Did hear the scream, didn't hear it -
what difference does it make?
You're talking about little details
and forgetting the important stuff.
- I call for another vote.
- I'm talking here!
Another vote called for.
Now let's take our seats.
I never saw so much time
spent on nothin'.
It only takes a second.
OK, I guess the fastest way is
to find out who's voting not guilty.
All those voting not guilty,
please raise your hands.
Still the same. One, two, three
not guilty. Nine guilty.
So now where are we? We can yakety-yak
till next Tuesday. Where's it getting us?
Pardon. I vote not guilty.
What are you talkin' about? I mean,
we're all goin' crazy in here or somethin'.
The kid is guilty.
Why don't you listen to the facts?
Tell them, will ya?
This is gettin' to be a joke.
The vote is eight to four in favour of guilty.
What is this?
Love Your Underprivileged Brother Week?
I want you to tell me why
you changed your vote. Give me reasons.
I don't have to defend my decision to you.
There is a reasonable doubt in my mind.
Reasonable doubt?
Nothing but words. Look at this.
The kid you just decided isn't guilty
was seen ramming this into his father!
- What about this, Mr Reasonable Doubt?
- That's not the knife, remember?
- Oh, brilliant!
- I'm tellin' you, this is the craziest.
I mean, what are we supposed to believe?
You're pullin' stories out of thin air.
A guy like this, if he's sittin' ringside
at the Dempsey-Firpo fight,
he'd be trying to tell you that...
Look. Now what about the old man?
Are we supposed to believe he didn't
see the kid tearin' down the steps
15 seconds after the killing?
He's just sayin' so to be important, right?
- What's the point of it all?
- Hold it.
The Baltimore rooter is heard from again.
- And pop-ups are fallin' for base hits.
- Hold on a second. Look.
- Did the old man say he ran to the door?
- What's the difference?
- He got there, didn't he?
- He said he ran. At least I think he did.
I don't remember, but I don't see
how he could have run.
He said he went from his bedroom
to the front door. Isn't that enough?
- Where was the bedroom?
- Down the hall.
- Don't you remember that?
- No.
- I want to see a diagram of the apartment.
- Why don't we have him on trial again?
You're the only one
wants to see exhibits.
- I want to see this one, too.
- I'd like to stop wastin' time.
If we're gonna wade through
that nonsense about the body...
No, but I'd like to know if an old man
who drags one foot cos he had a stroke
can get from his bedroom
to his front door in 15 seconds.
- He said 20.
- He said 15.
- 20. What are you tryin' to distort?
- He said 15.
How does he know how long
15 seconds is? You can't judge that.
He said 15. He was positive about it.
He was an old man! He was confused!
How could he be positive about anything?
I don't see what you're going to prove.
The man said he saw the boy running out.
Let's see if the details bear him out.
As the body hit the floor,
he said he heard footsteps upstairs,
running to the front door.
Heard the upstairs door open,
the footsteps start down.
He said he got to his own door in, at most,
15 seconds. If the killer ran immediately...
- Maybe he didn't.
- The old man said he did.
You oughta be at
that hair-splitters' convention.
Why don't you stop
making smart remarks?
My friend, for your three dollars a day,
you have to listen to everything.
Here's the apartment. The old man's was
directly beneath and exactly the same.
Here are the el tracks, the bedroom, living
room, kitchen, bathroom, hall, stairs.
The old man was in this bedroom here.
He says he crossed to the door,
walked down the hall, opened the door
just in time to see the boy
running down the stairs. Am I right?
That's the story, for the 19th time.
- 15 seconds after the body hit the floor.
- Correct.
Now, let's see. It was...
It's 12 feet from the bed to the door.
The hall is 43 feet.
He would have had to walk 12 feet,
open the bedroom door,
walk 43 feet down and open
the front door, all in 15 seconds.
- Could he have done it?
- Sure.
He walks slowly. He needed help
into the witness chair.
- You make it sound like a long walk.
- For an old man who had a stroke, it is.
- What are you doin'?
- I'm gonna try it.
What do you mean?
Why didn't his lawyer bring it up?
- Maybe he just didn't think of it.
- Do you think he's an idiot? It's obvious.
- Did you think of it?
- It don't matter. He didn't bring it up
because he knew it'd hurt his case.
Or because it would have meant bullying
and badgering a helpless old man.
That doesn't sit well with a jury.
Most lawyers avoid it.
- What kind of a bum is he?
- That's what I'm asking.
Pass me that chair.
Those two chairs are the old man's bed.
I just paced off 12 feet.
This is the bedroom door.
That's crazy.
You can't re-create a thing like that.
The hall was 43 feet.
I'll pace from that wall and back again.
This is insane. What are you
wasting everybody's time for?
According to you, it'll only take
15 seconds. We can spare that.
