come as no surprise
that the very first
grade I ever received
was a "super-duper.
Granted it was for
counting spots on a ladybug,
but still, I nailed it.
Even as the difficulty
of assignments grew,
I maintained the same
level of excellence.
INGRAM: Good job, Cooper.
That's just sad, Cooper.
class, in every subject,
I was perfect.
Which is why this day hit
me like a ton of bricks.
MEEMAW: Hey, moonpie.
Ready to go?
Look at this.
95? That's terrific.
If it was terrific, it would say 100
with the word "terrific" next to it.
Don't sweat it, you'll
get 100 next time.
But I should have gotten it this time.
Sturgis made a mistake.
And we're sweatin' it.
Sturgis, I believe you've
made an error grading my test.
Let me see.
No, you didn't calculate
using Maxwell's equations.
Maxwell's equation my sweet patootie!
- You like Willie Nelson?
That would require
knowing the permeability
of free space and natural units.
- I suppose
I like Willie Nelson.
an electric field, but
that would still require
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Morning, Peg.
I need to run Sunday's bulletin
- by Pastor Jeff.
Is he in?
Is he coming down with somethin'?
Oh, my, are you sick, too?
[COUGHING]: Never better.
Oh, hey, Mary, come on in.
- I-I'm fine here.
Um, I have Sunday's bulletin
for your approval.
I wanted to ask about
ordering the palms for Palm Sunday.
I know it's early, but
as you remember last year,
we waited too long and
First United Methodist
snatched up all the perky ones.
Should you be here right
now? You look terrible.
I feel terrible.
Well, then go home, let
your wife take care of you.
You'd think she'd do that, but no.
Well, you should
at least go see a doctor.
I can't.
The Walker couple
is coming in for counseling.
If you rescheduled, I'm
sure they'd understand.
Hey, what if you did it?
Marriage counseling?
Don't you need some sort
of training for that?
Nah, you just listen, uh,
give 'em a couple prayers,
send 'em on their way.
- Okay, if you really want me to.
- I do.
In fact, for the rest of
the day, you're in charge.
All right? The bulletins,
the palms, it's all you.
Well, all right, um,
but only if you promise to
go home and get some rest.
Home, movie theater,
food court, somewhere.
Today we're gonna
work on interior angles
of a convex polygon.
Georgie, where's your brother?
I don't know, do you
really want him here?
Convex polygons are polygons
Sheldon, why aren't
you in second period?
I'm working on this math problem.
I think you might be the
first person in history
who's ever cut class to do math.
The irony wasn't lost on me.
Oh, hey, 95.
Good job.
Really? I'm here every day
and it's like you don't know me at all.
Oh, okay.
aw, 95, too bad.
There we go.
Anything you can tell
me about the Walkers?
Not really, just a couple of newlyweds
trying to figure it out.
Well, marriage is hard.
- I'll never know.
- Oh
don't think that way.
I'm sure there's someone
out there for you.
Oh, no, that's not the problem.
I just don't want to
waste this on just one guy.
Sorry we're late.
Someone couldn't decide on a hat.
- Sorry.
- Oh, that's all right.
Hi, I'm Mary Cooper, I'm gonna
be doing your session today.
Oh, what happened to Pastor Jeff?
He's out sick and asked me to fill in.
- Oh, okay.
- But don't worry,
you're in good hands.
been married for 15 years
and whatever you're going through,
I'm sure I've been
through it several times.
PEG: Francine?
I dig your hat.
So when we first started dating,
he would plan these elaborate
picnics by the lake
You know, like a real picnic
with the red and white blanket.
- Oh, gingham, sweetie, it's called gingham.
- Yeah.
And after you got married,
all the picnics and wooing ended?
No, no, not at all.
In fact, Elliot's more dotin' than ever.
He knows that tulips are my favorite,
so every week there's
a fresh-cut bouquet
on my nightstand.
I own the flower shop
across from the post office.
Well, y'all seem hunky-dory.
I'm confused, what's the issue?
Well, um, we're having
trouble in the, you know
[WHISPERS]: The bedroom.
- Sheldon, what are you doing here?
They wouldn't let me use the
phone in the principal's office.
- Who are you calling?
Sturgis It's a math emergency.
[SCOFFS] Don't you think
you should've asked my permission first?
It's ringing.
Yes or no?
You know what? I don't care.
Sturgis, this is Sheldon.
You're wrong and I can prove it.
Is that so?
It is so.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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