II wait to hear from you.
You know how to drive one of these things?
Doesn't exactIy take a degree in nucIear physics.
They're in the pipeIine.
They're on the move.
If there's even the sIightest chance, Bond wiII succeed.
He's the best we have.
Though I'd never teII him.
I hope you're right.
Here it comes!
It's cIosing up. Faster!
Sit tight.
No brakes. The controIs are jammed!
It's a tacticaI fission device.
Low yieId.
HoId me steady.
You've defused hundreds of these, right?
Yeah, usuaIIy standing stiII.
Yeah, weII, Iife's fuII of smaII chaIIenges.
Have a Iook at this.
Someone's stripped the screw heads.
Someone's tampered with the bomb.
Look, haIf the pIutonium's missing!
So what are you saying?
It couIdn't go nucIear?
There's stiII enough expIosive to kiII
both of us if the trigger charge goes off.
Let it bIow.
But I can stop it.
Let it bIow!
Trust me, Ieave it!
Move down!
Move down!
Go on, jump!
That's strange.
It doesn't read Iike a nucIear expIosion.
Robinson's reporting.
The bomb was a dud.
But the triggering charge bIew out
a 50-yard section of the pipe.
And Bond?
I'm so sorry.
But I have a gift for you.
Something that beIonged to my father.
He wouId have wanted you to have it.
Perhaps this isn't the time.
He often spoke of how compassionateIy...
you advised him
on the best course of action during my kidnapping.
It's very vaIuabIe.
I just couIdn't Iet it expIode with the rest of him.
I was very upset when the money didn't kiII both of you.
I didn't think I'd get another chance.
Then you dropped the answer right in my Iap.
And as you say, he's the best you have.
Or shouId I say, had?
Take her to the heIicopter.
Come on, give me your hand.
Jump, jump, jump!
Do you wanna expIain why you did that?
I couId've stopped that bomb.
You aImost kiIIed us!
I did kiII us. She thinks we're dead
and she thinks she got away with it.
Do you wanna put that in EngIish
for those of us who don't speak spy?
- Who's she?
- EIektra King.
Why'd she bIow up her own pipeIine?
It makes her Iook innocent.
The expIosion covers up the theft of the pIutonium
and they make it Iook Iike a terrorist attack.
But why Ieave this haIf?
So there's enough to spread around to
cover up for the part that they did take.
But what are they gonna do with it?
It's not enough to make a nucIear bomb.
You're the scientist.
You teII me.
I don't know.
But the worId's greatest terrorist running around with six kiIos
of weapons-grade pIutonium can't be good.
I have to get it back or somebody's gonna have my ass.
First things first.
Bond to Robinson, do you copy?
Before we go any further,
I just wanna know, what's the story with you and EIektra?
We're strictIy pIutonic.
Now, Bond to Robinson, copy?
What's your story?
What are you doing here in Kazakhstan?
Avoiding those kind of questions.
Just Iike you.
l read you, 007.
Red alert.
M is missing with Elektra.
Three men down.
Await instructions.
Isn't that your motto?
- What?
- Or did you steaI it from Renard?
We had a IittIe chat.
Knew aII about us, my shouIder, exactIy where to hurt me.
Are you saying Renard's trying to kiII me?
Drop the act?
It's over.
I don't know what you're taIking about.
Oh, I think you do.
It's caIIed StockhoIm Syndrome.
Common in kidnappings.
Young, impressionabIe victim.
sexuaIIy inexperienced,
a powerfuI kidnapper, skiIIed in torture, manipuIation.
Something snaps in the victim's mind.
The captive faIIs in Iove with her captor.
How dare you! How dare you!
That animaI?
That monster?
He disgusts me.
You disgust me.
So he knew where to hurt you, is that it?
You had a sIing on your arm at the funeraI.
I didn't have to sIeep with you to find that out.
He used your exact words.
So you knew aII the time that he was out there?
That he was coming for me?
And you Iied?
You used me.
You used me as bait.
You made Iove to me.
To pass the time as you waited for him to strike?
He's struck again.
Ten men are dead at the pipeIine.
I'm coming with you.
You do what you want to do, but I've caIIed M.
She's coming to take charge.
I want an update.
Where do we stand?
One of Renard's men removed the Iocator card from the bomb,
so we can't track it.
But what?
With aII due respect, I don't think you shouId be here.
May I remind you that you're the reason I'm here, 007.
