千钧一发 Gattaca (1997)【完整台词】
千钧一发 Gattaca (1997) 全部台词 (当前第1页,一共 5 页)
Welcome to Gattaca.
You keep your workstation
so clean, Jerome.
lt's next to godliness.
- lsn't that what they say?
- Godliness.
l reviewed your flight plan.
Not one error in a million keystrokes.
Phenomenal. lt's right that someone
like you is taking us to Titan.
Has the committee approved the mission?
There's been talk of delay.
You shouldn't listen to talk.
You leave in a week.
You've got a substance test.
lf you have been notified
for substance analysis,
please report to the testing center.
Jerome! Never shy. Pisses on command.
A beautiful piece of equipment there, Jerome.
Whoever told you that.
Only every time l'm in here.
Occupational hazard. l see a great
many in the course of any given day.
Yours just happens to be
an exceptional example.
Why my folks didn't order
one like that for me?
By the way,
have l ever told you about my son?
No, you haven't.
Remind me to sometime.
So, you're about to go up.
One week left.
Please tell me you're the least bit excited.
l'll tell you at the end of the week.
Congratulations, Jerome.
Thank you.
How many launches are there in a day?
A dozen?
Sometimes more.
You're the only one
who watches every one of them.
lf you're going to pretend
like you don't care, don't look up.
The most unremarkable of events.
Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1st Class,
is about to embark
on a one-year manned mission to Titan,
the 14th moon of Saturn.
A highly prestigious assignment.
Although, for Jerome,
selection was virtually guaranteed at birth.
He's blessed with all the gifts
required for such an undertaking.
A genetic quotient second to none.
No, there's truly nothing remarkable
about the progress of Jerome Morrow.
Except that I am not Jerome Morrow.
I was conceived in the Riviera.
Not the French Riviera.
The Detroit variety.
They used to say that
a child conceived in love
has a greater chance of happiness.
They don't say that anymore.
I never understand what possessed
my mother to put her faith in God's hand
rather than those of her local geneticist.
Ten fingers, ten toes, that's all
that used to matter. Not now.
Now only seconds old, the exact time and
cause of my death was already known.
Neurological condition, 60% probability.
Manic depression, 42% probability.
Attention deficit disorder, 89% probability.
Heart disorder...
99% probability. Early fatal potential.
Life expectancy, 30.2 years.
30 years?!
- The name for the certificate?
- Anton.
No! Vincent Anton.
Yeah. That's a good name.
l know he'll do something.
You'll do something.
From an early age I came to think
of myself as others thought of me.
Chronically ill.
Every skinned knee and runny nose
was treated as if it were life threatening.
I'm sorry, the insurance won't cover it.
lf he fell--
- But l was told that everything was gonna be okay.
- I really wish there was something l could do.
Like most other parents of their day,
they would determine that their next child
would be brought into the world
in what has become the natural way.
Your extracted eggs, Marie,
have been fertilized with Antonio's sperm.
After screening, we are left as you see
with two healthy boys
and two very healthy girls.
Naturally, no critical predispositions
to any of the major inheritable diseases.
All that remains is to select
the most compatible candidate.
First we may as well decide on gender.
Have you given it any thought?
We would want Vincent to have
a brother, you know, to play with.
- Of course you would. Hello, Vincent.
- Hi.
You have specified hazel eyes,
dark hair and a fair skin.
l've taken the liberty of eradicating
any potentially prejudicial conditions.
Premature baldness, myopia,
alcoholism, and addictive susceptibilty,
propensity for violence, obesity, etc.
We didn't want...
I mean, diseases, yes, but...
Right, we were just wondering if its good
to just leave a few things to chance.
You want to give your child
the best possible start.
Believe me, we have enough
imperfection built in already.
Your child doesn't need any
additional burdens.
And keep in mind, this child is still you.
Simply the best of you.
You could conceive naturally a thousand
times and never get such a result.
That's how my brother Anton
came into the world.
A son my father considered
worthy of his name.
What did I tell you?
You see how much he's grown?
By the time we were playing
at blood brothers,
I understood that there was something
very different flowing through my veins.
And I'd need an awful lot more than a drop,
if l was going to get anywhere.
Our favorite game is Chicken.
When our parents weren't watching,
we used to swim as far out as we dared.
It was about who would get scared
and turn back first.
Come on, you coward!
Of course it was always me.
Anton was by far the stronger swimmer
and he had no excuse to fail.
300 million, 350 million, 400 million.
Maybe it was the love of the planets,
maybe it was just my growing
dislike for this one,
but for as long as l can remember,
I've dreamed of going into space.
750 million, 800 million, 850 million.
How many astronauts are there anyway?
l bet l could be one if I wanted.
Hey, don't eat that! lt's Pluto.
My goals didn't change a lot
in the intervening years.
Much to my parents' dismay.
You have to be realistic.
With a heart condition like yours....
