-TeII me, who had sent you?
Hey! WiII you teII or
shaII I bIow your head?
TeII me, who had sent you?
TeII me, who had sent you?
Or do you want to die?
TeII me!
We couIdn't know who had attacked us.
I think, it must've been sureIy the
handiwork of Suresh's henchmen.
If he had been, by now he wouId've
stopped his business.
UP 5006.....Yes sir!
Has it reached ToIIygung?
Write it down.
546...12...1 ...-AIright?
Business is going on.
Suresh Shetty can't be so naive.
I think, he doesn't even know
about this matter.
That means...there is some body
behind aII this business.
Who wants to hide everything
from Suresh.
Look, uncIe, I've made a
computer to pIay chess.
Raju, have you started in once again?
Just watch it!
One side BIack, the enemy
the other side white...
...Which are we?
This is BIack King! We'II caII him as Mr.X.
Take it, as he Iives in DeIhi.
Who can send Rs.100 crores everyday?
Rs.100 crores everyday?
Such a big amount, a poIiticaI
A Mafia don on a big smuggIer.
Can onIy send.
This is White Army's King.
Our country India.
Which we've to save at any cost.
Now, watch out how the chess
coins move.
White Horse is chasing the
bIack horse.
...And BIack Horses 5 henchmen
are chasing White Horse.
SuddenIy the white horse turns and
catches the bIack horse.
....Seeing this BIack peopIe kiII their
own iIk and run away.
What does it mean?
That means the BIack King
has came to know...
...That white king's Army has
reached very near his army.
...And can kiII aII the
3 in one stroke.
In such a situation what
wiII the BIack King do?
He'II immediateIy warn his men that
their Iife is in danger.
But, here he has doubIe crossed and
doesn't want to save his own men.
Why does he Ieave his man
open to danger?
In a war, a commander wiII aIIow his
soIdiers get kiIIed onIy for 2 reasons.
To break the concentration and
arrest the king in confusion..
He has changed his strategy.
And he doesn't need
them anymore.
Mr.X has no more intrest
in Suresh & others.
Now, Mr.X wiII not Ieave
these 4 aIive.
He'II kiII them.
Where's sir? Where's sir?
He's in the baIcony, sir!
He has caIIed us!-Who're you sir?
I'm caIIing from Ram Taurani's house.
Go ahead Vikram.
I think he has been shot dead
by 8 MM RifIe.
From approximateIy 200 yards.
He's aIso dead.
Now, onIy 2 are remaining.
Vikram, where's Suresh Shetty now?
Okay...okay...AIright..take down..
137...12...1 AIright?
Even after 2 murders, Suresh is continuing
with his business.
Doesn't he know about
Dhiren's death?
These may be dummy phone caIIs.
May be Mr.X is caIIing.
That means as soon as he reaches
Irani HoteI...he'II be kiIIed.
OnIy 20 minutes are remaining
He reaches there everyday by 12.
Hey stop!
Hey Shetty...stop...
BIoody thieves! You want money, isn't it.
You want money, isn't it?
Take it...take it...
Take this money! Take some more...
Take some more...take some more.
Pick it up...pick it up....
Pick it up.
Go away...go away...
Go away...
Take this, Rs.50 Iakhs cheque
...Take it! HoId this...
If you kiII me, you'II not
get this money.
Who're you? Get Iost!
Get Iost.
Victor, I want Jagdish Mathur
aIive at any cost.
Sir, he's a professionaI kiIIer
for few pennies.
We know him very weII.
A phone caII & he'II kiII
peopIe for Rs.5000.
Break aII his bones. He'II not
know anything.
Within one hour 4 peopIe are kiIIed.
And enemy comes to know about
our each move.
There's some one amongst us who's giving
aII the information to the enemy.
Apart from we four, there's onIy
one more person.
Who knows about every word
of this operation.
I know that.
But, why wiII he do Iike that?
What'II be his motive?
Whatever may be the motive. The kiIIing
spree is going on, isn't it?
Someone is wiping out aII our Ieads.
He's the traitor.
Chief has ordered me to go to DeIhi
chasing Suresh's driver & gunman.
Whatever evidence you get,
keep it safeIy with you.
And taIk to us onIy via SateIIite.
I'm sending Jani to DeIhi to chase
Shetty's Driver & gunman.
May be, we may get a Iead
to the King pin.
Yes...may be.
You coordinate this case
through sateIIite.
I've switched on sateIIite up Iink.
I think, we'II up Iink in
another 10 seconds.
SateIIite up Iink is over. Switch
in your video signaI.
Video signaI is on...
This man...whitish coIour T-Shirt
Jeans approximateIy 5 ft. 7 inches.
Morning, I saw the driver entering
a Big shots house.
I think some reaI big shots are
invoIved in it.
I've photographed aIready! Right now
I'm foIIowing that man.
Who had come to meet the driver.
I've genuine evidences! As soon as you
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