It was nice of you to stay
sometimes even families aren't...
He wanted to.
Oh, that's nice.
You must be proud of your son.
He's not my son.
Be quick.
He can't be far.
We told the police,
the social worker's calling his wife.
He says she lives in Peru.
We'll let you know...?
That won't be necessary.
We're not staying in the area,
we're in a hurry. Thanks.
Right, Lucas, we're going now.
Lucas, we're going now!
Where's Pierre?
He's gone away on a trip.
-He must have felt better
and got fed up so he left.
You're talking rubbish.
Why are you talking rubbish?
Right, that's it, I give up.
Let go now, little man. Let's go!
No, keep it.
Crying one minute,
laughing the next...
Enter your destination.
Where are we going?
Where's that?
On the way to Iceland.
It isn't really.
It's in the middle of France.
In the Rhone Valley.
Do you know the Rhone?
Name a town on the Rhone.
Clear off!
I'm not getting in with beaknits!
You mean beatniks.
Did you follow me?
Sadly, not.
But nothing happens by chance,
it's all for a reason.
Is this clown car yours?
Do you want a ride?
Why? Are you going to Toulon?
As long as you don't try to...
You get me?
Oh, shit.
Get in!
Is he your son?
Half mine.
I don't doubt that.
You didn't tell me you had a kid.
What's your name?
Lucas. He's shy.
I'm not shy!
Hi, Lucas.
I'm Julie.
He's really sweet.
Mixed race, really cute.
Where's his mother from?
Guadeloupe, Mali, Madagascar?
She's gone away.
Are you going to Toulon then?
You said...
I put that on the sign,
otherwise nobody will stop.
Hey, there's a guy behind
waving at you.
It's Pierre!
Do you know him?
Wait for me! Wait!
Lucas, get back in the car!
Take me with you, please!
Are you mad?
I can't! I've a job, work to do!
Appointments to keep!
What about her, then?
I've got an appointment too,
one I can't miss.
I didn't think I'd make it
and now our paths have crossed.
So obviously,
I thought it's now or never!
Enough now! Lucas!
Come on, Lucas!
What on earth's going on?
Mr Pérez...
Is there a problem?
Everything's fine.
I beg you,
don't leave me here on my own!
Doesn't look fine. Are you OK?
Never you mind! Clear off!
Time of the month, is it?
What's with Mr Bean?
Nothing! Come on, get in!
You too! Lucas, come on!
Hurry up before I change my mind.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
Yeah, whatever. Arsehole!
Why am I doing this? Why?
What was all that with that guy?
Couldn't help it.
I can't stand
these part-time do-gooders,
all side partings and coughlinks.
That's all we need.
Enter your destination.
What's wrong with the main road?
Everyone else'll be
on the main road.
Leave it to me.
In four hundred metres, turn right.
You drive fast!
You wanted a lift, didn't you?
Turn right.
What are you doing?
Turn left.
You have arrived.
I wasn't even scared.
It's all my fault.
Who are you, anyway?
He drank some Duck,
but now he's better.
I can't get a signal.
Can you get one on yours?
I haven't got one.
I can't stand people calling me
for the slightest thing.
"Where are you? What are you doing?"
Aren't I allowed?
There's lots you can't stand.
You're helping me.
It's definitely stuck.
We're in big trouble now!
Will you help me pick up
the leaflets?
What have I got myself into?
Pierre filled me in.
It's not the end of the world.
If he wants to do a runner
from hospital for an appointment,
what's it to you?
Of course.
-What did you say?
-You wouldn't understand.
What does that mean?
You really are talking crap!
I have to be in Lyon
tomorrow morning
or I might well lose my job.
The only job I can do,
the only job I've ever done.
Happy now? Do you get it?
Yeah, I guess.
I always got on with my life in peace
without any hassle. But now,
what went wrong?
And the kid?
Whose is he?
I'm not stupid.
You're a playboy
with no wedding ring,
and the kid's dressed like a clown.
And you've no booster seat.
Damn the bloody booster seat!
His mum's got a few problems.
I'm taking him to his dad's.
What sort of problems?
Like we all have.
Maybe not you,
but I've got plenty right now.
I'd have had a look at the engine,
but I don't know how to open it.
But if I can help...?
You've done enough.
We'll walk to a town.
I was wondering
if you do your flyers on a computer?
The visuals, I mean.
It's what I used to do.
Before computers came along.
I used to design labels,
for tins of food, actually.
Right. Where's Lucas?
Lucas, he's... He was just here.
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