哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)【完整台词】
哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) 全部台词 (当前第9页,一共 9 页)
I'd like a conversation with this one...
... girl to girl!
What are we gonna do??
We can't leave Hermione alone with her!
The Sword is meant to be in my vault
How did you get it?
- Did you and your friend STEAL FROM MY VAULT?
I didn't take anything.
I do not believe you.
- We have to do something?!
- There is no way out of here.
We tried everything.
It's enchanted
You are Bleeding Harry, its a curious thing to
keep on yourself
Help us!
- Let her go
- Get Back!
You Goblin, come with me.
What are you doing here?
Dobby has come to rescue
Harry Potter!
Dobby will alwyas be
there for Harry Potter.
You say that you can apparate
out of this room ?
- Can you take us with you
- Of course, I'm a elf
No clear.
Well, Dobby, take Luna
and Mr. Ollivander, please.
Take them to shell cottage
its near the sea.
Trust me.
When you're ready, sir.
I like her very much!
Meet me at top of the
stairs in ten seconds.
Who gets his wand?
So once again, goblin
Think it very very carefully.
- How to get there?
- I do not know!
You don't know?
Please try again.
Who got into my vault?
Who stole it?
Who stole it?
Impossible to break into Gringotts
the sword is there.
Mudblood / i
How did it get here then?
Nowhere is safer,
than in Gringotts bank.
Consider yourself lucky goblin
- This does not apply to her.
- You only think!
Expelliarmus / i
Stupefy! / i
Drop your wands.
I said, drop them!
Pick em up, Draco, now!
Well well well ...
Look who we have here.
Its Harry Potter.
Whole bright shiny and new
Just in time for the Dark Lord.
Call him.
Call him
Stupefy! / i
Stupid elf!
You could have kill me?!
Dobby never meant to kill .
Dobby only meant to maim or
seriously injure
How dare you take a
witch's wand?
How dare you
defy your masters?
Dobby has no master!
Dobby is a free elf...
... and Dobby has come to save
Harry Potter and his friends
Are you alright?
We are safe.
We are all safe.
Harry Potter ...
That would be fine ...
Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on, yes?
We are going to fix it.
Hermione, the dittany ...
... in your purse!
Help me!
It's so beautiful than alone...
... with you here as friends.
Dobby is Happy ...
... that may be
with his friend ...
... Harry Potter.
We should close his eyes ...
... don't you think
Now he could be sleeping.
I want to bury him...
...Properly, without magic.
... girl to girl!
What are we gonna do??
We can't leave Hermione alone with her!
The Sword is meant to be in my vault
How did you get it?
- Did you and your friend STEAL FROM MY VAULT?
I didn't take anything.
I do not believe you.
- We have to do something?!
- There is no way out of here.
We tried everything.
It's enchanted
You are Bleeding Harry, its a curious thing to
keep on yourself
Help us!
- Let her go
- Get Back!
You Goblin, come with me.
What are you doing here?
Dobby has come to rescue
Harry Potter!
Dobby will alwyas be
there for Harry Potter.
You say that you can apparate
out of this room ?
- Can you take us with you
- Of course, I'm a elf
No clear.
Well, Dobby, take Luna
and Mr. Ollivander, please.
Take them to shell cottage
its near the sea.
Trust me.
When you're ready, sir.
I like her very much!
Meet me at top of the
stairs in ten seconds.
Who gets his wand?
So once again, goblin
Think it very very carefully.
- How to get there?
- I do not know!
You don't know?
Please try again.
Who got into my vault?
Who stole it?
Who stole it?
Impossible to break into Gringotts
the sword is there.
Mudblood / i
How did it get here then?
Nowhere is safer,
than in Gringotts bank.
Consider yourself lucky goblin
- This does not apply to her.
- You only think!
Expelliarmus / i
Stupefy! / i
Drop your wands.
I said, drop them!
Pick em up, Draco, now!
Well well well ...
Look who we have here.
Its Harry Potter.
Whole bright shiny and new
Just in time for the Dark Lord.
Call him.
Call him
Stupefy! / i
Stupid elf!
You could have kill me?!
Dobby never meant to kill .
Dobby only meant to maim or
seriously injure
How dare you take a
witch's wand?
How dare you
defy your masters?
Dobby has no master!
Dobby is a free elf...
... and Dobby has come to save
Harry Potter and his friends
Are you alright?
We are safe.
We are all safe.
Harry Potter ...
That would be fine ...
Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on, yes?
We are going to fix it.
Hermione, the dittany ...
... in your purse!
Help me!
It's so beautiful than alone...
... with you here as friends.
Dobby is Happy ...
... that may be
with his friend ...
... Harry Potter.
We should close his eyes ...
... don't you think
Now he could be sleeping.
I want to bury him...
...Properly, without magic.
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