What on Earth?
- Hello, Mom.
- Hi.
I bet you're wondering.
I sure am.
It's a shortwave radio.
Sturgis is letting me use it.
STURGIS: It picks up broadcasts
- from around the world.
- Listen.
This is the time being announced
every minute from Ottawa.
OPERATOR: At the sound of the
tone, the local time in Ottawa
- will be 5:13.
Spellbinding, ain't it?
And you thought this was
okay to go on in my house?
It was that or my house, so here we are.
Wednesday morning, the
Nobel Prize winners are going
to be announced in Sweden, and
we'll hear it as it's happening.
Well, 2.
8 milliseconds later.
Sure, because of the propagation.
And what's this? Some kind of antenna?
It needs to go up on the roof.
You're not going on the roof.
Of course he's not.
I am.
You're not going, either.
Excuse me, I have six years
of tai chi under my belt.
I have the balance of a jungle cat.
You doing some kind of
slow-motion hula dance
in the park is not gonna change my mind.
I do much more than just this.
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
So you want me to put
that thing on that roof?
So you can hear who won a science prize?
The Nobel Prize.
[SIGHS] Why can't you read
who won in the newspaper?
I could say the same
thing about the Super Bowl,
but you still watch it.
He got you there.
The Super Bowl is football.
Your thing is I don't
even know what your thing is.
It's the most prestigious
award in the field of physics.
I'll think about it.
When I win one, I might
just thank you in my speech.
The things I do for you.
Georgie, get out here!
Got a chore for you!
Good call.
You have
no business up there.
OPERATOR: Radio Sweden International.
There it is.
Which scientists
are you rooting for?
Oh, I don't have a favorite.
There's so much good work being done.
I think it's time Frederick Reines
finally gets his due for the neutrino.
I suppose he has a shot.
I should think so, he confirmed
the neutrino's existence
35 years ago.
What the heck are they waiting for?
Lots of talented people
don't get recognized.
aren't able to have
You know if we had cable,
we'd have, like, 60 channels?
We have plenty of channels.
We have seven.
Hey! There are starving kids in Africa
with no channels.
Come on, it don't cost much.
I'm not paying for television.
Television is free.
Always was, always will be.
You're so cheap.
If you want cable, pay for it yourself.
Or better yet, try turning that
thing off and go read a book.
"Read a book"?
STURGIS: Inch by inch
Row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
- Gonna mulch it deep and
- John?
Hello, my sweet.
What are you doing out here?
You have goosegrass.
And you can't have a nice
lawn if you have goosegrass.
[CHUCKLES]: It's kind of dark out.
Goosegrass doesn't sleep.
It kills the good grass
and leaves bald spots.
But don't worry,
I'm on the job.
Can I get you a flashlight?
I would prefer a headlamp, such
as one would use for spelunking.
Let me check my spelunking supplies.
You're a peach.
Pulling weeds and picking stones
Good morning, Medford High School,
this is Class President Sheldon Cooper
with an important science bulletin.
This Wednesday morning,
the Nobel Prize in
Physics will be announced,
and I'd like to invite each and
every one of you to my garage
to listen live at 5:00 a.
be a part of scientific history.
- Food and refreshments will be served
- You worried your kid
just invited the whole
school to your house?
At 5:00 in the morning for
a Swedish science thing?
[CHUCKLES] Not at all.
In other school news, this
Friday night our football team
will be playing another football team.
Hi, Connie, this is Dr.
I work in the physics
department with Dr.
Oh, sure, I remember you.
What can I do for you?
Well, I'm just calling to let
you know that John is fine,
but there's been a bit of an
incident at the school today.
What happened?
He broke into the
mainframe computer lab,
tripped off an alarm.
Security came, and there was a chase.
A chase?
It was a short one.
He's not a fast man.
Uh well, where is he now?
He's in the dean's office.
He has you listed as
the emergency contact,
so I just wanted to let you know.
Well, uh thank you
- so much for calling.
- My pleasure.
If there's anything I can
do, feel free to reach out.
Or if you'd like to go
grab a coffee sometime,
I know a cute little cafe.
Do you like scones?
You're not actually trying to
hit on me right now, are you?
- Is it working?
- No.
I should go.
What kind of snacks do
you think I should serve
at my Nobel gathering?
It's on Swedish radio.
about Swedish meatballs?
But it's at 5:00 a.
Swedish breakfast balls?
I could offer an assortment
of breakfast cereal.
My mom doesn't let me have
cereal with sugar in it.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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