哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001)【完整台词】
哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001) 全部台词 (当前第5页,一共 7 页)
Now, you listen to me,|all three of you.
You're meddling in things that ought|not to be meddled in. It's dangerous.
What that dog is guarding is|between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel.
Nicholas Flamel?
I shouldn't have said that.|I should not have said that.
Nicholas Flamel.|Who's Nicholas Flamel?
I don't know.
Merry Christmas
Ring the Hogwart bell
Merry Christmas
Cast a Christmas spell
Knight to e5.
Queen to e5.
That's totally barbaric!
That's wizard's chess.|I see you've packed.
I see you haven't.
Change of plans. My parents went|to Romania to visit my brother Charlie.
- He's studying dragons there.|- Good. You can help Harry.
He's going to the library|to look up Nicholas Flamel.
We've looked a hundred times!
Not in the restricted section.|Happy Christmas.
I think we've had|a bad influence on her.
Harry, wake up!|Come on, Harry, wake up!
- Happy Christmas, Harry.|- Happy Christmas, Ron.
What are you wearing?
Oh, my mum made it.|Looks like you've got one too.
- I've got presents?|- Yeah.
There they are.
"Your father left this|in my possession before he died.
It is time it was returned to you.|Use it well."
- What is it?|- Some kind of cloak.
Well, let's see, then. Put it on.
My body's gone!
I know what that is.|That's an invisibility cloak!
I'm invisible?
They're really rare.|I wonder who gave it to you.
There was no name.|It just said, "Use it well".
Fifteenth-Century Fiends.
Flamel. Nicholas Flamel.|Where are you?
Who's there?
I know you're in there.|You can't hide.
Who is it? Show yourself.
Severus, I...
You don't want me|as your enemy, Quirrell.
- I don't know what you mean.|- You know perfectly well what I mean.
We'll have another little chat soon.
When you've had time to decide|where your loyalties lie.
Professors. I found this|in the restricted section.
It's still hot. That means|there's a student out of bed.
Ron, you've really gotta see this!|Ron, you've gotta see this!
Ron, come on, get out of bed!
- Why?|- There's something you've got to see!
Come on! Come!|Come look, it's my parents!
I only see us.
Look in properly.|Go on, stand there.
- There. You see them, don't you?|- That's me! Only I'm head boy.
And I'm holding the Quidditch Cup.
And bloody hell!|I'm Quidditch captain too!
I look good.
Harry, do you think this mirror|shows the future?
How can it?|Both my parents are dead.
Back again, Harry?
I see that you,|like many before you...
...have discovered the delights|of the Mirror of Erised.
I trust by now|you realize what it does.
Let me give you a clue.
The happiest man on earth...
...would look in the mirror|and see only himself...
...exactly as he is.
So then, it shows us what we want.|Whatever we want.
Yes. And no.
It shows us nothing more or less...
...than the deepest and most desperate|desires of our hearts.
Now you, Harry, who have|never known your family...
...you see them standing beside you.
But remember this, Harry.
This mirror gives us|neither knowledge...
...or truth.
Men have wasted away in front of it.|Even gone mad.
That is why tomorrow|it will be moved to a new home.
And I must ask you...
...not to go looking for it again.
It does not do to dwell on dreams...
...and forget to live.
I had you looking in the wrong section.|How could I be so stupid?
I checked this out weeks ago|for a bit of light reading.
This is light?
Of course! Here it is!
Nicholas Flamel is the only known|maker of the Philosopher's Stone.
The what?
Honestly, don't you two read?
"The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary|substance with astonishing powers."
"It'll transform any metal|into pure gold...
...and produces the Elixir of Life|which will make the drinker immortal."
- Immortal?|- It means you'll never die.
I know what it means!
"The only Stone currently in existence|belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel...
...the noted alchemist who last year|celebrated his 665th birthday."
That's what Fluffy's guarding.
That's what's under the trap door.|The Philosopher's Stone.
Don't wish to be rude,|but I'm in no state to entertain.
We know about the Philosopher's Stone.
- We think Snape's trying to steal it.|- Are you still on about him?
We know he's after it.|We don't know why.
Snape is one of the teachers|protecting the Stone. He won't steal it.
You heard. Come on,|I'm a bit preoccupied today.
Wait a minute.|"One of the teachers?"
There are other things|defending the Stone, aren't there?
- Spells, enchantments.|- Right.
Waste of bloody time, if you ask me.
Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy.
Ain't a soul knows how,|except for me and Dumbledore.
I shouldn't have told you that.|I should not have told you that.
- Hagrid, what exactly is that?|- That? It's...
I know what that is!
