"That everyone who believes
may have eternal life in him.
For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only son.
[WHISPERS]: Here we go.
[SIGHS] Yes, Sheldon?
When you said God gave
his son to the world,
did you mean Earth or the universe?
But if God created the universe,
wouldn't he want to save all of it?
Yes, uh, he would.
Then why did you say Earth?
"Earth" is a synonym for the universe.
[QUIETLY]: He's grabbing at straws now.
So if God's plan is to
save all of the universe,
that means a race of octopus
aliens light-years away
could only be saved by Jesus?
Even though they never
would've heard of him?
Even though his appearance
might be terrifying to them?
W-Why would his appearance be terrifying?
He has four limbs and they have eight.
- Okay, that's enough.
- JEFF: No, no.
I prayed people would be
more interested in my sermons.
I suppose I should've
been more specific.
Sheldon, if these creatures
were born without sin, they
don't need to be saved by Jesus.
What if an octopus Adam and
Eve brought sin to their world?
Would they be saved by a human
Jesus or an octopus Jesus?
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
And then I said octopus aliens
didn't need to become Christian
because they're not
affected by original sin.
You should've been there; Pastor
Jeff almost started crying.
Oh, now I'm sorry I missed it.
That's your fault for having a hangover.
Or it's God's fault for
putting Sunday morning
after Saturday night.
- Meemaw, could you take me to Radio Shack?
- MARY: Hello?
Sure, maybe later.
Later's a little vague.
Could you please be more specific?
When I'm good and ready.
How's that?
Better, but I'd really
like to nail this down.
Why don't you ask your
father to take you?
- Dad?
- What?
Can you please take me to Radio Shack?
I'm busy.
Ask your meemaw.
I did.
She said to ask you.
Well, ask her again.
Seems counterintuitive, but all right.
Oh, Lord.
Everything okay?
Stephanie Hanson's daughter was
in a car accident last night.
She died.
Oh, no.
My God.
She was barely 16.
: That's horrible.
Is there anything we can do?
I don't know.
Um ugh.
I need to call folks at the church.
Any more thoughts on Radio Shack?
Sheldon, do you really think
this is the appropriate
time to ask that question?
I did, but now I'm
second-guessing myself.
How you holding up?
I'm okay.
16 years old.
It's just awful.
It's all part of God's plan.
How come we don't get
to go to the funeral?
Why would you want to go to a funeral?
I've never been to one.
When you get to be my age,
you get to go to plenty.
That's, like, a hundred years from now.
You make it hard to love you.
Do you really see a dead body?
How close do you get to it?
Real close, if you want.
And the clothes they're wearing,
is that the clothes
they become a ghost in?
In the movie Ghost,
Patrick Swayze has on the
outfit that he dies in.
Casper runs around butt naked.
Maybe he died naked.
That's fun to think about.
And y'all wonder why
you're not at the funeral.
Good morning, Peg.
Well, it will be once this
cup of Sanka works its magic.
Is Pastor available?
Oh, he's on the phone with his wife.
- Oh, should I come back?
- Nah.
He usually gets his
groveling done pretty quick.
So that little Hanson
girl, that was horrible, huh?
Reminds you that
life is precious.
You're up, slugger.
JEFF: Come in.
I have the clothing drive flyers
if you'd like to take a look.
Thank you.
You all right, Mare?
No, not really.
Um I can't stop thinking
about that little girl.
I understand.
That's why it's important in these times
to take comfort in our faith.
What if that's not doing the trick?
Events like this can
certainly create doubt.
It happens to me more often
than I'd like to admit.
What do you do?
I roll up my sleeves and I work
even harder at serving our Lord.
Mary, we each have a
relationship with God,
and relationships take work.
Get out there.
Help the needy, start a Bible study,
hug a stranger and tell 'em
the Lord loves 'em.
But not a child; that
backfires on you, big-time.
Thank you, Pastor Jeff.
You are most welcome.
Oh, and tell Sheldon
I spoke to my seminary professor,
and the official ruling is:
God would appear to the octopus
aliens in octopus alien form
and save their eight-legged souls.
Praise Jesus!
I should put that in a sermon.
Hold on, hold on.
Thank you, God,
for this food we are about to
receive and for the nourishment
of our bodies, and bless the
hands that prepared it.
We're doing this at breakfast now?
Yes, I think it's a nice idea.
She's eating Count Chocula.
Doesn't he play for the other side?
I'm so glad God blessed you
with a sense of humor, George.
Mom, have you received any
distressing phone calls today?
Just wondering if it's
an appropriate time
to ask if you could
take me to Radio Shack.
Sorry, sweetheart, I can't today.
I have to bring this food
over to the Hanson family.
Then I have my new prayer group.
And after that, I'm gonna get started
on a faith garden in the backyard.
A faith garden? What the hell is that?
It's an outdoorsy place
for me to speak to God.
Don't you already speak to him indoorsy?
Yes, but in the backyard,
I can enjoy the beautiful
world he gave us.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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