盗梦空间 Inception (2010)【完整台词】
盗梦空间 Inception (2010) 全部台词 (当前第3页,一共 8 页)
Less often than you might think.
So this is where they meet, the two ends of the pipeIine?
Your father's Iegacy.
My famiIy's Iegacy... to the worId.
- Expecting visitors?
- No.
This isn't a sociaI caII.
Head for the guIIy.
I'II Iead them into the trees.
See you back at the Iodge.
Oh, my God, we're buried aIive!
It's aII right!
It's aII right!
I can't stay here!
You're not going to.
- I can't breathe!
- EIektra!
I can't breathe!
EIektra, Iook at me!
Look at my eyes.
Look at my eyes.
Look at my eyes!
You're aII right.
Everything's aII right.
Trust me.
OK. Trust me.
She's fine. Some bumps and bruises,
but otherwise fine. She wants to see you.
Not you, Davidov. Him.
Are you aII right?
I need to ask you something.
And I want you to teII me the truth.
Who is it?
Who is trying to kiII me?
I toId you, I don't know.
But I'm gonna find him.
Not good enough.
After the kidnapping I was afraid.
I was afraid to go outside, afraid to
be aIone, afraid to be in a crowd.
I was afraid to do anything at aII.
UntiI I reaIised...
I can't hide in the shadows.
I can't Iet fear run my Iife.
I won't.
After I find him,
you won't have to.
Don't go.
Stay with me.
I can't do that.
I thought it was your job to protect me.
You'II be safe here.
I don't want to be safe.
I'II be back soon.
And who's afraid now, Mr Bond?
Bets, pIease!
I want to see VaIentin Zukovsky.
Vodka martini.
Shaken, not stirred.
TeII him James Bond is here.
I don't think you heard me.
Mr Zukovsky wiII be deIighted to see you.
After you.
No, after you.
I insist.
Bond! James Bond!
Meet Nina
and Verushka.
Lose the girIs, VaIentin. We need to taIk.
Why am I suddenIy worried that I'm not carrying enough insurance?
ChiII out, James.
Fine, Iadies. Go on, beat it. Scram.
BuII, give them an inch.
And make sure they Iose it in this casino?
I'II see you Iater, Mr Bond.
I see you put your money where your mouth is.
Mr BuIIion does not trust banks.
So, what wouId you Iike to taIk about?
I'm not sure I can reaIIy heIp you.
I'm a Iegitimate businessman now.
WouId you care for some caviar?
My own brand, Zukovsky's Finest.
Take a Iook at this.
Russian SpeciaI Services.
Atomic Energy Anti-Terrorist Unit.
Where did you find this?
I took it off a parahawk
which tried to kiII EIektra King.
Renard is behind this.
I think you and I had better have a drink.
And then after Afghanistan the KGB decided
Renard was a IiabiIity, and just cut him Ioose.
Now he works freeIance.
But for whom?
There are four competing pipeIines.
I'II bet haIf the customers in this casino
wouId be very happy
to see the King pipeIine disappear.
- What's funny?
- Oh, nothing.
It just appears Miss King does not share your concern.
I wanna get my money back!
Why can't I get my money?
What are you doing here?
The same thing you are.
Looking for the peopIe who tried to kiII me.
Let me take you home.
No. I want them to see I'm not frightened.
Miss King, how very nice to see you.
We have kept your father's chair free.
Nothing comes free from you, Zukovsky.
Your father had a credit Iine with us
- one miIIion US.
I'd be happy to extend you that courtesy.
So, what's it to be?
BIackjack, your father's favourite?
Let's keep it simpIe.
One card, high draw,
$1 m.
Bury the top three cards.
You're determined to protect me.
Perhaps from yourseIf.
You don't have to do this.
There's no point in Iiving if you can't feeI aIive.
Queen of hearts.
It appears that you have been beaten.
By the ace of cIubs.
No hard feeIings.
Come again soon.
ShaII we?
this is a game I can't afford to pIay.
I know.
What happened to Davidov?
I gave him the night off.
WeIcome to the DeviI's Breath.
For thousands of years Hindu piIgrims
have journeyed to this hoIy pIace
to witness the wonder of the miracIe
of the naturaI fIames that never die.
And to test their devotion...
to God,
by hoIding the scaIding rocks in their hands
as they said their daiIy prayers.
TeII me, Davidov, what happened this afternoon?
You promised me your best men.
Mr Arkov suppIied the Iatest weapons.
Yes, but Bond...
Bond was unarmed.
And you, Arkov?
Is everything ready for tomorrow?
I have the authorisation and the passes in the car.
And I have arranged for a pIane tonight, but...
But what?
We shouId scrub the rest of the mission.
The parahawks were meant to be returned.
PeopIe wiII start asking questions,
even of me. Because of his incompetence!
I see. I see you're right.
You're right.
He shouId be punished.
Davidov, hoId this for me.
It was wrong of me to expect so much of you.
KiII him.
He faiIed his test of devotion.
You can take his pIace, take his ID.
And do be on time.
Ah, poor shouIder!
It Iooks painfuI.
It needs constant attention.
I knew.
I knew when I first saw you.
I knew it wouId be Iike this.
Enough ice for one day.
How did you survive?
I seduced the guards. Used my body.
It gave me controI.
And the rest, I got a gun and started shooting.
And what about you?
What do you do to survive?
I take pIeasure...
in great beauty.
Let's go.
It's getting Iate.
What happened to Davidov?
I was toId to expect him.
He was buried with work.
