忠犬八公的故事 Hachi: A Dog's Tale(2009)【完整台词】
忠犬八公的故事 Hachi: A Dog's Tale(2009) 全部台词 (当前第5页,一共 8 页)
Tell me about something.
That's great, Jake.
Cate! Have you seen Hachi?
He wasn't at the station.
No, I haven't seen him since
this morning.
- Hmm.
- Here!
Look at her.
Can you believe they had
her cover for 30 years?
It's beautiful.
Yes, yes.
- I'm falling behind schedule.
- Aww, you'll catch up.
Just think about opening night,
that will freak you out?
The young soloist step down stage
sings from La Bohme.
And then dance, of course.
Following that,
rock, rap, hip-hop, jazz and...
Then, of course, the entire town is
going to rise up, standing ovation,
the whole place going crazy.
Mayor seize you down,
he pulls you up on stage,
put you center stage and thank
you for making it all possible.
I like it.
Come on boy.
What are you doing?
Stay, stay Hachi.
Sh-sh-sh, don't bother it.
Okay, go on, go away.
Go on, get out!
Get... get, get out of here.
Get out! Get out!
Well, okay.
Come on... come on.
We got skunk!
You want to come in with us?
No, I'm going to pass.
Well, okay.
Better open the window
before you go to sleep.
You really think we smell
that bad?
Perhaps you're right.
Oh, hi honey.
What's up?
Hey, can I tell you something?
Guess what?
- Okay, wait... that's right.
- What?
See anything different?
Oh... it's so sweet.
Oh, it's so wonderful!
I've to call grandma right away.
Where is dad?
Out there, as usual.
Dad, what're you doing?
It's a full body massage,
following the book, see it?
You're gonna be a grandfather.
You gotta get really deep
down into the muscle...
Dad, dad!
Micheal and I are having a baby.
I am pregnant.
You're having a baby?
- I'm going to be a grandpa.
- Yes.
Cathy, I can't believe this!
This is terrific news.
I'm so happy for you.
Hi sweetie.
- Mom.
- I'm sorry I'm late.
Oh, what you got?
All kinds of healthy things for you.
Fresh vegetables, raspberries,
pita with cholesterol-less sprouts...
You know, when I was carrying you,
I was sending out your
father for pizza with red pepper
and double anchovies for
a week straight.
He couldn't even watch when I eat it.
You and dad have been
together for 25 years.
We've been longer together
than we've been apart.
Dad said after your first date,
by the time he got back...
to the car, he miss you so much,
he went back for you.
I know, I was watching
from the window.
And when I saw him come
up the walk again,
I almost ran out the door
and jumps into his arm.
- Should have.
- I know.
But I always stop and
think too much.
That's true... you do.
- Don't do that.
- Okay.
Hey, Hachi!
Come on... Hachi, come on.
He always greets him there?
- Isn't it strange?
- Come on, let's go home.
Hey, Mr. Professor.
Good night, Parker!
Good night, Mary Anne.
How do you taught your
dog to do that?
That's amazing, everyday.
You're all dress.
Well, that might be something
I'll be able to do without.
Thank you.
Anything else you required, madam?
It depends on what you've got.
Yeah... everything.
You've to put up with a lot,
I know that.
I don't remember ever
thanking you.
You know how much I love you.
And I love you.
Especially when you do smell
like a dog or a skunk.
That doesn't happen very often,
actually you should worried about...
It happens, just don't know when.
- I love you. Call you later.
- And I love you too, bye-bye.
Okay, Hachi... come on.
Hachi... come on.
Come on now, what's wrong
with you... come on.
What's it?
Come here Come here!
Come here...
Come here, what's with you?
Come here now, you've got a problem?
Alright, what's going on?
That's great, Jake.
Cate! Have you seen Hachi?
He wasn't at the station.
No, I haven't seen him since
this morning.
- Hmm.
- Here!
Look at her.
Can you believe they had
her cover for 30 years?
It's beautiful.
Yes, yes.
- I'm falling behind schedule.
- Aww, you'll catch up.
Just think about opening night,
that will freak you out?
The young soloist step down stage
sings from La Bohme.
And then dance, of course.
Following that,
rock, rap, hip-hop, jazz and...
Then, of course, the entire town is
going to rise up, standing ovation,
the whole place going crazy.
Mayor seize you down,
he pulls you up on stage,
put you center stage and thank
you for making it all possible.
I like it.
Come on boy.
What are you doing?
Stay, stay Hachi.
Sh-sh-sh, don't bother it.
Okay, go on, go away.
Go on, get out!
Get... get, get out of here.
Get out! Get out!
Well, okay.
Come on... come on.
We got skunk!
You want to come in with us?
No, I'm going to pass.
Well, okay.
Better open the window
before you go to sleep.
You really think we smell
that bad?
Perhaps you're right.
Oh, hi honey.
What's up?
Hey, can I tell you something?
Guess what?
- Okay, wait... that's right.
- What?
See anything different?
Oh... it's so sweet.
Oh, it's so wonderful!
I've to call grandma right away.
Where is dad?
Out there, as usual.
Dad, what're you doing?
It's a full body massage,
following the book, see it?
You're gonna be a grandfather.
You gotta get really deep
down into the muscle...
Dad, dad!
Micheal and I are having a baby.
I am pregnant.
You're having a baby?
- I'm going to be a grandpa.
- Yes.
Cathy, I can't believe this!
This is terrific news.
I'm so happy for you.
Hi sweetie.
- Mom.
- I'm sorry I'm late.
Oh, what you got?
All kinds of healthy things for you.
Fresh vegetables, raspberries,
pita with cholesterol-less sprouts...
You know, when I was carrying you,
I was sending out your
father for pizza with red pepper
and double anchovies for
a week straight.
He couldn't even watch when I eat it.
You and dad have been
together for 25 years.
We've been longer together
than we've been apart.
Dad said after your first date,
by the time he got back...
to the car, he miss you so much,
he went back for you.
I know, I was watching
from the window.
And when I saw him come
up the walk again,
I almost ran out the door
and jumps into his arm.
- Should have.
- I know.
But I always stop and
think too much.
That's true... you do.
- Don't do that.
- Okay.
Hey, Hachi!
Come on... Hachi, come on.
He always greets him there?
- Isn't it strange?
- Come on, let's go home.
Hey, Mr. Professor.
Good night, Parker!
Good night, Mary Anne.
How do you taught your
dog to do that?
That's amazing, everyday.
You're all dress.
Well, that might be something
I'll be able to do without.
Thank you.
Anything else you required, madam?
It depends on what you've got.
Yeah... everything.
You've to put up with a lot,
I know that.
I don't remember ever
thanking you.
You know how much I love you.
And I love you.
Especially when you do smell
like a dog or a skunk.
That doesn't happen very often,
actually you should worried about...
It happens, just don't know when.
- I love you. Call you later.
- And I love you too, bye-bye.
Okay, Hachi... come on.
Hachi... come on.
Come on now, what's wrong
with you... come on.
What's it?
Come here Come here!
Come here...
Come here, what's with you?
Come here now, you've got a problem?
Alright, what's going on?
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