- Why don't you try him out?
- That sounds a very good idea.
- I shall get into some riding clothes.
- Good.
Half an hour, then.
Scarpine will collect you.
Thank you.
Tibbett, get into town, call M
and ask him to put a trace on this cheque.
Be quick. If those guards we laid out
identify us we'll have to move fast.
What shall I say if they
ask where I'm going?
Just tell them
you have to get the car washed.
Just going to town to get the car washed.
- Your mount, Mr St John Smythe.
- A beautiful beast.
A little spirited. What's his name?
- Friends of yours?
- Exercise boys.
Jumping together is
more realistic training.
Frankly, I prefer cross-country
to steeplechase.
As one sportsman to another,
I'll make you a proposition.
You can have that lthacus colt gratis
if you stay this course.
- And if I'm thrown?
- Then you lose.
You leave me little choice.
Splendid. Scarpine will start us.
Keep going! Keep going!
Sir Godfrey. Let's get...
You lost, 007.
- Killing Tibbett was a mistake.
- I'm about to make the same one twice.
My department know I'm here.
They'll retaliate.
If you're the best they have,
they'll more likely try
to cover up your incompetence.
Don't count on it, Zorin.
- You amuse me, Mr Bond.
- Well, it's not mutual.
Other side.
Open up.
- Good morning, Comrade Zorin.
- General Gogol.
- This meeting is ill-advised.
- A calculated risk.
But necessary,
as you refuse to answer your control.
Come to the point, General.
You disregard procedure.
You did not request approval
before eliminating 007.
- Reprisals might jeopardise operations.
- You jeopardise mine!
Letting the British penetrate
the Siberian research centre.
That was regrettable.
Your racing activities
attract unnecessary attention,
but more disturbing are your
unauthorised commercial ventures.
We cannot tolerate that.
The issue is irrelevant.
I've made new associations.
I no longer consider myself a KGB agent.
We trained you. Financed you. Huh!
What would you be without us?
A biological experiment. A freak.
Enough of this! Control yourselves!
You will come back to us, Comrade.
No one ever leaves the KGB.
For centuries alchemists
tried to make gold from base metals.
Today we make microchips
from silicon, which is common sand.
But far better than gold, hm?
For several years we've had
a profitable partnership:
You as manufacturers, while I passed on
to you industrial information
that made you competitive, successful.
We are now in the unique position
to form an international cartel
to control not only production
but distribution of these microchips.
There is one obstacle.
Silicon Valley.
Near San Francisco.
Over 250 plants employing
thousands of scientists, technicians.
This is the heartland of electronic
production in the United States,
which accounts for what -
80% of the world microchip market.
I propose to end
the domination of Silicon Valley
- and leave us in control of that market.
- What is it you propose?
Project Main Strike.
For which, each of you will pay me
one hundred million dollars.
A hundred million dollars?
Plus half our net income?
Under an exclusive
marketing agreement with me.
These are outrageous terms!
Perhaps a demonstration
would convince you.
- I want no part of it, thank you.
- As you wish. Hmph!
The rest of our discussion
must of course be confidential.
- Would you wait outside?
- If you'd like me to, yes. Excuse me.
May Day will provide you with a drink.
This way.
So, does anybody else want to drop out?
What a view!
To a kill.
Five dollars.
Thank you.
- Looking for something special?
- Yes. Soft-shell crabs.
Might have some in the back.
I'll be a few minutes.
Chuck Lee, CIA.
It's a pleasure working with 007.
- Thanks. Now what about Zorin?
- He's in town. I can have him tailed.
No, not yet.
Conley is a geologist. Runs Zorin's
oil reclamation project in the East Bay.
Last job: Chief engineer
in a South African gold mine.
Left in a hurry
after a cave-in killed 20 miners.
Zorin's kind of man!
What about the girl? And the cheque?
You know how many S Suttons
there are in the US?
We watch Zorin's account.
The cheque hasn't been cashed.
- Mortner?
- Got a real winner here.
His real name is Hans Glaub, a German
pioneer in the development of steroids.
That ties in with the horse injections.
In the war he used steroids on pregnant
women in the concentration camps
in an attempt to enhance intelligence.
- With any success?
- Virtually every mother aborted.
A handful of children
were produced with phenomenal IQs.