Mom, there's a chance that there's
nothing even wrong with my heart.
One chance in a hundred.
- l'll take it alright.
- The trouble is they won't.
Listen, for God's sake,
you gotta understand something.
The only way that you'll see the inside
of a spaceship is if you are cleaning it.
My father was right. It didn't matter
how much l lied on my résumé.
My real résumé was in my cells.
Why should anybody invest
all that money to train me
when there are a thousand other
applicants with a far cleaner profile?
Of course, it's illegal to discriminate.
"Genoism", it's called.
But no one takes the law seriously.
If you refuse to disclose, they can always
take a sample from a door handle
or a handshake. Even the saliva
on your application form.
lf in doubt, a legal drug test
can just as easily become
an illegal peek at your future
in the company.
You sure you wanna do this?
You know you're gonna lose.
It was the last time we swam together.
Out into the open sea.
Like always, knowing
each stroke to the horizon
was one we'd have to
make back to the shore.
But something was very
different about that day.
Every time Anton tried to pull away,
he found me right beside him.
Until finally the impossible happened.
Vincent! Vincent!
It was the one moment in our lives
that my brother was not
as strong as he believed,
and l was not as weak.
It was the moment that made
everything else possible.
Like many others in my situation,
l moved around a lot
in the next few years
getting work where I could.
I must've cleaned
half the toilets in the state.
I belong to a new underclass,
no longer determined by social status
or the color of your skin.
Welcome to Gattaca, gentlemen.
No, we now have discrimination
down to a science.
All right, there's your cleaning material.
Start from the front
and clean all the way back.
And l wanna see my smiling face
on that floor.
What about you, your majesty?
Dreaming of space?
Come here.
You can start by cleaning
this space right here.
I was never more certain that
how far away I was from my goal,
than when I was standing right beside it.
When you clean the glass,
Vincent, don't clean it too well.
What do you mean?
You might get ideas.
Yeah, but if the glass is clean,
it'll be easier for you to see me
when I'm on the other side of it.
From my brave talk I knew it was just that.
No matter how much l trained
or how much I studied,
the best test score in the world
wasn't gonna matter
unless I had the blood test to go with it.
I made up my mind to resort
to more extreme measures.
The man who showed up at my doorstep
didn't exactly advertise in the Yellow Pages.
Stand straight.
- How did you hear about me?
- People.
Any distinguishing marks?
Tattoos, scars, birthmarks?
l don't think so.
Are you serious about this?
l hope you're not wasting my time.
l'd give a 100%.
That'll get you halfway there.
That's an old edition,
but l know it all by heart.
You keep your workstation
so clean, Jerome.
lt's next to godliness.
- lsn't that what they say?
- Godliness.
l reviewed your flight plan.
Not one error in a million keystrokes.
Phenomenal. lt's right that someone
like you is taking us to Titan.
Has the committee approved the mission?
There's been talk of delay.
You shouldn't listen to talk.
You leave in a week.
You've got a substance test.
lf you have been notified
for substance analysis,
please report to the testing center.
Jerome! Never shy. Pisses on command.
A beautiful piece of equipment there, Jerome.
Whoever told you that.
Only every time l'm in here.
Occupational hazard. l see a great
many in the course of any given day.
Yours just happens to be
an exceptional example.
Why my folks didn't order
one like that for me?
By the way,
have l ever told you about my son?
No, you haven't.
Remind me to sometime.
So, you're about to go up.
One week left.
Please tell me you're the least bit excited.
l'll tell you at the end of the week.
Congratulations, Jerome.
Thank you.
How many launches are there in a day?
A dozen?
Sometimes more.
You're the only one
who watches every one of them.
lf you're going to pretend
like you don't care, don't look up.
The most unremarkable of events.
Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1st Class,
is about to embark
on a one-year manned mission to Titan,
the 14th moon of Saturn.
A highly prestigious assignment.
Although, for Jerome,
selection was virtually guaranteed at birth.
He's blessed with all the gifts
required for such an undertaking.
A genetic quotient second to none.
No, there's truly nothing remarkable
about the progress of Jerome Morrow.
Except that I am not Jerome Morrow.
I was conceived in the Riviera.
Not the French Riviera.
The Detroit variety.
They used to say that
a child conceived in love
has a greater chance of happiness.
They don't say that anymore.
I never understand what possessed
my mother to put her faith in God's hand
rather than those of her local geneticist.
Ten fingers, ten toes, that's all
that used to matter. Not now.
Now only seconds old, the exact time and
cause of my death was already known.
Neurological condition, 60% probability.
Manic depression, 42% probability.
Attention deficit disorder, 89% probability.
Heart disorder...
99% probability. Early fatal potential.
Life expectancy, 30.2 years.
30 years?!
- The name for the certificate?
- Anton.
No! Vincent Anton.
Yeah. That's a good name.
l know he'll do something.
You'll do something.
From an early age I came to think
of myself as others thought of me.
Chronically ill.