Let's go. Get your stuff.
OK, come on.
Let's get out of here.
You're Iate.
So this is where they meet, the two ends of the pipeIine?
Your father's Iegacy.
My famiIy's Iegacy... to the worId.
- Expecting visitors?
- No.
This isn't a sociaI caII.
Head for the guIIy.
I'II Iead them into the trees.
See you back at the Iodge.
Oh, my God, we're buried aIive!
It's aII right!
It's aII right!
I can't stay here!
You're not going to.
- I can't breathe!
- EIektra!
I can't breathe!
EIektra, Iook at me!
Look at my eyes.
Look at my eyes.
Look at my eyes!
You're aII right.
Everything's aII right.
Trust me.
OK. Trust me.
She's fine. Some bumps and bruises,
but otherwise fine. She wants to see you.
Not you, Davidov. Him.
Are you aII right?
I need to ask you something.
And I want you to teII me the truth.
Who is it?
Who is trying to kiII me?
I toId you, I don't know.
But I'm gonna find him.
Not good enough.
After the kidnapping I was afraid.
I was afraid to go outside, afraid to
be aIone, afraid to be in a crowd.
I was afraid to do anything at aII.
UntiI I reaIised...
I can't hide in the shadows.
I can't Iet fear run my Iife.
I won't.
After I find him,
you won't have to.
Don't go.
Stay with me.
I can't do that.
I thought it was your job to protect me.
You'II be safe here.
I don't want to be safe.
I'II be back soon.
And who's afraid now, Mr Bond?
Bets, pIease!
I want to see VaIentin Zukovsky.
Vodka martini.
Shaken, not stirred.
TeII him James Bond is here.
I don't think you heard me.
Mr Zukovsky wiII be deIighted to see you.
After you.
No, after you.
I insist.
Bond! James Bond!
Meet Nina
and Verushka.
Lose the girIs, VaIentin. We need to taIk.
Why am I suddenIy worried that I'm not carrying enough insurance?
ChiII out, James.
Fine, Iadies. Go on, beat it. Scram.
BuII, give them an inch.
And make sure they Iose it in this casino?
I'II see you Iater, Mr Bond.
I see you put your money where your mouth is.
Mr BuIIion does not trust banks.
So, what wouId you Iike to taIk about?
I'm not sure I can reaIIy heIp you.
I'm a Iegitimate businessman now.
WouId you care for some caviar?
My own brand, Zukovsky's Finest.
Take a Iook at this.
Russian SpeciaI Services.
Atomic Energy Anti-Terrorist Unit.
Where did you find this?
I took it off a parahawk
which tried to kiII EIektra King.
Renard is behind this.
I think you and I had better have a drink.
And then after Afghanistan the KGB decided
Renard was a IiabiIity, and just cut him Ioose.
Now he works freeIance.
But for whom?
There are four competing pipeIines.
I'II bet haIf the customers in this casino
wouId be very happy
to see the King pipeIine disappear.
- What's funny?
- Oh, nothing.
It just appears Miss King does not share your concern.
I wanna get my money back!
Why can't I get my money?
What are you doing here?
The same thing you are.
Looking for the peopIe who tried to kiII me.
Let me take you home.
No. I want them to see I'm not frightened.
Miss King, how very nice to see you.
We have kept your father's chair free.
Nothing comes free from you, Zukovsky.
Your father had a credit Iine with us
- one miIIion US.
I'd be happy to extend you that courtesy.
So, what's it to be?
BIackjack, your father's favourite?
Let's keep it simpIe.
One card, high draw,
$1 m.
Bury the top three cards.
You're determined to protect me.
Perhaps from yourseIf.
You don't have to do this.
There's no point in Iiving if you can't feeI aIive.
Queen of hearts.
It appears that you have been beaten.
By the ace of cIubs.
No hard feeIings.
Come again soon.
ShaII we?
this is a game I can't afford to pIay.
I know.
What happened to Davidov?
I gave him the night off.
WeIcome to the DeviI's Breath.
For thousands of years Hindu piIgrims
have journeyed to this hoIy pIace
to witness the wonder of the miracIe
of the naturaI fIames that never die.
And to test their devotion...
to God,
by hoIding the scaIding rocks in their hands
as they said their daiIy prayers.
TeII me, Davidov, what happened this afternoon?
You promised me your best men.
Mr Arkov suppIied the Iatest weapons.
Yes, but Bond...
Bond was unarmed.
And you, Arkov?
Is everything ready for tomorrow?
I have the authorisation and the passes in the car.
And I have arranged for a pIane tonight, but...
But what?
We shouId scrub the rest of the mission.
The parahawks were meant to be returned.
PeopIe wiII start asking questions,
even of me. Because of his incompetence!
I see. I see you're right.
You're right.
He shouId be punished.
Davidov, hoId this for me.
It was wrong of me to expect so much of you.
KiII him.
He faiIed his test of devotion.
You can take his pIace, take his ID.
And do be on time.
Ah, poor shouIder!
It Iooks painfuI.
It needs constant attention.
I knew.
I knew when I first saw you.
I knew it wouId be Iike this.
Enough ice for one day.
How did you survive?
I seduced the guards. Used my body.
It gave me controI.
And the rest, I got a gun and started shooting.
And what about you?
What do you do to survive?
I take pIeasure...
in great beauty.
Let's go.
It's getting Iate.
What happened to Davidov?
I was toId to expect him.
He was buried with work.
Let's go. Get your stuff.
OK, come on.
Let's get out of here.
You're Iate.
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