忠犬八公的故事 Hachi: A Dog's Tale(2009)【完整台词】
忠犬八公的故事 Hachi: A Dog's Tale(2009) 全部台词 (当前第1页,一共 8 页)
So, even if Columbus got lost and
wasn't the first to discover America,
he is still my hero.
He was really brave to sail his
tiny ship over a really big ocean.
And because of him, we get
Columbus day off from school.
Thank you, Heather. Ronnie?
Tell us about your hero.
What is he writing?
Hachiko was my grandfather
Wilson's dog.
Everyone called Hachi a mystery
dog because,
they never really knew
where he came from.
Maybe Hachi escaped from
a dog pound.
Or maybe he jumped out of
somebody's car,
from some place faraway like
Florida or New Jersey.
But no matter how, Hachi was lost.
No matter how it happened,
a long time ago, in a town my
grandfather lived in...
Hachi appeared at the train station.
And that's where their story begin.
Six days?
- I'll miss it.
- Yes.
That was great, a lot of music.
No, no, no, I'll walk. I'll walk.
Yeah, I love you, too. Bye.
Hey, buddy... you lost?
Come here.
Come ...
You lost here, bud?
Someone must be looking for you.
This guy was wandering around.
- Really... out on the platform?
- On the platform, yeah!
Good for you for finding him.
Yeah. Well...
I tell you, this little crate
out there is broken.
I don't know what's going on but,
Hey, someone gonna be
here for him, sorry.
- Yeah.
- You just hold him here.
Please hold him till they comes.
No, I can't... I can't do that.
- I can't do that, Professor.
- What?
Well, he was here... No one was
gonna leave this dog, this--
I... know, I know that. I know,
no one's gonna leave it there.
They'll be back for it so...
You take him with ya, and
when anyone show's up...
I'll tell them that you've it.
- Someone gonna be here.
- Yeah.
You know, you don't understand.
Someone will come for him.
Really, just --
I'm gonna have to put this in here for
like the whole night if nobody comes.
If they're not here,
I'll locked him in here and
he'll be safe for the night but...
I... I... all I can do is take him to
the pound in the morning.
Well, today's Friday.
Know where you went...
Meanwhile stay with me.
In a warm house, plenty of company,
you'll be alright.
What? Yeah, you'll like it.
Sh-sh-sh ...
Here, sit right here.
Sit right there.
Okay... yeah, here you go.
Ok, come on. Stay, stay...
It's your house, it's okay.
Hello, handsome.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How did it go?
- It was great.
- You good, you missed me?
- Not a bit, and you?
No, didn't think about you none.
I've a little surprise.
Yeah... well, I might have a little
surprise for you too.
Come on,
we've some catching up to do.
Catching up. Catch up!
Do you hear something?
That was a branch against
the window.
- Okay, okay... it's alright!
- Parker!
- We had an agreement!
- I know, I know...
- Or did you forget?
- No, I didn't forget!
No, he was at the train station.
I mean, it just...
Kind of lost. Carl was gonna send him
to the pound tomorrow and I thought...
You just thought you bring him home
and talk me into keeping him, right?
No, no, I don't want to keep him.
I don't.
Tomorrow morning I'm
getting up early and find
out exactly where he belongs,
okay. I promise.
I promise you, I will do that.
Alright, this was Lucas's stuff.
Okay... okay.
Okay, here we go. Get in there.
Now look, a lot of good stuffs here.
Keeps you warm, you get that.
This is pretty cool.
You like this?
Yep, this was Luke's favorite.
Here's your water.
Seems strange. You could tell, huh.
Could ya?
Okay, buddy.
That's better.
Good night, buddy.
You know, you're the one who's
should be in the doghouse.
I promise,
I won't bite your finger.
Puppy, puppy!
Here, hey... puppy.
Puppy, puppy... come on.
That's good... ohh.
Good puppy.
Dad, I love him.
Does he have a name yet?
Yes, he does. Temporary guest!
You'll have to keep him.
Don't the house
feel so empty since Lucas been gone.
Ask your mother.
Could you come here, please?
Look, he even likes your music.
Really? I can't believe it,
he's a wonder dog.
I absolutely have to keep this.
No more dog.
Don't encourage him.
I won't!
You're so mean.
Dad, he's gonna jump out
of it, here.
Oh yeah, that's better.
You know what, bud?
Well, that's good.
I like it, great!
So, you saw Michael last night?
Yeah, we drove over to the look-out.
Looks common but it's beautiful.