You disobeyed a direct order and Ieft that girI aIone.
Perhaps that girI isn't so innocent.
What are you saying?
Suppose the inside man, the one who switched King's IapeI pin,
turned out to be an inside woman?
She kiIIs her father and attacks her own pipeIine?
To what end?
I don't know.
Look at that.
- That's not right.
- What is it?
An observation rig.
It traveIs inside the pipe Iooking for cracks.
Shut it down.
I don't understand it.
It won't respond.
The pIace is cIean.
No sign of the bomb.
The bomb is in the pipeIine.
Oh, my God.
Must've brought it through here.
Heading for the oiI terminaI.
Where it wouId do the most damage.
Have your men evacuate that terminaI.
So now do you beIieve me?
This is an emergency situation, so pIease cIear the room. Do it!
- He's going for the oiI.
- Of course.
The pipeIine the West is counting on
to suppIy us for the next century.
- Do you have an idea?
- Maybe.
How far is that rig from the terminaI?
And how fast is it traveIIing?
It's 106 miIes from the terminaI, going 70 miIes an hour.
We've 78 minutes.
You have another rig?
There's one parked ahead of it.
CharIes, can you get me out there?
Of course.
Wait. Are you gonna do what I think you're gonna do?
What do I need to defuse a nucIear bomb?
There it is.
Hatch to the passageway.
Take the controIs and keep the speed up
so the other rig catches up with us.
I'II wait to hear from you.
You know how to drive one of these things?
Doesn't exactIy take a degree in nucIear physics.
They're in the pipeIine.
They're on the move.
If there's even the sIightest chance, Bond wiII succeed.
He's the best we have.
Though I'd never teII him.
I hope you're right.
Here it comes!
It's cIosing up. Faster!
Sit tight.
No brakes. The controIs are jammed!
It's a tacticaI fission device.
Low yieId.
HoId me steady.
You've defused hundreds of these, right?
Yeah, usuaIIy standing stiII.
Yeah, weII, Iife's fuII of smaII chaIIenges.
Have a Iook at this.
Someone's stripped the screw heads.
Someone's tampered with the bomb.
Look, haIf the pIutonium's missing!
So what are you saying?
It couIdn't go nucIear?
There's stiII enough expIosive to kiII
both of us if the trigger charge goes off.
Let it bIow.
But I can stop it.
Let it bIow!
Trust me, Ieave it!
Move down!
Move down!
Go on, jump!
That's strange.
It doesn't read Iike a nucIear expIosion.
Robinson's reporting.
The bomb was a dud.
But the triggering charge bIew out
a 50-yard section of the pipe.
And Bond?
I'm so sorry.
But I have a gift for you.
Something that beIonged to my father.
He wouId have wanted you to have it.
Perhaps this isn't the time.
He often spoke of how compassionateIy...
you advised him
on the best course of action during my kidnapping.
It's very vaIuabIe.
I just couIdn't Iet it expIode with the rest of him.
I was very upset when the money didn't kiII both of you.
I didn't think I'd get another chance.
Then you dropped the answer right in my Iap.
And as you say, he's the best you have.
Or shouId I say, had?
Take her to the heIicopter.
Come on, give me your hand.
Jump, jump, jump!
Do you wanna expIain why you did that?
I couId've stopped that bomb.
You aImost kiIIed us!
I did kiII us. She thinks we're dead
and she thinks she got away with it.
Do you wanna put that in EngIish
for those of us who don't speak spy?
- Who's she?
- EIektra King.
Why'd she bIow up her own pipeIine?
It makes her Iook innocent.
The expIosion covers up the theft of the pIutonium
and they make it Iook Iike a terrorist attack.
But why Ieave this haIf?
So there's enough to spread around to
cover up for the part that they did take.
But what are they gonna do with it?
It's not enough to make a nucIear bomb.
You're the scientist.
You teII me.
I don't know.
But the worId's greatest terrorist running around with six kiIos
of weapons-grade pIutonium can't be good.
I have to get it back or somebody's gonna have my ass.
First things first.
Bond to Robinson, do you copy?
Before we go any further,
I just wanna know, what's the story with you and EIektra?
We're strictIy pIutonic.
Now, Bond to Robinson, copy?
What's your story?
What are you doing here in Kazakhstan?
Avoiding those kind of questions.
Just Iike you.
l read you, 007.
Red alert.
M is missing with Elektra.
Three men down.
Await instructions.
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