Hello ...?
You ain't got to hide from me!
I'm just looking for a place
to bed down for tonight ...!
Drop that pitchfork or I'll
drop you.
Nothing doing!
Good thing I ain't feeling to
well. I usually don't wait
this long without shooting.
Don't! Don't!
I'm mulling it over.
Who the hell are you?
My name's "Buck".
Okay, Buck, here's my next
question: what the hell are
you doing coming after me
with that pitchfork? That
doesn't seem too hospitable.
I thought you might
be one of them!
Who's "them"?
Okay, never mind. You live
here, Buck?
I was staying over at the
Ran out of money.
Maybe just invested it poorly?
I didn't say I ran out of
money for hooch.
Okay, fine, so you're the town
drunk and you live in a barn.
Where's everybody else?
I haven't seen nobody.
Nobody? Who's selling you
that fire-water?
You don't look so good,
I've had better days.
Answer my question.
You can try Lottie's. She runs
the boardinghouse and
the general store.
She also nows about
patching up bullet holes??
I mind my own business.
Good policy.
What do you know about
patching up bullet holes?
Never mind. Pleasure
meeting you, Buck.
Next time, announce yourself.
Might save your life ...
Man can't drink in peace
around here ...
He's coming.
Can I help you, mister?
I may be in need {Cough} of
some assistance ...
I'm gonna tell you again, Now
ain't the time to be taking in
Look he's my boarder Earl
and I can do in it
whatever I please..
A man shows up with a gunshot
wound, it's a sign of trouble!
What was he going
to do rob me?
There's worse than robbing
Well I can handle myself Earl
and you know it.
Well at least go up there and
get his gun off of him
before he wakes up.
And I'd feel a whole lot
better if you let me
lock him up somewhere
until we get a better
idea of who he is.
Well he is my
boarder right now.
Lottie ...
He's my boarder, Earl and
that's End discussion.
Well, when ever he's able then
I want him up on his feet
and out of here.. And I want
you packed up and ready to l
eave by the end of the week.
I'm not leaving.
Why the hell do you even want
to stay here? This place
is going to be a
ghost town by Monday.
Well I guess that
makes me a ghost.
Ya, A stubborn ghost.
Get our new friend on his feet
and out of here as soon as
you can and I mean it.
Don't make a sound.
Who was that?
Try again.
Deputy Earl Whitecastle.
Where's the sheriff?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Earl's acting sheriff for now.
Nice to see you up and about.
It was touch and go
for a while.
How long was I out?
Four days.
You know that gunshot
wound was infected.
If you'd waited a day or two
longer, either you would have
had to come off or you'd be
residing in a
pine box right now.
Much obliged, then.
Don't mention it.
I'm "Lottie".
So I hear.
You got a name?
Does it matter?
It matters when I take a lead
slug out of you.
Don't worry, I ain't someone
you need to be troubled by.
Right... If that's true,
I'm sure you
wouldn't have pulled
a gun on me.
The name's "Antrim".
Henry Antrim.
Well that's better.
Pleasure to meet you,
Mr. Antrim.
So who shot you?
Apache war party. I was out
to the Pecos Valley to the
Arizona Territory on a job
driving cattle. They must've
figured I was by my self..
They killed my horse and I
lost 'em in the foothills,
but not before one of them
got off a lucky shot of.
I haven't seen any Apaches
in this area for a long time.
I Did...
How did you find Hell's Heart?
This town. It's not easy to
find. Might explain why it
died an untimely death. Any
way we don't get strangers
here. That's why Whitecastle
and everyone is in an uproar.
They think you might be some
sort of criminal element.
"criminal element". I'm just a
Still doesn't explain how you
Found this town,
It's not even on the map.
I just rode in. What's up
with all the questions?
So you won't mind if I ask a
question or two then?
Within reason, sure.
What's a young miss like
yourself doing
running the town's general
store and boardinghouse?
Well in case you haven't
noticed. There ant a lot of
candidates for the position.
Which leads me to my next
question: where is
everybody else?
Well you almost
met Whitecastle
And some drunk guy
named "Buck".
Almost forgot about Buck.
There's two. How many people
do you think we need?
It seems like a smaller number
compared to that hundred
twenty-eight got there
on your sign.
Well there's a few more.
But most of the people
packed up and moved out when
the silver mine dried up. The
town's off the beaten path.
You can hear the same story up
and down the territory. I
guess Some places
just die out. But the rest of
the town they are
all already packed up. heading
towards Arizona forming a
wagon train. I'm sure they'd
let you ride with them.
I ride alone.
Maybe that's explains how you
got attacked
by that war party?
You planning on leaving?
As soon as I can.
Well, That bullet hole might
feel a lot better, but
you were fighting off
a serious infection.
I think I'll be alright.
Right,, Unless you want to
arrive to Pecos Valley in
worse shape than you were when
you arrived here,
you should rest up.
Let me guess, you're the
town's sawbones, too?
I grew up on a ranch. I
learned a thing or two
about patching
up gunshot wounds.
Well I appreciate the concern,
but I should be moseying along
out of here. Besides your
friendly neighborhood lawman
wants me on my way. I'm
only to happy to oblige him.
Right I don't pay much heed in
what Whitecastle says
and neither should you.
I've seen that
before. What is that?
It's a "wabon-dee".
The Apaches
painted them over their tents
and on their horses. It's
either a rabbit, which means
"light", or a left hand, which
means "protection". They
painted them to ward off evil.
I thought you said the Apaches
don't come around here?
They didn't paint it. My
father did.
Your father's an Apache then?
No, he was just superstitious.
And once he died I didnt
have the heart to paint
over it.
You hold with that
Injun nonsense?
I like to hedge my bets.
Where are you going?
Don't worry, I'll be
back momentarily .
Hey nice to see you
up and around.
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In April 1881, wounded outlaw and fugitive Billy the Kid staggers into the desert town of Hell's Heart to rest and recuperate only to soon discover that voracious supernatural entities lurk in the town and want him for a trophy.
导演: David DeCoteau 编剧: David DeCoteau / Moses Rutegar 主演: Brandon Thornton / Jason Zahodnik / Chelsea Rae Bernier / Lance Leonhardt / Ryan Curry / Ryan McIntyre / Kodi Baker / Michael Hudson更多... 类型: 西部
制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2012-06-01(美国) 片长: 1h 12min
IMDb: tt2214749
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