101忠狗续集:伦敦大冒险 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure(2003)【完整台词】
101忠狗续集:伦敦大冒险 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure(2003) 全部台词 (当前第1页,一共 7 页)
It seems like|such a short time ago...
...that my pet and I|were just lazing about...
...in our little London flat,...
...living the humdrum,|bachelor life,...
...and wishing things weren't|so very, very dull.
Oh, that's my pet... Roger.|My name's Pongo.
You remember, I'm the one|with the spots.
- Oh, goodness!|- No, no, not that one.
Or that one.
Ah, that's me, living my|new life as a family man.
Never a dull moment.|I guess I got my wish.
Ahh!|I think I'm seeing spots!
Hey, seeing spots!
"Spots...|I'm seeing spots"
"Everywhere I'm seeing lots|of those tiny little dots"
"Yes, it's true"
"They're on the beds|and the cots"
"In the pans and the pots"
"And they've left|little spots in the loo"
...are you packing|or playing?
I'm playing|at packing, dear!
Well,|quit fooling around.
We're moving first thing|in the morning!
"We'll have a Dalmatian|plantation"
"La la-la-la|la la-la-la"
"I see spots|on the walls"
"In the rooms,|in the halls"
"On the floors,|in the drawers, yes, I do"
"And every morning|when I rise"
"And I open up my eyes"
"I am taken by surprise"
"'Cause instead of seeing|skies"
"I see lots|of little spots"
- " We'll have a Dalmatian plantation"|- Spots, spots, spots!
- " And never again shall we roam"|- " Everywhere on the beds...
- " Can't wait to begin our sweet living that's in"|- " On the walls...
"Our Dalmatian|plantation home"
"Dalmatian plantation,|we're home"
Oh, Roger!
Yes, tomorrow|would be moving day.
Only one more night|in this little flat...
...which was getting smaller|by the minute.
I mean, even I was beginning|to feel a bit smothered.
It was easy to see how one of|our puppies could feel...
...well, just a little bit lost|in this...
...sea of spots.
Hello, Patch.
Hello, mother.
Watching the television,|are we?
Well, I've got to save|my spot, now, don't I?
It's the best spot,|after all!
Ahh! But you know your show|doesn't start until after...
Oh, dear.
Oh, not again!
Whoo! Whoa!
Ooh. Ugh.
Ehh! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!
Whoo! Ugh.
Come on, you guys!|Make room!
No, you don't,|Mr. Roly-poly.
One bowl at a time!
There must be something|in here.
Is everybody ready|for the show?
My spot!
"The Mighty Thunderbolt|Adventure Hour..."
Ahhh! Whoa!
- Heyyy! - "...the|one-of-a-kind wonder dog"
Kanine Krunchies...
...the crunch your dog|loves to munch...
...presents "The Thunderbolt|Adventure Hour,"
...starring Thunderbolt,|the one-of-a-kind wonder dog!
And his trusty sidekick,|Little Lightning.
In last week's|thrilling episode...
...wholesome Tommy|was kidnapped...
Help, Thunderbolt,|save me!
...and spirited away|by that black-hearted villain...
Dirty Dawson!
Help, Thunderbolt!|Save me!
Will our hero arrive|in time?
Help, Thunderbolt!|Save me!
What horrible fate awaits|wholesome Tommy?
Oh, I can hardly look!
Oh, I've seen this one.|This is brilliant!
Help, Thunderbolt!|Save me!
That mangy mutt|can't save you this time!
Hold on, Tommy!|Thunderbolt's coming!
- Ahh!|- Ahh! Hey!
This is just like "Double-cross|at Dead Man's Ditch,"
...except that was a mine car,|not a train.
- Shh!|- Shh!
Watch this.|Thunder's gonna grab the whip.
- Shh! -|Shh! - Shh!
Patch, you're gonna|spoil it again!
They say|every dog has his day...
...but this'n ain't gonna|be yours...
...ya flea-bitten cur!
Whoa! Ahh! Ah!
Whoo-hoo! Yes! Yes!
This ain't fair!
What was that supposed|to be? Heh heh heh heh!
It was the most pitiful bark|I've heard yet.
Yeah, it sounded like|someone sat on a squeaky toy!
Ahh, Thunderbolt,|you're one-of-a-kind!
Wow! One-of-a-kind!
