Yes, darling?
You know something? Tomorrow
I shall buy you six dozen red roses.
How lovely, darling. I can't wait.
The tape?
The Silicon Valley operation
must not be delayed.
Main Strike's in three days.
Any delays, I hold you responsible.
It's essential the remaining pipelines
are open on time.
Our economy needs investors like Mr Zorin.
California welcomes him with open arms.
- May I quote you on that, Mr Howe?
- Certainly.
Is there anything else I can tell
the Financial Times?
Yes. My readers want to know why Zorin
is pumping sea water into his pipeline
instead of pumping oil out.
Sea water is used to test
the integrity of the pipeline.
It's a lot safer than oil.
Just in case there are any leaks.
Well, I... I didn't know that.
Well, thank you, Mr Howe.
That about wraps it up.
Would you come this way, please?
If you'd like any further information
just call me, Mr...
Stock. James Stock. Thank you, Mr Howe.
- Mr Howe!
- Stacey, what do you want?
I have some porosity tests
I want to show you.
- I can only spare a couple of minutes.
- OK.
Come out real slow.
Just another Zorin stooge, Mr...
whatever your name was.
Actually, it's James Stock.
London Financial Times.
You can, uh...
You can tell the police which.
And you can tell them about the $5
million payoff you received from Zorin.
I saw the cheque.
You cut the line.
Get back.
Sit down.
- What's this loaded with?
- Rock salt.
Now you tell me.
The vase! No!
Take this.
Oh, hell!
Sorry, Grandad.
Hey, wait for me!
Thank you.
My pleasure.
All the king's horses and all his men
won't do much with that.
That's all right. It was Grandad's ashes.
But he always loved a good fight.
I'm Stacey. Sutton.
- Yes.
- And... you're a reporter.
- What was it?
- Stock. James Stock.
- Right.
- Yes, I'm researching an article on Zorin.
I used a friend's name
to get an invitation to the chateau.
I can tell you a few things about Zorin.
I'd like to hear them.
I have to feed him. Are you hungry?
- What are you serving? Whiskas?
- I only have leftovers in the fridge.
- I'm a pathetic cook.
- I'll lend a hand.
- You can cook?
- I've been known to dabble.
Et voilà! Quiche de cabinet.
Sounds interesting. What is it?
An omelette.
Now, you were telling me
about your grandfather.
He left Sutton Oil to Dad - who expected
me, as the only child, to take it over.
- So at college I studied geology.
- And then what happened?
Zorin. He took over Sutton Oil
in a rigged proxy fight.
I fought him in the courts.
It's taken all I had.
All the cash, the furniture, everything.
So I took this job as state geologist
and I've just managed
to hold on to the house and my shares.
And that's what the $5 million were for?
Your shares?
Ten times more than they're worth. Just...
Just drop the lawsuit and shut my mouth.
I haven't accepted yet.
So Zorin sent along his gorillas
to help you make up your mind.
They have.
I'd sell everything and live in a tent
before I give up.
That was delicious.
And the way you handled those men.
Well, those...
baboons could come back.
I hope not.
Well, then, I'll...
check the windows and doors, and...
- Oh! Reconnect the telephone.
- The box is outside my bedroom window.
I think I should be able to find that.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Oh, I say! Breakfast out of bed.
- What's wrong with them?
- We had an earth tremor.
They're extremely sensitive
to seismic activity.
Let's see what
the Earthquake Center has on it.
Just a minor tremor. Measured 2.5
on the Richter scale. Location...
That's odd.
The epicentre's near Zorin's oil field.
I told Howe yesterday that Zorin
was pumping sea water into his wells.
- Is there a connection?
- Sea water?
Those wells are in the Hayward fault.
- Are you sure?
- I checked it myself.
That's incredibly dangerous.
Howe has to stop Zorin now.
- What happened?
- I got fired.
- He fire... He fired me.
- All right. Calm down.
This evening we'll meet
a friend of mine from Washington.
Maybe, just maybe,
he'll come up with a few answers.
I wish we could be more specific about
Zorin's intentions before I go to the top.
Flooding a fault
could cause a major earthquake.