Very romantic.
It was.
Are you the...
Can I help you, pop?
Yeah... yeah, I just found this little
wasn't the first to discover America,
he is still my hero.
He was really brave to sail his
tiny ship over a really big ocean.
And because of him, we get
Columbus day off from school.
Thank you, Heather. Ronnie?
Tell us about your hero.
What is he writing?
Hachiko was my grandfather
Wilson's dog.
Everyone called Hachi a mystery
dog because,
they never really knew
where he came from.
Maybe Hachi escaped from
a dog pound.
Or maybe he jumped out of
somebody's car,
from some place faraway like
Florida or New Jersey.
But no matter how, Hachi was lost.
No matter how it happened,
a long time ago, in a town my
grandfather lived in...
Hachi appeared at the train station.
And that's where their story begin.
Six days?
- I'll miss it.
- Yes.
That was great, a lot of music.
No, no, no, I'll walk. I'll walk.
Yeah, I love you, too. Bye.
Hey, buddy... you lost?
Come here.
Come ...
You lost here, bud?
Someone must be looking for you.
This guy was wandering around.
- Really... out on the platform?
- On the platform, yeah!
Good for you for finding him.
Yeah. Well...
I tell you, this little crate
out there is broken.
I don't know what's going on but,
Hey, someone gonna be
here for him, sorry.
- Yeah.
- You just hold him here.
Please hold him till they comes.
No, I can't... I can't do that.
- I can't do that, Professor.
- What?
Well, he was here... No one was
gonna leave this dog, this--
I... know, I know that. I know,
no one's gonna leave it there.
They'll be back for it so...
You take him with ya, and
when anyone show's up...
I'll tell them that you've it.
- Someone gonna be here.
- Yeah.
You know, you don't understand.
Someone will come for him.
Really, just --
I'm gonna have to put this in here for
like the whole night if nobody comes.
If they're not here,
I'll locked him in here and
he'll be safe for the night but...
I... I... all I can do is take him to
the pound in the morning.
Well, today's Friday.
Know where you went...
Meanwhile stay with me.
In a warm house, plenty of company,
you'll be alright.
What? Yeah, you'll like it.
Sh-sh-sh ...
Here, sit right here.
Sit right there.
Okay... yeah, here you go.
Ok, come on. Stay, stay...
It's your house, it's okay.
Hello, handsome.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How did it go?
- It was great.
- You good, you missed me?
- Not a bit, and you?
No, didn't think about you none.
I've a little surprise.
Yeah... well, I might have a little
surprise for you too.
Come on,
we've some catching up to do.
Catching up. Catch up!
Do you hear something?
That was a branch against
the window.
- Okay, okay... it's alright!
- Parker!
- We had an agreement!
- I know, I know...
- Or did you forget?
- No, I didn't forget!
No, he was at the train station.
I mean, it just...
Kind of lost. Carl was gonna send him
to the pound tomorrow and I thought...
You just thought you bring him home
and talk me into keeping him, right?
No, no, I don't want to keep him.
I don't.
Tomorrow morning I'm
getting up early and find
out exactly where he belongs,
okay. I promise.
I promise you, I will do that.
Alright, this was Lucas's stuff.
Okay... okay.
Okay, here we go. Get in there.
Now look, a lot of good stuffs here.
Keeps you warm, you get that.
This is pretty cool.
You like this?
Yep, this was Luke's favorite.
Here's your water.
Seems strange. You could tell, huh.
Could ya?
Okay, buddy.
That's better.
Good night, buddy.
You know, you're the one who's
should be in the doghouse.
I promise,
I won't bite your finger.
Puppy, puppy!
Here, hey... puppy.
Puppy, puppy... come on.
That's good... ohh.
Good puppy.
Dad, I love him.
Does he have a name yet?
Yes, he does. Temporary guest!
You'll have to keep him.
Don't the house
feel so empty since Lucas been gone.
Ask your mother.
Could you come here, please?
Look, he even likes your music.
Really? I can't believe it,
he's a wonder dog.
I absolutely have to keep this.
No more dog.
Don't encourage him.
I won't!
You're so mean.
Dad, he's gonna jump out
of it, here.
Oh yeah, that's better.
You know what, bud?
Well, that's good.
I like it, great!
So, you saw Michael last night?
Yeah, we drove over to the look-out.
Looks common but it's beautiful.
Very romantic.
It was.
Are you the...
Can I help you, pop?
Yeah... yeah, I just found this little
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