But, Hagrid, how did you get one?
I won it. Off a stranger|I met down at the pub.
Seemed quite glad to be rid of it,|as a matter of fact.
Is that...
...a dragon?
That's not just a dragon.|That's a Norwegian Ridgeback.
My brother works|with these in Romania.
Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him.|Look, he knows his mummy.
Hello, Norbert.
- Norbert?|- He's gotta have a name, don't he?
Don't you, Norbert?
He'll have to be trained up a bit,|of course.
Who's that?
Oh, dear.
Hagrid always wanted a dragon.|Told me so the first time I met him.
It's crazy.|And worse, Malfoy knows.
- I don't understand. Is that bad?|- It's bad.
Good evening.
Nothing, I repeat, nothing...
...gives a student the right|to walk about at night.
Therefore, as punishment for your actions,|50 points will be taken.
- 50?!|- Each.
To ensure it doesn't happen again...
...all four of you|will receive detention.
Excuse me, professor,|perhaps I heard you wrong.
I thought you said the four of us.
No, you heard me correctly.
Honorable as your intentions were,|you too were out of bed after hours.
You will join your classmates|in detention.
A pity they let|the old punishments die.
Was a time detention found you|hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons.
God, I miss the screaming.
You'll be serving detention|with Hagrid tonight.
He's got a little job to do|inside the Dark Forest.
A sorry lot, this, Hagrid.
Good God, you're not still on|about that bloody dragon, are you?
Norbert's gone.
Dumbledore sent him off to Romania|to live in a colony.
That's good, isn't it?|He's with his own kind.
What if he don't like Romania?
What if the other dragons are mean|to him? He's only a baby.
For God's sake, pull yourself together.|You're going into the Forest.
Got to have your wits about you.
The Forest? I thought that was a joke.|We can't go in there.
Students aren't allowed.|And there are...
There's more than werewolves|in those trees.
You can be sure of that.
Right. Let's go.
Hagrid, what is that?
What we're here for.|See that?
That's unicorn blood, that is.|I found one dead a few weeks ago.
Now, this one's been hurt bad|by something.
So, it's our job to go|and find the poor beast.
Ron, Hermione, come with me.
And, Harry, you'll go with Malfoy.
Okay. Then I get Fang.
Fine. Just so you know,|he's a bloody coward.
Wait till my father hears about this.|This is servant's stuff.
If I didn't know better,|I'd say you were scared.
You're meddling in things that ought|not to be meddled in. It's dangerous.
What that dog is guarding is|between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel.
Nicholas Flamel?
I shouldn't have said that.|I should not have said that.
Nicholas Flamel.|Who's Nicholas Flamel?
I don't know.
Merry Christmas
Ring the Hogwart bell
Merry Christmas
Cast a Christmas spell
Knight to e5.
Queen to e5.
That's totally barbaric!
That's wizard's chess.|I see you've packed.
I see you haven't.
Change of plans. My parents went|to Romania to visit my brother Charlie.
- He's studying dragons there.|- Good. You can help Harry.
He's going to the library|to look up Nicholas Flamel.
We've looked a hundred times!
Not in the restricted section.|Happy Christmas.
I think we've had|a bad influence on her.
Harry, wake up!|Come on, Harry, wake up!
- Happy Christmas, Harry.|- Happy Christmas, Ron.
What are you wearing?
Oh, my mum made it.|Looks like you've got one too.
- I've got presents?|- Yeah.
There they are.
"Your father left this|in my possession before he died.
It is time it was returned to you.|Use it well."
- What is it?|- Some kind of cloak.
Well, let's see, then. Put it on.
My body's gone!
I know what that is.|That's an invisibility cloak!
I'm invisible?
They're really rare.|I wonder who gave it to you.
There was no name.|It just said, "Use it well".
Fifteenth-Century Fiends.
Flamel. Nicholas Flamel.|Where are you?
Who's there?
I know you're in there.|You can't hide.
Who is it? Show yourself.
Severus, I...
You don't want me|as your enemy, Quirrell.
- I don't know what you mean.|- You know perfectly well what I mean.
We'll have another little chat soon.
When you've had time to decide|where your loyalties lie.
Professors. I found this|in the restricted section.
It's still hot. That means|there's a student out of bed.
Ron, you've really gotta see this!|Ron, you've gotta see this!
Ron, come on, get out of bed!
- Why?|- There's something you've got to see!
Come on! Come!|Come look, it's my parents!
I only see us.
Look in properly.|Go on, stand there.
- There. You see them, don't you?|- That's me! Only I'm head boy.
And I'm holding the Quidditch Cup.
And bloody hell!|I'm Quidditch captain too!
