ADULT SHELDON: A fossil is formed
when an organism, preserved in sediment,
undergoes physical compression
- over millions of years.
Less than one ten-thousandth percent
of living organisms will become fossils.
Isn't it amazing
that something so fragile
can defy those odds,
only to have this happen to it
I don't think you did that right.
- GIVENS: All right, everyone,
we'll pick it up here
I-If we're lucky,
we may find a fossil as
old as lunch lady Phyllis.
You people don't know what's funny.
TOMMY: Cooper!
Will you put these away for me?
You better watch yourself.
I will, I-I really will.
'Cause you know what's
gonna happen if you don't.
Who was that?
No one.
Why did he push you?
None of your business.
But that was a clear violation
of the student code of conduct.
We need to tell on him.
We're not telling on
anyone, stay out of it.
But the student code of conduct
Drop it.
ADULT SHELDON: So I did drop it
ADULT SHELDON: for six whole minutes.
Excuse me, sir.
When you're done urinating,
I'd like to ask you
some questions about social
dynamics, intimidation,
threats, et cetera.
Finish up, no hurry.
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
What is your problem?
Oh, I don't have a problem.
You should probably wash your hands.
I just witnessed an altercation
between you and Georgie Cooper.
A confrontation, a tussle.
I'd just like to gather more information
for sociological purposes.
Oh, I heard about you,
you're that smart kid.
I'd like to be humble in this
moment, but yes, that's me.
Sheldon Cooper, at your service.
- So Georgie's your brother?
- Correct.
And you're trying to protect him?
I'm just curious
what he did to incur your wrath.
Also, kudos on the hand washing.
Your brother's a punk.
I'm not familiar with that terminology.
He tried to hit on my girlfriend.
So he
openly pursued your mate,
and to re-assert dominance,
you threatened him
with physical violence.
Hell yeah, I did.
I understand that.
I often intimidate people
with my intelligence.
Well, one of us scared him.
- MARCUS: All right.
Missy Cooper.
Just a heads-up, this is my good side.
Do your parents know
you're wearing that makeup?
Oh, yeah, my mom knows.
You sure? Because
typically it's not allowed.
If you don't believe
me, you can ask her.
Okay, we're gonna give her a call.
Good news, I just
spoke to Tommy Clarkson.
What? Are you crazy?
Nope, Mom had me tested.
And Tommy's actually
nicer than you think.
I told you to stay out of it.
True, but what you didn't tell me
was that you were overly
chummy with his girlfriend,
which is why he wants
to kick your bottom.
I'm about to kick your bottom.
I don't think so.
H-Hey, Tommy.
How you doing?
You got a problem with him,
you got a problem with me.
And just to make his logic clear,
you do have a problem with me.
Don't listen to my brother, I don't have
a problem with anybody.
You need to apologize.
I-I'm very sorry.
To him.
I'm very sorry, Sheldon.
Later, kid.
See? He's nice.
What were you even thinking?
I was thinking I look hot.
You know you're not
allowed to wear makeup.
That's why I didn't tell you.
And who gave it to you?
Heather B.
? Heather M.
So your grandmother was okay
with you looking like this
in your school pictures?
If you don't believe me, ask her.
Oh, I'm going to.
CURT CHAPLIN: These are the plaintiffs,
Valerie and Anthony Sines.
Valerie claims she was
sitting on the front steps
of her condo with her cat Scampi,
and that's when his dog went
after Scampi, injuring her.
- What are you watching?
- Go away.
Are you angry with me?
I don't want to see your face right now.
Very well, but I'd like to
watch Professor Proton.
Did you hear me? Go away.
Well, did you hear me?
I'd like to watch Professor Proton.
- Too bad.
- Interesting.
I wonder how my new
friend Tommy Clarkson
would feel about this.
Well, he's not here, is he?
No, he's not.
I guess I'll just have to call him.
You're kidding.
CHAPLIN: the case of
a taste of Scampi
after these messages.
Are you going to put on Professor Proton?
Okay, okay.
Thank you.
I didn't hear a "you're welcome.
: Shut up!
- We'll work on that.
PROFESSOR PROTON: It's time for science!
- Hello.
Well, don't you look like Madonna?
Thank you.
I was actually trying to look like you.
Thank you.
Why would you give her makeup
without talking to me first?
I didn't give her any makeup.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
14. David, Goliath, and a Yoo-Hoo from the Back 全部台词 (一共 3 页)
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