12:00 AM
Good morning, Inez.
It's you, Amel.
You surprised me.
Come on.
Honey, where are you going?
I'm going with Bayu.
I told you, I'm going to take photos.
So that's it then?
It's your camera over me?
Why do you talk like that?
You've known me
since the beginning, haven't you?
Fine. But tonight's plan
is still on, isn't it?
-What's that?
Of course it's still on.
-Okay, I'll leave, then.
-Okay. Be careful.
I'll definitely have dinner with you.
Honey, what's the purpose of this?
-It has this thing on it.
-That's crazy.
Hey! You really surprised me!
Alvin! What the hell?
-Are we leaving now?
-Let's go.
-Come on, then.
-Honey, be careful.
I'm slipping!
-Bye! I love you.
Alvin, your job is
to take good care of my boyfriend.
It's rare to find a male like him.
What is he? A rhinoceros?
-Damn it.
-Damn you!
-Okay, then. Bye.
What is it? I'm at the studio.
I've been waiting for you
for a long time in the restaurant.
Damn. I forgot.
Okay, I'm going there right now.
This is infuriating!
He's very late.
Maybe he's still on his way.
Would you like me to call him?
No. Don't bother.
He's always like that.
Whenever he's in his studio...
...he'd forget about time.
Don't be so tense, Inez.
Besides, it's not like we need
to discuss an urgent matter...
...is it?
Calm down. Let's just relax.
That doesn't mean he can
arrive very late like this.
He promised to arrive on time.
Well, have it your way.
-Hi, Alvin.
A moment, please.
I'm staying out of this.
What's with you?
I'm angry.
You don't have to act so extreme.
-You've changed.
-How have I changed?
How have you changed?
Something needs to change
in our relationship.
Alvin, how much longer
do I have to be patient?
How much longer?
I was wrong.
I apologize.
-Alvin, come close!
-The point is, we need to be unified.
Especially both you. Stop quarreling.
That's not true! We're solid, aren't we?
We need to be united
at heart, feelings, and nation.
For independence!
You're dropping by, aren't you?
Dropping by?
I don't think so, Honey.
I have a lot of work to do.
I'll come tomorrow. I promise.
I'm sorry.
-Thank you.
Are you sure you won't drop by?
Yes, Mother.
It's okay if you can't return this week.
How's Grandmother?
You don't have to worry about me.
I'm okay.
Okay. Please, be careful, Mom.
Be mindful of your health.
Hey, Alvin.
Damn, I had a bad night.
What happened?
I think I hit something
with my car last night.
What did you hit?
I think it's a person.
But when I try to find
that person, he's already gone.
Maybe it has something
to do with the place...
...with the place
we photographed yesterday?
Of course not.
Why would the photo
be connected to a person I hit?
Maybe his diligence to take photos
is only for the time being.
Not really, Amel.
But you knew how it was.
When we were simply friends...
...he was far more attentive towards me.
But now, after only a month...
...we constantly fight.
Maybe you're just being overly sensitive.
Well, I'm not really sure myself.
I'm confused now. Does he really need me?
It's as if he cannot
appreciate what I feel.
I don't think that I act
as complicated as you.
I've never been hard on Bayu.
I also feel that Bayu has his own world.
Just like I do.
That is why, you need to have trust.
The main thing is trust.
Maybe you're right.
I should see Alvin now.
Don't yell at him, okay?
-Give may regards for him.
-Buy me lunch.
Be careful.
-Where have you been, Honey?
From the library. What are you doing?
I'm checking my camera.
I think something's wrong with it,
but I don't know what it is.
Let's go to the theater tonight.
A good movie is currently playing.
Not tonight.
I have to go to the magazine's office
to deliver the photos.
So, you're busy again?
Next week, okay?
I promise, next week,
we'll go watch a movie, okay?
-Don't be angry.
Inez! Hey!
It's okay.
I didn't kill my husband!
I didn't know.
Please, don't take me, Sir.
I didn't kill my husband.
I didn't know!
Please, don't take me, Sir!
I didn't kill my husband! I didn't know!
I didn't know!
I was told by Miss Neni to see you here.
Yes, I told her that.
I didn't kill my husband! I didn't know!
What is it?
That woman slaughtered her own husband.
She sounds as if she's denying it.
Well, it's shock.
A psychological disorder.
She is convinced that her body
and soul are overtaken by a demon.
She could remember nothing.
Her actions were beyond her control.
I'll have to think about it.
How long are you going to wait?
I've always asked you to go along
to crime scenes during coverages.
By being an intern in my office...
...you can hone your
talent and potential, Alvin.
Do you know...
...that on some of the cases
I've encountered in crime scenes...
...the perpetrators believed that they
were overtaken by supernatural forces.
They committed the killing
in a sadistic manner.
It was brutal and unusual.
Do you find it logical...
...when a father kill his own child?
Yes. Okay.
Vin, I'm sorry.
I have to be at the office immediately.
There's an editorial meeting.
-See you later, then.
-Thank you.
I ran into you at the campus.
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