"Kanine Krunchies..."
All right, bedtime,|everyone.
- Ohhh! -|Ohhh! - Ohhh!
But, Dad,|we're not sleepy yet.
Nanny, do you have|the new dog tags?
Right here.
We'll put them on|as they come up the stairs.
Say, kiddies!
Is your dog|a one-of-a-kind wonder dog?
If you think your pooch has|what it takes...
...bring him down|to the London set...
...of Thunderbolt's exciting|new adventure...
"Thunderbolt Versus the Hound|of the Baskervilles."
Thunderbolt's in London?
That's right!|Thunderbolt's in London.
Just follow|a Kanine Krunchies truck...
...down to tomorrow's auditions...
...where one lucky pup|will win the opportunity...
...to appear as a guest|on the show.
Dad! Dad! Dad!
56, 57, 58... Careful.
59, 60, 61, 62...
63, 64...
Dad! Dad!|I have to see Thunderbolt!
J- J-Just a minute, son.|I'm counting.
But, Dad!
67, 68, 69...
I've seen every episode...|all 72.
72, 73... 2?|Uh...
Not now, Patch.|I'm busy losing count here!
76, 77, 78, 79...
But, Dad!
Dad! Whoa!
81, 82, 83...
Oh! Ohh!
Oh, dear.
Uh, 98, 99, 100, 101,|102, 103, 104...
...and Patch... 105.
Are you all right, son?
Dad, I've just got to see|Thunderbolt tomorrow.
Yes, I know,|but tomorrow is moving day.
You're going to love it|on the farm, son.
There are big green fields|and a stream...
...and a barn and lots|of different animals.
Hey, maybe you and I|can chase some chickens, huh?
Uh, sure, Dad, but...
Here we go!
"Cherry Tree Farm,|Little Tichfield, Devon." Hmm.
Why, I imagine it's the most|splendid farm in the whole country.
Oh, Perdy...
The farm will be such a wonderful|place to raise our puppies.
And best of all...
...we'll be miles away from|that evil, ugly monster...
Cruella De Vil!
Now, please let me in!
I can't do that,|Miss De Vil.
Mr. Fenwick, please,|something, anything.
You know very well that|the terms of your probation...
...don't allow me|to sell you any more furs.
Not even a stole...
...that my pet and I|were just lazing about...
...in our little London flat,...
...living the humdrum,|bachelor life,...
...and wishing things weren't|so very, very dull.
Oh, that's my pet... Roger.|My name's Pongo.
You remember, I'm the one|with the spots.
- Oh, goodness!|- No, no, not that one.
Or that one.
Ah, that's me, living my|new life as a family man.
Never a dull moment.|I guess I got my wish.
Ahh!|I think I'm seeing spots!
Hey, seeing spots!
"Spots...|I'm seeing spots"
"Everywhere I'm seeing lots|of those tiny little dots"
"Yes, it's true"
"They're on the beds|and the cots"
"In the pans and the pots"
"And they've left|little spots in the loo"
...are you packing|or playing?
I'm playing|at packing, dear!
Well,|quit fooling around.
We're moving first thing|in the morning!
"We'll have a Dalmatian|plantation"
"La la-la-la|la la-la-la"
"I see spots|on the walls"
"In the rooms,|in the halls"
"On the floors,|in the drawers, yes, I do"
"And every morning|when I rise"
"And I open up my eyes"
"I am taken by surprise"
"'Cause instead of seeing|skies"
"I see lots|of little spots"
- " We'll have a Dalmatian plantation"|- Spots, spots, spots!
- " And never again shall we roam"|- " Everywhere on the beds...
- " Can't wait to begin our sweet living that's in"|- " On the walls...
"Our Dalmatian|plantation home"
"Dalmatian plantation,|we're home"
Oh, Roger!
Yes, tomorrow|would be moving day.
Only one more night|in this little flat...
...which was getting smaller|by the minute.
I mean, even I was beginning|to feel a bit smothered.
It was easy to see how one of|our puppies could feel...
...well, just a little bit lost|in this...
...sea of spots.
Hello, Patch.
Hello, mother.
Watching the television,|are we?
Well, I've got to save|my spot, now, don't I?
It's the best spot,|after all!
Ahh! But you know your show|doesn't start until after...
Oh, dear.
Oh, not again!
