Not all science is created equal.
There's physics, the
undisputed king of science.
There's chemistry.
It's no physics,
but it's not a bad way
to pass a rainy afternoon.
And then there's biology,
the squishiest of the sciences.
Once you have deposited enough saliva
in the blue Benedict's solution,
we'll mix it
in the centrifuge.
After that, we'll pass it
through the spectrometer
to measure how much glucose is present.
And won't that be a party?
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
It's warm.
Oh, dear.
And then there was some
extra money in the budget,
so I was able to order
those tackling dummies
I had my eye on.
I don't understand why
the football program gets
so much money, while the
equipment in the science lab
is outdated and falling apart.
Oh, I can explain that.
This is Texas.
Pass the ribs.
Well, it's not fair.
It's a school.
Education should be their priority.
All right, I'll explain it again
I think Shelly's got a point.
The school is supposed
to prepare these kids
for the future.
How many of 'em
are gonna be professional
football players?
No one at this table.
But how many of 'em
are gonna be scientists?
I know.
George, isn't there a
way they can take some
of the football money
and spend it on science?
Really? I need to explain it again?
You know, Moon Pie, in the
'60s, when the hippies wanted
to change things, they
would just protest.
- You were a hippie?
- Oh, no.
But I wrote a letter
complaining about the hippies,
and the police chased 'em
right out of that park.
So my point is
maybe you could write a letter.
Ooh! Maybe I can lodge
a formal complaint
with the school board about
the sports budget infringing
on the other departments.
Okay, last time:
the other states,
What are you doing, standing there?
I wrote a formal complaint
letter to the school board
on how much money is spent on football.
I was hoping you could
deliver it to them.
You do realize your
father's a coach here.
Yes, sir, I do.
Maybe you ought to talk
to him about this first.
I did.
He didn't care for the idea at all.
Well, there you go.
There I go what?
Let me see that.
"Barbaric sport
encourages bloodlust similar
to Roman gladiator games
Christians, lions
money better spent on
science and learning.
You're joking, right?
Did you see the word "bazinga"
anywhere in that letter?
I'll just have to go over his head.
President Cooper.
That's serendipitous.
I understand that you're in
charge of student elections.
I am.
I'd like to run for class president.
You can sign up, but
I have to warn you
You'll be running
against Nell Cavanaugh.
She's well-liked by the student body.
These elections tend to be a
bit of a popularity contest.
- So?
- You're gonna make me say it, huh?
Say what?
People don't like you.
Well, as my meemaw likes to
say, water off a duck's back.
Elections shouldn't be about popularity.
They should be about
who has the best ideas.
And what's your idea?
Less money on football,
more on science.
Guess what.
I'm running
for class president.
Good for you.
You're encouraging him?
He's gonna get destroyed.
You don't know that.
I feel like I do.
Well, whether you win or not,
I think it's great that you're trying.
But you think I'll win, right?
God's listening, Mom.
I think it's certainly possible.
Do you have a campaign strategy?
Do you have a catchy slogan?
Does he have a shot at winning?
Hello, I'd like to speak
to the mayor, please.
My name is Sheldon Cooper.
I'm running for class president
and was hoping he could
give me some advice.
I'm ten years old.
But if it helps get him on the phone,
I'm well-behaved, a straight-A student,
and have impeccable hygiene.
This is Mayor Harrison.
I understand you are running for office.
Class president.
Do you have any advice on how to win?
The most important
thing is to get out there
and connect with people.
That's tricky.
I'm not terribly fond of people.
Well, you might need to get over that.
Assuming I can,
how do I connect with them?
A friendly handshake is a great start.
Oh, boy.
Now I have to touch them?
Over the next few days,
I mounted my campaign.
My name is Sheldon Cooper, and
I'm running for class president.
Put her there.
Greetings, fellow students.
I'm running for class president.
Here's a button.
Have a grown-up put them on you.
They're sharp.
I'm Sheldon Cooper,
and I'm running for class president.
- Yeah?
- I understand
you had a baby last year.
If you bring it in, I'll try to kiss it.
Vote Sheldon for class president.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
19. A Political Campaign and a Candy Land Cheater 全部台词 (一共 3 页)
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