教父 The Godfather (1972)【完整台词】
教父 The Godfather (1972) 全部台词 (当前第5页,一共 12 页)
Maybe we shouldn't get Mike
mixed up in this too directly.
Hanging around the house on
the phone would be a big help.
Try Luca again.
- What's this?
- A Sicilian message.
It means Luca Brasi
sleeps with the fishes.
- I'm going.
- When will you be home?
Probably late.
- Don't forget the cannoli!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Rocco, sit on the other side.
You block the rear-view mirror.
Sonny's running wild. He wants
to go to mattresses already.
We have to find a spot on the
West Side. Try 309 West 43rd Street.
- Know a good spot on the West Side?
- I'll think about it.
Think while you're driving.
I want to hit New York this month.
Watch the kids.
Paulie, go down 39th Street, pick up
Yeah, all right.
Make sure they're clean, because
the guys will be there a long time.
- They're clean and exterminated.
- That's a bad word to use.
Exterminate! Watch out,
so we don't exterminate you!
Pull over. I've got to take a leak.
Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
Hey, Mike! Hey, Mikey!
- Yeah.
- Phone call!
- Who is it?
- Some girl.
- Hello. Kay?
- How's your father?
He's going to make it.
I love you.
I love you!
- Michael?
- Yeah, I know.
- Tell me you love me.
- I can't talk.
Can't you say it?
I'll see you tonight.
Why don't you tell that nice girl
you love her?
I love you with all my heart. If I don't
see you again soon, I'm going to die!
Come and learn something. You might
have to cook for 20 guys some day.
You start with a little oil,
then fry some garlic.
Throw in some tomatoes, tomato paste,
fry it and make sure it doesn't stick.
You get it to a boil, you shove in
all your sausage and meatballs.
Add a little bit of wine.
And a little bit of sugar. That's my trick.
Cut the crap. I have more important
things for you. How's Paulie?
You won't see him anymore.
- Where are you going?
- To the city.
- Send bodyguards with him.
- I'm going to the hospital...
He'll be all right. Sollozzo knows
he's a civilian.
- Be careful.
- Yes, sir.
Send somebody with him anyway.
- I have to go.
- Can I go with you?
No, Kay. There will be detectives there,
people from the press.
I'll wait in the cab.
I don't want you to get involved.
When will I see you again?
Go back to New Hampshire, and I'll
call you at your parents' house.
- When will I see you again, Michael?
- I don't know.
What are you doing here?
You're not supposed to be here.
I'm Michael Corleone. This is my father.
What happened to the guards?
Your father had too many visitors.
They interfered with hospital service.
The police made them leave
about ten minutes ago.
Get me Long Beach 45620, please.
Nurse. Wait a minute. Stay here.
Sonny, I'm at the hospital.
I got here late, there's nobody here.
No Tessio's men, no detectives,
nobody. Papa's all alone.
- Don't panic.
- I won't panic.
I'm sorry, but you will have to leave.
We're going to move him to another
room. Can you disconnect the tubes?
- That's out of the question!
- Do you know my father?
Men are coming here to kill him.
Do you understand?
Help me, please.
- Who are you?
- I am Enzo, the baker.
- Remember me?
- Enzo.
You'd better go,
there's going to be trouble.
If there is trouble, I'll stay here to
help you. For your father.
Listen. Wait for me outside,
in front of the hospital, all right?
I'll be out in a minute.
Just lie here, Pop.
I'll take care of you now.
I'm with you now.
I'm with you.
Get rid of these. Come here.
Put your hand in your pocket, like you
have a gun. You'll be all right.
You did good.
I thought all you Guinea hoods
were locked up!
- Why isn't anyone guarding my father?
- You little punk!
Don't you tell me my business!
I pulled them off.
- Stay away from this hospital!
- Not until my father's room is guarded.
- Phil, take him in!
- The kid's clean, Captain.
- He's a war hero. He's never been...
- I said take him in!
- What's The Turk paying you?
- Take a hold of him. Stand him up.
Stand him up straight.
I'm the Corleone's attorney. These men
are hired to protect Vito Corleone.
They're licensed to carry firearms.
If you interfere, you'll have to appear
before the judge and show cause.
Let him go.
- What's with all the new faces?
- We'll need them now.
After the hospital thing, Sonny got mad.
We hit Bruno Tattaglia this morning.
Jesus Christ.
Looks like a fortress around here.
Tommasuccio! Hey... 100 buttonmen
on the street 24 hours a day.
That Turk shows one hair on his ass,
he's dead.
Mike, let me look at you.
You're beautiful, beautiful.
You're gorgeous.
The Turk wants to talk! Imagine
the nerve of the son-of-a-bitch.
- He wants a meeting today.
- What did he say?
What did he say... He wants us to send
Michael to hear the proposition.
He promises that the deal
is too good to refuse.
- And Bruno Tattaglia?
- That's part of the deal.
- He cancels out what they did to Father.
- We should listen to them.