Whoo! Whoa!
Ooh. Ugh.
Ehh! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!
Whoo! Ugh.
Come on, you guys!|Make room!
No, you don't,|Mr. Roly-poly.
One bowl at a time!
There must be something|in here.
Is everybody ready|for the show?
My spot!
"The Mighty Thunderbolt|Adventure Hour..."
Ahhh! Whoa!
- Heyyy! - "...the|one-of-a-kind wonder dog"
Kanine Krunchies...
...the crunch your dog|loves to munch...
...presents "The Thunderbolt|Adventure Hour,"
...starring Thunderbolt,|the one-of-a-kind wonder dog!
And his trusty sidekick,|Little Lightning.
In last week's|thrilling episode...
...wholesome Tommy|was kidnapped...
Help, Thunderbolt,|save me!
...and spirited away|by that black-hearted villain...
Dirty Dawson!
Help, Thunderbolt!|Save me!
Will our hero arrive|in time?
Help, Thunderbolt!|Save me!
What horrible fate awaits|wholesome Tommy?
Oh, I can hardly look!
Oh, I've seen this one.|This is brilliant!
Help, Thunderbolt!|Save me!
That mangy mutt|can't save you this time!
Hold on, Tommy!|Thunderbolt's coming!
- Ahh!|- Ahh! Hey!
This is just like "Double-cross|at Dead Man's Ditch,"
...except that was a mine car,|not a train.
- Shh!|- Shh!
Watch this.|Thunder's gonna grab the whip.
- Shh! -|Shh! - Shh!
Patch, you're gonna|spoil it again!
They say|every dog has his day...
...but this'n ain't gonna|be yours...
...ya flea-bitten cur!
Whoa! Ahh! Ah!
Whoo-hoo! Yes! Yes!
This ain't fair!
What was that supposed|to be? Heh heh heh heh!
It was the most pitiful bark|I've heard yet.
Yeah, it sounded like|someone sat on a squeaky toy!
Ahh, Thunderbolt,|you're one-of-a-kind!
Wow! One-of-a-kind!
"Kanine Krunchies..."
All right, bedtime,|everyone.
- Ohhh! -|Ohhh! - Ohhh!
But, Dad,|we're not sleepy yet.
Nanny, do you have|the new dog tags?
Right here.
We'll put them on|as they come up the stairs.
Say, kiddies!
Is your dog|a one-of-a-kind wonder dog?
If you think your pooch has|what it takes...
...bring him down|to the London set...
...of Thunderbolt's exciting|new adventure...
"Thunderbolt Versus the Hound|of the Baskervilles."
Thunderbolt's in London?
That's right!|Thunderbolt's in London.
Just follow|a Kanine Krunchies truck...
...down to tomorrow's auditions...
...where one lucky pup|will win the opportunity...
...to appear as a guest|on the show.
Dad! Dad! Dad!
56, 57, 58... Careful.
59, 60, 61, 62...
63, 64...
Dad! Dad!|I have to see Thunderbolt!
J- J-Just a minute, son.|I'm counting.
But, Dad!
67, 68, 69...
I've seen every episode...|all 72.
72, 73... 2?|Uh...
Not now, Patch.|I'm busy losing count here!
76, 77, 78, 79...
But, Dad!
Dad! Whoa!
81, 82, 83...
Oh! Ohh!
Oh, dear.
Uh, 98, 99, 100, 101,|102, 103, 104...
...and Patch... 105.
Are you all right, son?
Dad, I've just got to see|Thunderbolt tomorrow.
Yes, I know,|but tomorrow is moving day.
You're going to love it|on the farm, son.
There are big green fields|and a stream...
...and a barn and lots|of different animals.
Hey, maybe you and I|can chase some chickens, huh?
Uh, sure, Dad, but...
Here we go!
"Cherry Tree Farm,|Little Tichfield, Devon." Hmm.
Why, I imagine it's the most|splendid farm in the whole country.
Oh, Perdy...
The farm will be such a wonderful|place to raise our puppies.
And best of all...
...we'll be miles away from|that evil, ugly monster...
Cruella De Vil!
Now, please let me in!
I can't do that,|Miss De Vil.
Mr. Fenwick, please,|something, anything.
You know very well that|the terms of your probation...
...don't allow me|to sell you any more furs.
Not even a stole...
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