He says you're his friend.
Okay, go.
I've come to discuss with you.
What are you expecting from me?
A job which onIy you can accompIish.
I direIy need you Vikram.
Then, why were you dismissed
from the service?
Because you kiIIed your
Senior Officer.
And the punishment for which
is death sentence.
I've save you from gaIIows.
At Ieast be gratefuI for that.
That Senior Officer was a traitor.
10 of my agents got kiIIed
because of him.
He's Babrak...Mr.Jaffer's
right hand.
He has kiIIed 1000's of innocents.
I've got information that one of our
men is coming to meet him.
He's the traitor.
Someone's is coming.
My money!
...Our Boss?!
Take this 1 Iakh DoIIars.
Mr..Shrivastav, I want the addresses
of other 4 peopIe aIso.
Why do you need it?
...You? Here?
We aII are infront of you.
Remember Mr.Shrivastav!-No.
Lt.AniI Khanna,
- Let's share this money.
What's happening Jaan?
Where are aII the others?
Stop Sir! This is our personaI matter.
Sir, you can't go further.
This is enemy Iand.
We aII are in danger.
Don't create new dangers.
Vikram, Iook.
Vikram, I'm your Senior Officer.
You can't kiII me.
Don't take Law into your hands.
You can't kiII me.
Army's strength Iies in
its discipIine.
Today, you've broken it!
You'II face its consequences.
I forget them after great difficuIty.
You've raked up my memories again.
They were just names for you.
But for me, they were more than
my brothers & sisters.
I had onIy trained them.
They had gone to attack the
enemy on my hope onIy.
They're aIive.
If you take everything to your heart.
How are you going to Iive?
Now, I'm aIso no more that Chief.
They've caught Tiger from the forest
and put into a cage.
But, Tiger wiII not eat grass
even in a cage.
Chicken Merchant!
Chicken DeaIer?!
Oh! Wrong Iand.
Not just that onIy, Nation's true soIdier...
And one whose,name sends shivers down
the spine of aII the bootIeggers.
Vikram, this is DaIaI Street.
Head of the Economy of India.
Thousands of crores comes here &
goes from every corner of the country.
You know very weII that I can
recognize 2 types of man.
One is a friend and the other's a foe.
Friends in DaIaI street are working
to make India a super power.
And foes are running a paraIIeI
economy to ruin this country.
Isn't the story interesting?-Yes.
This is not a story. It's a
reaIity in India.
Listen further.
For running the bIack market business
you need bIack money.
Where wiII this money come from?
MiIIions of Government Officers
deposit the money...PoIice PersonneI...
...Money Iaunderers.
PoIiticaI Leaders &
UnderworId Dons.
They'II steaI everyday! They'II
take bribes everyday.
Everyday they'II do iIIegaI things.
The question now is not of ideaIs
but of money.
These bIoody peopIe don't know where
they've stacked away the bIack money.
Those times are bygones...
When FiIm Stars used to hide money
behind their bathroom tiIes.
Now, you'II get a brother to
circuIate money on Internet.
There'II be a bigger broker
above him.
And up above him there'II
be a big crocodiIe.
As soon the money reaches its stomach.
It just vanishes.
Understand the story...
Do you want to agree for the deaI?
For 2 crores at Rs.2.5 intrest.
Loan wiII be settIed by
festivaI of DiwaIi.
Karim Bhai wiII be the guarantor.
Come on teII me, do you agree?
Understood anything?
No...not a word.
...2 Koka means Rs.2 crores.
Just now, within 5 minutes
on phone...
He has earned Rs.5 Iakhs.
Is it?
And where from this Karim Bhai
got into this deaI?
In this business there won't be any
But one must need a guarantor for money.
If money doesn't come to him
by next festivaI of DiwaIi.
Karim Bhai wiII be aiming his
gun on his chest.
Money wiII come out and the
man wiII reach the HospitaI.
Then, what steps are you taking to stop
this bIack marketing?
My India is great! 99 out
of 100 are dishonest.
There's not much pIace in JaiIs
for so many peopIe.
If there's a person earning 2 Iakhs or
5 in a day...
We'II not even turn towards him.
But, if anyone is earning more than
Rs.1 crores,we'II not spare him.
It's time for his arrivaI...come.
Who's coming?
Yes, I've brought SiIver Car Chandni?
Take a carefuI Iook at that
person...But Mercedes...
..Just for you onIy
Brand New.
Did you hear him? His name
is Dhiren Gupta.
Who's he?
A few months back he was
a smaII time broker.
Don't know where he has got a
Richie Rich's Treasure.
He's trying to spend more than
Rs.1 crore everyday.
What's the matter?
That's what, you've to investigate.
...Who's that Richie Rich and
where's his treasure?
You've 1000's of men under you!
Why do you need me?
I've aIready Iost 3 of my men.
I think there's a traitor
in my men.
That's why, I've come to you.
Before dying my agent KuIkarni
had reveaIed 3 names.
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