I'll tell him.
Sheldon, you need to go
to the principal's office.
You do that every time.
I'll be right there.
What's up?
Principal wants to talk to me.
Grow up.
What are you doing here?
I got called to the principal's office.
So did I.
What, you do something wrong?
Not that I'm aware of.
Did you?
I hope not.
Maybe it's good news.
Sheldon, you ever been called
to the principal's office
for good news?
- Never.
- Mm.
Gentlemen, good news.
I had a feeling.
What's up?
We got the PSAT results
back, and Sheldon
got a perfect score.
- Neat.
- Thanks, Tom.
I'll be sure to put
that up on the fridge.
No, you don't understand.
Sheldon's the only kid in
the school to ever do this.
At his age, maybe in the whole country.
It was fun.
I enjoyed it.
So what's this mean?
It means he pitched a
perfect game, George.
I've already gotten calls from
colleges who want to meet him.
For, like, scholarships and stuff?
For everything!
They might even pay you to get him.
My man!
When was the last time
you washed your hands?
Come on!
Can you believe it?
Perfect score.
Good job, moon pie.
And not just that.
Colleges are already sniffing
around to recruit him.
What do you mean, colleges? He's ten.
Principal Petersen said
Caltech is interested.
Where's Caltech?
California, Mom.
It has "Cal" right there in the name.
You're not a part of this conversation.
The "tech" is for "technology.
Shelly, go to your room.
The adults need to talk.
Given the events of the day,
I would argue I am an adult
and should be treated as one.
I probably could've
said that differently.
You honestly think that
little boy's ready for college?
Hey, I didn't think he
was ready for high school,
but here we are, a year and a half in,
- and no one got hurt.
- That is different.
He's got you and Georgie over there,
and he's still living at home
with his mother and his sister.
- And me.
- Sure.
I understand all that.
Then why are you
pushing so hard for this?
Because these schools
are interested now.
It's like football recruitment.
You got to strike while the iron's hot.
This is nothing like football.
Oh, yeah? What if he stops being smart
and they don't want him anymore?
How is that gonna happen?
I don't know.
Conks his head?
Will you help me, please?
Sorry, I'm not a part
of this conversation.
At least Dad's on my side.
Doesn't matter.
Mom's gonna win.
She always does.
But I have to leave for
college at some point.
If you went to college,
you know what would happen?
I'd enjoy higher learning?
You would die.
You would curl up on the floor and die.
That's not true.
You can't even take care
of your own boo-boos.
For your information,
every college is staffed
with a medical professional.
My boo-boos will be well-tended to.
Sheldon! Come back in here!
I guess we'll find out what happened.
I already know what happened.
Mom won.
Shelly, I am very proud of you
for doing so well on that test.
But you can't go off to college.
- Mom!
- In a few years, sure.
But, right now, you can just keep taking
your one college class with Dr.
Why can't I go there full-time?
Oh, baby, it's an hour away.
We can't drive you back
and forth every day.
I'm the one who's been driving him.
And she loves it.
How can he be so smart
and so clueless at the same time?
Sturgis lives at the school.
What if he acted as my guardian?
That's an idea.
A crazy one.
But it would only be on school nights.
- Shelly.
- What's the point of being intelligent
if I can't take advantage
of opportunities like this?
They're still discussing.
Mom didn't win?
It's touch and go.
Is staying with John really that crazy?
He doesn't know squat about kids.
Why are you even considering this?
Well, the Lord gave
Shelly these abilities,
and I don't want to be
the one holding him back.
I'll ask him.
But I'm pretty sure I know
what answer you're gonna get.
Sure! What the heck?
Do you really think you could handle
living with a ten-year-old?
Oh, he's only biologically ten.
In every other way, he's as old as I am.
John, I don't think you realize
the responsibility involved here.
Well, why don't we have a trial run?
Have him spend a couple days
with me and see how it goes.
A trial run, huh?
Like the space program.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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