But there was a side-effect:
They were psychotics.
Why wasn't this Mortner or Glaub
tried by the War Crimes Commission?
The Russians grabbed him.
Set him up in a laboratory.
He spent years developing steroids for
their athletes, then vanished 15 years ago.
About the same time
Zorin came over to the West.
Could Zorin be one of the steroid kids?
He's definitely the right age,
and he's certainly psychotic.
What about his oil operations?
Mr O'Rourke!
- Can you spare a minute?
- Sure thing.
The oil operation looks clean, except
for a problem with the crab fishermen.
Good morning.
Here's that reporter I told you about.
Mr O'Rourke.
I understand you have a problem.
That Zorin oil pumping station ruined
one of the best crab patches in the Bay.
Scared them away?
They didn't go nowhere.
They just disappeared.
Well, I'd like to look at
that oil pumping station.
That'll be tough.
It's very heavily guarded.
We'll be testing new equipment shortly.
Keep a sharp lookout.
- I don't want anyone near this dock.
- Very good, sir.
- Valves 5 to 15 are open.
- What's the report from the wells?
Valves open and ready to receive water.
Good. Open valves 16 to 25.
Valve 10 at half capacity, sir.
Give me an update on valve procedure
for the Main Strike programme.
We'll have a field crew
check it out in the morning.
- Valves to wells 26 to 30 open, sir.
- Right.
Activate pumping procedure.
50 per cent power.
Increase it.
The new seals are not fully tested.
Main Strike's in three days. Any delays,
I hold you responsible.
Yes, sir.
Bring it up to full. Slowly.
- Shut down! The propeller's jammed.
- Fix it.
You there! Get a man down there!
Let's go, move. Come on, you guys.
Gimme a hand.
- Get the alarms turned off.
- Yes, sir.
Hurry up, goddammit!
Clear that pump.
We're behind schedule.
Give it to me.
Tell Conley to resume pumping.
This is yours, I believe.
Defuse it.
- Pola Ivanova!
- James Bond!
- Check the beach area.
- Let's get out of here.
That feels wonderful!
Feels even better from where I'm sitting.
- Would you like it harder?
- James, you haven't changed.
Well, you have.
You're even lovelier.
James, that night in London
when I was with the Bolshoi...
What a performance!
In my dressing room later...
Did you know I was an agent
with orders to seduce you?
Why do you think I sent you
three dozen red roses?
Now that was a performance.
Quite a coincidence,
us running into one another!
- Come on, tell me the truth.
- Let's not talk shop.
Let's put on something more...
- inspirational.
- Why not?
Are you all right?
The bubbles tickle my...
Détente can be beautiful.
This is no time to be discussing politics.
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这次,007(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)在西伯利亚死亡的英国特工身上找到了科技秘密“微晶硒”之后,发现这个样品与英国的样品一样,证明克格勃的间谍肯定混进了英国的高科技研究秘密领域。于是,007奉命去调查在进行高科技研究的富商佐林(克里斯托弗•沃肯 Chri stopher Walken 饰)。不料他的身份被人识破,007被锁入车中沉进湖底。幸亏命运之神帮了007一个大忙,他得以侥幸逃脱。随后,007跟踪佐林来到了美国。007从苏联女间谍口中套出佐林正计划炸毁位于旧金山的硒矿的计划。为了阻止佐林的阴谋得逞,007行动开始了!
导演: 约翰·格兰
编剧: 理查德·麦鲍姆 / 迈克尔·G·威尔森 / 伊恩·弗莱明
主演: 罗杰·摩尔 / 克里斯托弗·沃肯 / 坦娅·罗伯茨 / 葛蕾丝·琼斯 / 帕特里克·麦克尼 / 帕特里克·波查 / 叶西园 / 费欧娜·弗勒顿 / 曼宁瑞德沃德 / 艾莉森·杜迪 / Willoughby Gray / 戴斯蒙德·莱维林 / 罗伯特·布朗 / 露易丝·麦斯威尔 / 沃尔特·戈塔尔
类型: 动作 / 犯罪 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 英国 / 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1985-05-24
片长: 131 分钟
又名: 铁金刚勇战大狂魔 / 雷霆杀机
007之雷霆杀机 A View to a Kill (1985) 全部台词 (当前第3页,一共 6 页)
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