Every skinned knee and runny nose
was treated as if it were life threatening.
I'm sorry, the insurance won't cover it.
lf he fell--
- But l was told that everything was gonna be okay.
- I really wish there was something l could do.
Like most other parents of their day,
they would determine that their next child
would be brought into the world
in what has become the natural way.
Your extracted eggs, Marie,
have been fertilized with Antonio's sperm.
After screening, we are left as you see
with two healthy boys
and two very healthy girls.
Naturally, no critical predispositions
to any of the major inheritable diseases.
All that remains is to select
the most compatible candidate.
First we may as well decide on gender.
Have you given it any thought?
We would want Vincent to have
a brother, you know, to play with.
- Of course you would. Hello, Vincent.
- Hi.
You have specified hazel eyes,
dark hair and a fair skin.
l've taken the liberty of eradicating
any potentially prejudicial conditions.
Premature baldness, myopia,
alcoholism, and addictive susceptibilty,
propensity for violence, obesity, etc.
We didn't want...
I mean, diseases, yes, but...
Right, we were just wondering if its good
to just leave a few things to chance.
You want to give your child
the best possible start.
Believe me, we have enough
imperfection built in already.
Your child doesn't need any
additional burdens.
And keep in mind, this child is still you.
Simply the best of you.
You could conceive naturally a thousand
times and never get such a result.
That's how my brother Anton
came into the world.
A son my father considered
worthy of his name.
What did I tell you?
You see how much he's grown?
By the time we were playing
at blood brothers,
I understood that there was something
very different flowing through my veins.
And I'd need an awful lot more than a drop,
if l was going to get anywhere.
Our favorite game is Chicken.
When our parents weren't watching,
we used to swim as far out as we dared.
It was about who would get scared
and turn back first.
Come on, you coward!
Of course it was always me.
Anton was by far the stronger swimmer
and he had no excuse to fail.
300 million, 350 million, 400 million.
Maybe it was the love of the planets,
maybe it was just my growing
dislike for this one,
but for as long as l can remember,
I've dreamed of going into space.
750 million, 800 million, 850 million.
How many astronauts are there anyway?
l bet l could be one if I wanted.
Hey, don't eat that! lt's Pluto.
My goals didn't change a lot
in the intervening years.
Much to my parents' dismay.
You have to be realistic.
With a heart condition like yours....
Mom, there's a chance that there's
nothing even wrong with my heart.
One chance in a hundred.
- l'll take it alright.
- The trouble is they won't.
Listen, for God's sake,
you gotta understand something.
The only way that you'll see the inside
of a spaceship is if you are cleaning it.
My father was right. It didn't matter
how much l lied on my résumé.
My real résumé was in my cells.
Why should anybody invest
all that money to train me
when there are a thousand other
applicants with a far cleaner profile?
Of course, it's illegal to discriminate.
"Genoism", it's called.
But no one takes the law seriously.
If you refuse to disclose, they can always
take a sample from a door handle
or a handshake. Even the saliva
on your application form.
lf in doubt, a legal drug test
can just as easily become
an illegal peek at your future
in the company.
You sure you wanna do this?
You know you're gonna lose.
It was the last time we swam together.
Out into the open sea.
Like always, knowing
each stroke to the horizon
was one we'd have to
make back to the shore.
But something was very
different about that day.
Every time Anton tried to pull away,
he found me right beside him.
Until finally the impossible happened.
Vincent! Vincent!
It was the one moment in our lives
that my brother was not
as strong as he believed,
and l was not as weak.
It was the moment that made
everything else possible.
Like many others in my situation,
l moved around a lot
in the next few years
getting work where I could.
I must've cleaned
half the toilets in the state.
I belong to a new underclass,
no longer determined by social status
or the color of your skin.
Welcome to Gattaca, gentlemen.
No, we now have discrimination
down to a science.
All right, there's your cleaning material.
Start from the front
and clean all the way back.
And l wanna see my smiling face
on that floor.
What about you, your majesty?
Dreaming of space?
Come here.
You can start by cleaning
this space right here.
I was never more certain that
how far away I was from my goal,
than when I was standing right beside it.
When you clean the glass,
Vincent, don't clean it too well.
What do you mean?
You might get ideas.
Yeah, but if the glass is clean,
it'll be easier for you to see me
when I'm on the other side of it.
From my brave talk I knew it was just that.
No matter how much l trained
or how much I studied,
the best test score in the world
wasn't gonna matter
unless I had the blood test to go with it.
I made up my mind to resort
to more extreme measures.
The man who showed up at my doorstep
didn't exactly advertise in the Yellow Pages.
Stand straight.
- How did you hear about me?
- People.
Any distinguishing marks?
Tattoos, scars, birthmarks?
l don't think so.
Are you serious about this?
l hope you're not wasting my time.
l'd give a 100%.
That'll get you halfway there.
That's an old edition,
but l know it all by heart.
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