But what would Zorin have to gain?
On the tape Zorin mentioned Silicon Valley.
Could that be affected?
No, not severely.
Silicon Valley's too far away.
But if we knew how many wells were
involved... we might get a clearer picture.
That information's available at City Hall.
- I still have my security pass.
- Then let's go to City Hall.
- Let me go and get it.
- I'll tell Washington we need more help.
Don't waste any time.
There's only 24 hours.
- Good evening, Jeff.
- Evening, ma'am.
- Won't be long.
- OK.
- Main Strike.
- Hey, I know that place.
That's an abandoned silver mine
by the San Andreas fault.
Alive and well, I see.
And still bungling in the dark.
Well, then,
why don't you enlighten me, Zorin?
You're out of your depth.
And you, Sutton. You should have
accepted my more than generous offer.
- You can take your offer and shove it.
- Don't bother, Stacey.
He's a psychopath.
You two have joined forces?
- That simplifies things.
- He's probably armed.
Stacey, I...
Mr Zorin.
Call the police, Mr Howe.
- What's going on?
- Tell them... there's been a break-in.
Ask them to get here as soon as possible.
You're being used, Mr Howe.
Do it.
- Police.
- Hello.
We've had a break-in here.
- City Hall, office 306. Come at once.
- Right away.
- What have they done?
- You discharged her.
So she and her accomplice
came here to kill you.
Then they set fire to the office
to conceal the crime,
but they were trapped in the elevator.
And perished in the flames.
But that means I would have to be...
That's rather neat. Don't you think?
I'm almost speechless with admiration.
Intuitive improvisation
is the secret of genius.
Herr Doktor Mortner
will be proud of his creation.
Get back.
- Out.
- Let's go.
Get back!
Hold tight.
Come on, Stacey.
Give me your hand. Stretch!
Don't go away.
James, don't leave me!
Help me!
Help me! Help me!
I'll be right with you.
Help! Help!
- It is the City Hall.
- I'll call the fire department.
Try and come this side of the girder.
- Catch this.
- I can't reach it!
Come on. Catch!
Now... push!
Go on.
Good girl. You're nearly there.
Go on, stretch!
Get this TV crew outta here, will ya?
Come on. Get outta my way.
All we know is that there are
people trapped inside of City Hall.
Come on. Back off, will ya?
Let us through, goddammit.
Give her some air.
Comin' through. Out of the way, please.
Stacey. Stacey, you're safe.
Let me through.
Let me through, goddammit.
I wanna talk to you.
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这次,007(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)在西伯利亚死亡的英国特工身上找到了科技秘密“微晶硒”之后,发现这个样品与英国的样品一样,证明克格勃的间谍肯定混进了英国的高科技研究秘密领域。于是,007奉命去调查在进行高科技研究的富商佐林(克里斯托弗•沃肯 Chri stopher Walken 饰)。不料他的身份被人识破,007被锁入车中沉进湖底。幸亏命运之神帮了007一个大忙,他得以侥幸逃脱。随后,007跟踪佐林来到了美国。007从苏联女间谍口中套出佐林正计划炸毁位于旧金山的硒矿的计划。为了阻止佐林的阴谋得逞,007行动开始了!
导演: 约翰·格兰
编剧: 理查德·麦鲍姆 / 迈克尔·G·威尔森 / 伊恩·弗莱明
主演: 罗杰·摩尔 / 克里斯托弗·沃肯 / 坦娅·罗伯茨 / 葛蕾丝·琼斯 / 帕特里克·麦克尼 / 帕特里克·波查 / 叶西园 / 费欧娜·弗勒顿 / 曼宁瑞德沃德 / 艾莉森·杜迪 / Willoughby Gray / 戴斯蒙德·莱维林 / 罗伯特·布朗 / 露易丝·麦斯威尔 / 沃尔特·戈塔尔
类型: 动作 / 犯罪 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1985-05-24
片长: 131 分钟
又名: 铁金刚勇战大狂魔 / 雷霆杀机
007之雷霆杀机 A View to a Kill (1985) 全部台词 (当前第4页,一共 6 页)
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