Previously on Young Sheldon
Who are you?
- I'm Paige.
- This is a very advanced class.
Do you know how to differentiate
under the integral sign?
[CHUCKLING]: Do you know anything?
I know you're in my spot.
These are parents we
can actually relate to.
- Sounds good.
- Oh, thank you, Lord,
for connecting us with the parents
of another special child.
You kids are special, too.
I used to work at the practice
with Barry, but I had to quit
once Paige's schedule
started to get busy.
Well, a unique child can
require a lot of attention.
Try all the attention.
Barry, it sounds like you
might be feeling left out.
Sometimes I do.
Don't you get him another beer.
Oh, come on.
You love
this, and you know it.
They're as messed-up as we are.
ADULT SHELDON: From a young
age, I was the proud member
of several elite organizations:
The Radio Shack Battery Club,
entitling the bearer to
the incredible bargain
of one free battery per month.
It's no wonder they
went out of business.
Starfleet International,
entitling the bearer
to say things like, "I'm a member
of Starfleet International.
And best of all, the Natural
Science Museum of Texas,
which included a free
subscription to their magazine.
"The secrets of carbon isotope dating.
Mom, can you make the salad?
Hey, don't put in any
of those little tomatoes.
Hey, I don't tell you how to
impersonate a lump of clay.
You don't tell me how to make a salad.
There's going to be a
lecture on carbon dating
at the Natural Science
Museum on Saturday.
Who would like to take me?
You know what? I'd be happy to.
What happened to helping
me at my yard sale?
Ooh, is that this Saturday?
I'm sorry.
I'm taking him to a lecture on, uh
what is it? Carbonation?
Carbon dating.
A method of determining
the age of artifacts and fossils.
Hey, we could use that to figure
out how old your grandma is.
That won't work.
You can't carbon-date
something that's alive.
Well, then, we'll just chop
her down and count the rings.
Oh, George, did my "lump of
clay" remark strike a nerve?
A little.
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Dad, do you believe that fossils
are millions of years old?
I guess.
Well, Mom believes the world
was only created 6,000 years ago.
Are these differences a
sticking point in your marriage?
Not at all.
- Why?
- Simple.
We never talk about it.
So you just avoid discussing
topics you don't agree on?
At all costs.
Hearing that further convinces
me I'll never get married.
Never say never.
Why not? You just said it twice.
All right, as soon as I get
these tables set up on the lawn,
y'all can start bringing that stuff out.
You think you're gonna get ten
bucks for this piece of junk?
Hey, that piece of
junk is a wedding gift
from my cheap-ass Cousin Betty.
And I was gonna leave
a little room to haggle.
What's a haggle?
You start high,
they offer less, then you
meet somewhere in the middle.
Leaves them feeling like,
you know, they got a deal.
- Did they?
- [GIGGLING]: Not if you did it right.
How much are we getting paid today?
You're not getting paid squat.
You're helping out your meemaw.
That doesn't seem fair.
Yeah, we should get something.
How much you want?
- Five dollars.
- Each.
That's pretty steep.
How about I give you a buck apiece?
Let's meet in the middle
Three dollars each.
Now we're haggling.
Let me ask you a question.
If you break something today,
are you prepared to
cover the cost of that?
- No.
- Nuh-uh.
Well, we're gonna
have to factor that in.
And did you bring your own lunch?
You said we were getting pizza.
Well, I did, but pizza ain't free.
And I'm teaching you about negotiating,
which is a pretty valuable
life lesson, right?
- Yeah.
- I guess so.
So, if my math is right,
you owe me two dollars each.
We owe you?
The numbers don't lie.
Dang it.
All right, listen.
I love ya, and you're family,
so if you do it for
nothing, we'll call it even.
Take it, take it, take it.
You got yourself a deal.
[SIGHS] Y'all drive a hard bargain.
bringing that crap outside.
SHELDON: Oh, my.
: Yeah.
I bet he dresses down
to about 6,000, 7,000
pounds of USDA prime.
You would eat him?
He'd eat me.
You're really cleaning house.
Got to get rid of the old gar-bage,
make room for the new gar-bage.
This was Dad's.
You're not getting rid of this, are you?
Didn't need it when he shot it,
didn't need it when he stuffed it,
- don't need it now.
- Really?
It was his first attempt at taxidermy.
He was so proud.
If it has sentimental value to you,
I'll let you have it for five dollars.
For this nasty thing?
Oh, you're selling his golf clubs, too?
Which one of your children do you see
hanging out with Arnold
Palmer in the future?
Dad's clothes, his shoes, his pipes?
Honey, it's just stuff.
I know, but still
I get how you're feeling.
I do.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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