I look good.
Harry, do you think this mirror|shows the future?
How can it?|Both my parents are dead.
Back again, Harry?
I see that you,|like many before you...
...have discovered the delights|of the Mirror of Erised.
I trust by now|you realize what it does.
Let me give you a clue.
The happiest man on earth...
...would look in the mirror|and see only himself...
...exactly as he is.
So then, it shows us what we want.|Whatever we want.
Yes. And no.
It shows us nothing more or less...
...than the deepest and most desperate|desires of our hearts.
Now you, Harry, who have|never known your family...
...you see them standing beside you.
But remember this, Harry.
This mirror gives us|neither knowledge...
...or truth.
Men have wasted away in front of it.|Even gone mad.
That is why tomorrow|it will be moved to a new home.
And I must ask you...
...not to go looking for it again.
It does not do to dwell on dreams...
...and forget to live.
I had you looking in the wrong section.|How could I be so stupid?
I checked this out weeks ago|for a bit of light reading.
This is light?
Of course! Here it is!
Nicholas Flamel is the only known|maker of the Philosopher's Stone.
The what?
Honestly, don't you two read?
"The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary|substance with astonishing powers."
"It'll transform any metal|into pure gold...
...and produces the Elixir of Life|which will make the drinker immortal."
- Immortal?|- It means you'll never die.
I know what it means!
"The only Stone currently in existence|belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel...
...the noted alchemist who last year|celebrated his 665th birthday."
That's what Fluffy's guarding.
That's what's under the trap door.|The Philosopher's Stone.
Don't wish to be rude,|but I'm in no state to entertain.
We know about the Philosopher's Stone.
- We think Snape's trying to steal it.|- Are you still on about him?
We know he's after it.|We don't know why.
Snape is one of the teachers|protecting the Stone. He won't steal it.
You heard. Come on,|I'm a bit preoccupied today.
Wait a minute.|"One of the teachers?"
There are other things|defending the Stone, aren't there?
- Spells, enchantments.|- Right.
Waste of bloody time, if you ask me.
Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy.
Ain't a soul knows how,|except for me and Dumbledore.
I shouldn't have told you that.|I should not have told you that.
- Hagrid, what exactly is that?|- That? It's...
I know what that is!
But, Hagrid, how did you get one?
I won it. Off a stranger|I met down at the pub.
Seemed quite glad to be rid of it,|as a matter of fact.
Is that...
...a dragon?
That's not just a dragon.|That's a Norwegian Ridgeback.
My brother works|with these in Romania.
Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him.|Look, he knows his mummy.
Hello, Norbert.
- Norbert?|- He's gotta have a name, don't he?
Don't you, Norbert?
He'll have to be trained up a bit,|of course.
Who's that?
Oh, dear.
Hagrid always wanted a dragon.|Told me so the first time I met him.
It's crazy.|And worse, Malfoy knows.
- I don't understand. Is that bad?|- It's bad.
Good evening.
Nothing, I repeat, nothing...
...gives a student the right|to walk about at night.
Therefore, as punishment for your actions,|50 points will be taken.
- 50?!|- Each.
To ensure it doesn't happen again...
...all four of you|will receive detention.
Excuse me, professor,|perhaps I heard you wrong.
I thought you said the four of us.
No, you heard me correctly.
Honorable as your intentions were,|you too were out of bed after hours.
You will join your classmates|in detention.
A pity they let|the old punishments die.
Was a time detention found you|hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons.
God, I miss the screaming.
You'll be serving detention|with Hagrid tonight.
He's got a little job to do|inside the Dark Forest.
A sorry lot, this, Hagrid.
Good God, you're not still on|about that bloody dragon, are you?
Norbert's gone.
Dumbledore sent him off to Romania|to live in a colony.
That's good, isn't it?|He's with his own kind.
What if he don't like Romania?
What if the other dragons are mean|to him? He's only a baby.
For God's sake, pull yourself together.|You're going into the Forest.
Got to have your wits about you.
The Forest? I thought that was a joke.|We can't go in there.
Students aren't allowed.|And there are...
There's more than werewolves|in those trees.
You can be sure of that.
Right. Let's go.
Hagrid, what is that?
What we're here for.|See that?
That's unicorn blood, that is.|I found one dead a few weeks ago.
Now, this one's been hurt bad|by something.
So, it's our job to go|and find the poor beast.
Ron, Hermione, come with me.
And, Harry, you'll go with Malfoy.
Okay. Then I get Fang.
Fine. Just so you know,|he's a bloody coward.
Wait till my father hears about this.|This is servant's stuff.
If I didn't know better,|I'd say you were scared.
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