Come on. Knock it off.
OK. OK, OK, killer.
Will you stand there and mark the front
door? It was chain-locked, remember.
- Who's got a watch with a second hand?
- I have.
Stamp your foot. That'll be the body
falling. You can time me from there.
- What are we gonna do, play charades?
- What are we waiting for?
I wanna wait till
the second hand reaches 60.
Aw, come on!
Come on, speed it up.
He can walk twice as fast as that.
If you want me to walk
faster than that, I will.
- Lock. Door. Stop.
- Right.
What's the time?
Exactly... 41 seconds.
This is what I think happened. The old
man heard the fight a few hours earlier.
When he's in bed,
he heard the body hit the floor,
heard the woman scream, got to
his front door as fast as he could,
heard somebody running
and assumed it was the boy.
- I think that's possible.
- Assumed?
Brother, I've seen all kinds
of dishonesty in my day,
but this little display takes the cake.
You all come in here with your hearts
bleedin' about slum kids and injustice.
You listen to some fairy tales. You start
getting through to these old ladies.
You're not getting through to me.
I've had enough.
What's the matter with you guys?
You all know he's guilty! He's got to burn!
- He'll slip through our fingers.
- Slip through our fingers?
- Are you his executioner?
- I'm one of 'em.
- Perhaps you'd like to pull the switch.
- For this kid, you bet I would.
I feel sorry for you. What it must
feel like to wanna pull the switch!
Ever since you walked in, you've acted
like a self-appointed public avenger.
You want to see this boy die because
you want it, not because of the facts.
- You're a sadist.
- You...
Let me go! I'll kill him! I'll kill him!
You don't really mean
you'll kill me, do you?
- Anything wrong? I heard some noise.
- No, everything's all right.
We're just... Friendly little argument.
We're through with that diagram.
You can take it if you want. Here you are.
What are you lookin' at?
- Somebody has to start off again.
- I beg pardon...
"I beg pardon."
What are you so polite about?
For the same reason you're not.
It's the way I was brought up.
This fighting... That's not
why we are here, to fight.
We have a responsibility.
This, I have always thought,
is a remarkable thing about democracy.
That we are...
What is the word?
Notified. That we are notified by mail
to come down to this place
to decide on the guilt or innocence of a
man we... we have never heard of before.
We have nothing to gain or lose
by... by our verdict.
This is one of the reasons
why we are strong.
We should not make it a... personal thing.
If nobody else has an idea,
I might have a cutie here.
Let's throw it out
and see if the cat licks it up.
- The cat licks it up?
- Yeah. The boy...
Look how dark it's gettin' out there.
I bet we're gonna have a storm now.
Boy, oh boy. It's really hot, huh?
- Pardon me, but... don't you ever sweat?
- No, I don't.
Listen. I... I was wonderin' if...
Maybe... maybe we should
take another vote.
Great. Maybe we can follow this one up
with a little dancing and refreshments!
- Mr Foreman?
- Well, that's OK with me.
Anyone doesn't wanna vote?
Hey, come on.
- Sorry.
- I think we ought to have an open ballot.
Call out our votes, you know?
Let's see who stands where.
Well, that sounds fair to me.
Anyone object?
OK. I'll call off your jury numbers. One?
Oh, that's me. I vote guilty. Two?
Not guilty.
Number three?
Number four?
Number five?
Not guilty.
Number six?
Not guilty.
Number seven?
Number eight?
Not guilty.
- Number nine?
- Not guilty.
- Number ten?
- Guilty.
Number eleven?
Not guilty.
Number twelve?
Number twelve!
The vote is now six to six.
And we go into extra innings here, eh?
Six to six! I'm telling you, some of you
people in here must be out of your minds.
A kid like that!
I don't think the kind of boy he is
has anything to do with it.
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十二个陪审团成员各有不同,除了8号陪审员(H enry Fonda 饰)之外,其他人对这个犯罪事实如此清晰的案子不屑一顾,还没有开始讨论就认定了少年有罪。8号陪审员提出了自己的“合理疑点”,耐心地说服其他的陪审员,在这个过程中,他们每个人不同的人生观也在冲突和较量……
导演: 西德尼·吕美特
编剧: 雷金纳德·罗斯
主演: 亨利·方达 / 马丁·鲍尔萨姆 / 约翰·菲德勒 / 李·科布 / E.G.马绍尔 / 杰克·克卢格曼 / 爱德华·宾斯 / 杰克·瓦尔登 / 约瑟夫·史威尼 / 埃德·贝格利 / 乔治·沃斯科维奇 / 罗伯特·韦伯
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1957-04-13(美国)
片长: 96 分钟
又名: 12怒汉
十二怒汉 12 Angry Men (1957) 全部台词 (当前第5页,一共 8 页)
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