No more! Not this time, Consigliere.
No more meetings, discussions,
or Sollozzo tricks.
mixed up in this too directly.
Hanging around the house on
the phone would be a big help.
Try Luca again.
- What's this?
- A Sicilian message.
It means Luca Brasi
sleeps with the fishes.
- I'm going.
- When will you be home?
Probably late.
- Don't forget the cannoli!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Rocco, sit on the other side.
You block the rear-view mirror.
Sonny's running wild. He wants
to go to mattresses already.
We have to find a spot on the
West Side. Try 309 West 43rd Street.
- Know a good spot on the West Side?
- I'll think about it.
Think while you're driving.
I want to hit New York this month.
Watch the kids.
Paulie, go down 39th Street, pick up
Yeah, all right.
Make sure they're clean, because
the guys will be there a long time.
- They're clean and exterminated.
- That's a bad word to use.
Exterminate! Watch out,
so we don't exterminate you!
Pull over. I've got to take a leak.
Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
Hey, Mike! Hey, Mikey!
- Yeah.
- Phone call!
- Who is it?
- Some girl.
- Hello. Kay?
- How's your father?
He's going to make it.
I love you.
I love you!
- Michael?
- Yeah, I know.
- Tell me you love me.
- I can't talk.
Can't you say it?
I'll see you tonight.
Why don't you tell that nice girl
you love her?
I love you with all my heart. If I don't
see you again soon, I'm going to die!
Come and learn something. You might
have to cook for 20 guys some day.
You start with a little oil,
then fry some garlic.
Throw in some tomatoes, tomato paste,
fry it and make sure it doesn't stick.
You get it to a boil, you shove in
all your sausage and meatballs.
Add a little bit of wine.
And a little bit of sugar. That's my trick.
Cut the crap. I have more important
things for you. How's Paulie?
You won't see him anymore.
- Where are you going?
- To the city.
- Send bodyguards with him.
- I'm going to the hospital...
He'll be all right. Sollozzo knows
he's a civilian.
- Be careful.
- Yes, sir.
Send somebody with him anyway.
- I have to go.
- Can I go with you?
No, Kay. There will be detectives there,
people from the press.
I'll wait in the cab.
I don't want you to get involved.
When will I see you again?
Go back to New Hampshire, and I'll
call you at your parents' house.
- When will I see you again, Michael?
- I don't know.
What are you doing here?
You're not supposed to be here.
I'm Michael Corleone. This is my father.
What happened to the guards?
Your father had too many visitors.
They interfered with hospital service.
The police made them leave
about ten minutes ago.
Get me Long Beach 45620, please.
Nurse. Wait a minute. Stay here.
Sonny, I'm at the hospital.
I got here late, there's nobody here.
No Tessio's men, no detectives,
nobody. Papa's all alone.
- Don't panic.
- I won't panic.
I'm sorry, but you will have to leave.
We're going to move him to another
room. Can you disconnect the tubes?
- That's out of the question!
- Do you know my father?
Men are coming here to kill him.
Do you understand?
Help me, please.
- Who are you?
- I am Enzo, the baker.
- Remember me?
- Enzo.
You'd better go,
there's going to be trouble.
If there is trouble, I'll stay here to
help you. For your father.
Listen. Wait for me outside,
in front of the hospital, all right?
I'll be out in a minute.
Just lie here, Pop.
I'll take care of you now.
I'm with you now.
I'm with you.
Get rid of these. Come here.
Put your hand in your pocket, like you
have a gun. You'll be all right.
You did good.
I thought all you Guinea hoods
were locked up!
- Why isn't anyone guarding my father?
- You little punk!
Don't you tell me my business!
I pulled them off.
- Stay away from this hospital!
- Not until my father's room is guarded.
- Phil, take him in!
- The kid's clean, Captain.
- He's a war hero. He's never been...
- I said take him in!
- What's The Turk paying you?
- Take a hold of him. Stand him up.
Stand him up straight.
I'm the Corleone's attorney. These men
are hired to protect Vito Corleone.
They're licensed to carry firearms.
If you interfere, you'll have to appear
before the judge and show cause.
Let him go.
- What's with all the new faces?
- We'll need them now.
After the hospital thing, Sonny got mad.
We hit Bruno Tattaglia this morning.
Jesus Christ.
Looks like a fortress around here.
Tommasuccio! Hey... 100 buttonmen
on the street 24 hours a day.
That Turk shows one hair on his ass,
he's dead.
Mike, let me look at you.
You're beautiful, beautiful.
You're gorgeous.
The Turk wants to talk! Imagine
the nerve of the son-of-a-bitch.
- He wants a meeting today.
- What did he say?
What did he say... He wants us to send
Michael to hear the proposition.
He promises that the deal
is too good to refuse.
- And Bruno Tattaglia?
- That's part of the deal.
- He cancels out what they did to Father.
- We should listen to them.
No more! Not this time, Consigliere.
No more meetings, discussions,
or Sollozzo tricks.
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