1970s, home video games
have been coveted by
children around the world.
I was not one of those children.
What do you think? I won it bowling.
It was either that or a Crock-Pot,
and I already got three of those,
so I thought I'd surprise you.
No, thank you.
games are for children.
Sheldon, you are a child.
I just blew the hot
off your SpaghettiOs.
I'm sorry, Meemaw,
I just don't think
it's a very productive
use of my time.
You're a man of science.
Aren't you interested
in doing a little research here?
"Brave adventurer,
prepare to enter a world
beyond your imagination.
Where the only sound you'll
hear is your own heart pounding
as you race through the dark woods.
- This sounds terrifying.
- Really?
You don't even want to try it?
Honestly, I'd have more
fun with the Crock-Pot.
I'll just play by myself.
- That's amusing.
- Why?
I guess it's the
juxtaposition of an old person
using new technology; it tickles me.
What if this old person
really tickles you?
[LAUGHING]: I'll play! I'll play!
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
I'm not getting any younger.
I have to read the instructions first.
Did you know this document
gives us specific legal rights?
We may also have other rights
which vary from state to state?
I did not.
Well, now you do.
- All right, I'm ready.
- Great!
To read the manufacturer's warranty.
Oh, you're killing me.
Hey, George, how y'all been?
Good, good.
Hey, fixed your
place up, looking snazzy.
Ah, thanks.
Even got a new water cooler.
It's got those pointy cups,
look like Madonna's bra.
So, what's going on with your truck,
other than the fact it's
got 130,000 miles on it?
She been running hot.
worried I need a new radiator.
As your friend and neighbor, I hope not,
but as a businessman,
that'd be pretty sweet.
It could just be the
thermostat not opening right.
That is correct.
How'd you know that?
I took auto repair last year.
And you actually paid attention?
I'm as surprised as you are.
Now we need to put in
a name before we start.
What are you thinking?
We should combine the
letters in our two names,
Sheldon and Meemaw.
Like, uh ShelMaw?
No, using all the letters, like
Emelda Showmen.
Did you just do that in your head?
Yes, why?
Never mind, just put it down.
All right, here we go.
I thought I was playing.
You don't know how to play;
you didn't read the manual.
You're in charge, Emelda.
Thank you.
Should I go left or right?
Why don't you try going in that cave?
Why would I do that?
It's probably dangerous.
Sheldon, they wouldn't
have put the cave there
if they didn't want you to go in it.
Seems unnecessarily reckless, but okay.
Dark and dangerous.
I told you.
Just keep going.
The box was right, my heart is pounding.
All right,
good news.
Tell me.
Well, the kid was right
It's just the thermostat.
Yeah, yeah.
So how long to fix it?
- Nothing, 20 minutes.
- Can I help?
Well, sure.
Grab yourself a
pair of coveralls and have at it.
I'm paying you so my
own son can fix my truck?
Well, we could have my son do it,
but we know how that's gonna end.
MEEMAW: What are you doing?
- Kill him!
- I'm trying!
Well, what's the problem?
I seem to have weak thumbs.
Pause it.
I'm a little winded.
Why don't you let the
old person give it a shot?
Would you like me to
give you a tutorial first?
Give it to me.
I'll figure it out.
We are such different people, Meemaw.
Thank you.
Die, you sumbitches, die!
- Very different people.
- Die, you son bitches!
When I grow up, will I be a
Dallas Cowboys cheerleader?
"Not likely.
" Darn it.
Did you tell her?
Why don't you tell her?
Tell me what?
Herschel offered me a part-time job.
Between that
and football practice, when
would you do your homework?
When does he do it?
Are you okay with this?
Yeah, I think it'll be good for him.
I don't know, I think his
education should come first.
Come on, Mom.
It's not
like I'm gonna graduate
You heard him.
[SIGHS] Fine, but I want you
here for dinner every night,
and if your grades slip, you are done.
- Thank you.
- Now go wash up.
And don't get grease all over my towels.
He really did know his stuff
at the shop.
It was impressive.
All right, well, maybe
it'll be a good thing.
How about a Houston Oilers cheerleader?
"Signs point to yes.
" I'm
gonna marry a quarterback.
ADULT SHELDON: Over the next few days,
I ran to my meemaw's house
so we could save the 8-bit princess.
And if it's unclear
how important this was,
let me say it again: I ran.
Right behind you, monster, monster!
I see him!
You're losing life points, do something!
Calm down, I've got this.
No, no, no, you're going to die!
We're going to have
to restart this level!
Okay, we need to set a few ground rules.
Rules, love 'em.
Mazes, puzzles, panic attacks,
you're in charge.
Whooping monster butt,
that's my purview.
Excuse me.
Is there a
monster on that screen?
Yes, ma'am.
And can two players
swing the magic sword?
So what does that mean as we go forward?
I have to shut my yap.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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