Previously on Young Sheldon
Why was Veronica Duncan hugging you?
I'm tutoring her in trigonometry.
Just between us, she's a little slow.
That's not what I heard.
There's nobody at my house.
- You want to come over?
- Yes.
- What's that?
- Some stupid haunted house
my mother's doing for the church.
Lundy's scene about lust
made a deep impact on my brother's date.
She asked to be saved by Jesus.
[CRYING]: I don't want
to live like this anymore.
it turns out, she was.
Dear Lord Jesus, set me free.
of the Planet of the Apes,
we learned how humans taught
the apes to become civilized.
Which I think should
start with potty training,
but I'm not a screenwriter.
Can you help me with my math homework?
It's really hard.
"It" isn't the problem.
Fine, what are you working on?
There's a number, then there's a line,
then there's another number under it.
Yes, fractions.
ADULT SHELDON: At that moment,
it occurred to me if I
could teach mathematics
to someone as dull-witted as my sister,
I could create a race of superhumans
that would do my bidding.
And who wouldn't want that?
Please, Sheldon.
You know what, Missy?
I'd be happy to help you.
Thank you.
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Try thinking of it
this way: imagine a pie.
The number on the bottom of the fraction
is how many pieces the
pie has been sliced into.
What kind of pie is it?
Doesn't matter.
But it would help me picture it
if I knew the kind of pie.
Fine, it's banana cream.
I don't like banana cream.
Okay, what kind of pie
would you like it to be?
What about those little
apple pies from McDonalds?
- Sure.
- I burned my mouth on one of those.
Didn't stop me.
I still ate it.
Hey, Georgie.
You-you changed your hair.
I did.
It's shorter.
It is.
I like it.
You here to see me?
I-I'm here for your mom's Bible study.
Oh, sure, of course.
I'm glad you could join us.
Come in, won't you?
[CHUCKLES] You're part of the group, too?
Faith, the Bible, God,
I'm nuts for that stuff.
So one-fourth of the
12 pieces of pie is?
And one-third of the 12 pieces is?
Now how much is
one-third of the pie plus
one-fourth of the pie?
Well, three plus four is
seven, but there's 12 pieces,
so seven-twelve-iths.
It's twelfths.
And yes.
I did it.
ADULT SHELDON: Actually, I did it.
In less than ten minutes, I
taught fractions to a monkey.
Welcome, Veronica.
so glad to have you.
What are you doing?
What's it look like?
I'm here for Bible study.
Did you just take a shower?
[SNIFFS] You did, too.
So I want to be clean for
Get off my back.
Georgie, if you want
to be a good Christian,
maybe you should stop
lying through your teeth.
Just be happy I brushed them, okay?
- Hmm
- MISSY: Okay.
All done.
While we're here, would you like me
to introduce you to algebra?
Al who?
Oh, boy.
It's not a person, it's
an ancient Arabic method
of finding the value of variables.
ADULT SHELDON: Clearly, I needed
a more sophisticated technique
to motivate my simian sister.
Are you sure?
If you learn a little algebra,
I'll give you a banana.
All right, now we're
reading from Matthew 4.
Georgie, why don't you
get us started on verse 17?
Yes, you.
Um Verse 17
[QUIETLY]: Verse 17
Give me a minute.
Bless you.
Okay, here we go.
"From that time,
"Jesus began to preach and say 'Repent,
c-change your inner self,
your old way of thinking,
regret past sins,
live your life in a way
that proves repentance:
seek God's purpose for your life.
Powerful stuff.
Can I get an amen?
ALL: Amen.
- Need any help there, Sheldon?
- I'm looking
for some books on education theory.
- What for?
- I'm trying
to develop a technique to teach someone
who falls into the conventional
category of "stupid.
Well, now, there's
a wide range of stupid.
Can you narrow it down?
She wrote a fan letter to Alf.
Got it.
So you're looking to
make a pretty radical change.
Well, ideally, I'd like to
wipe my sister's brain clean
and start over, but my
mom wouldn't like that.
Moms are no fun.
Hey, Veronica.
- Georgie.
- So, listen,
I was doing my prayers
last night and, uh,
you won't believe it, but
I think God spoke to me.
Really? What did he say?
Well, I couldn't understand
all of it, 'cause it was
in an ancient language,
but the part I did understand
is he wants us to spend
more time together.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
11. A Race of Superhumans and a Letter to Alf 全部台词 (一共 3 页)
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