I thought you didn't like
taking the Lord's name in vain?
Oh, shut up.
It's been a while, huh?
Don't blame me.
You're the one who had a heart attack.
Mm, the doctor did say I
needed to get more exercise.
I think he meant walks around the block.
No, he winked at me,
and did this little rotation
with his hips, like
Hey, we got any plans this weekend?
I thought maybe we could get
started on the vegetable garden,
and then, of course, church on Sunday.
Yeah, that does sound fun,
but what if, instead, I
was to go up to Bethy Creek
with Georgie and do some fishing?
How long you been waiting
to spring that on me?
Well, not till I was
done rotating my hips.
- You're awful.
So what do you say?
What about Sheldon?
What about him?
You can't always leave him out.
I'm not leaving him out.
You know how he is about fishing.
Get it away, get it away!
Calm down, it's an itty-bitty thing.
No, I'm an itty-bitty thing!
Who says you have to take him fishing?
Find something else to do with him.
Something he'd like.
What are we gonna do? Spend the weekend
sitting around, thinking?
You have to make an effort.
Young boys who don't spend
time with their daddies
grow up to be oddballs.
Honey, I hate to tell you, but
that ball is already pretty odd.
Okay, fine.
I'll talk to him.
think of something.
- Thank you.
I was just remembering
when I took him camping.
SHELDON: Moth! Moth!
: Sheldon,
it's just a butterfly.
How is that any better?
Butterfly, butterfly!
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Hey, pal.
Playing with your rockets?
I'm trying to calculate
ballistic coefficients.
Well, that's fun, too.
Listen, I don't have
to work this weekend,
I was wondering if you wanted
to do something together.
Like what?
Whatever you want.
Well, the filter on my air
purifier needs to be changed.
How about a trip to Sears?
Yeah, I was thinking along
the lines of something
a little more active.
Like last year,
we went fishing
Mom! Dad's trying
to make me go fishing!
No, no, it's okay.
We're not going fishing.
All right, good.
But seriously,
was fishing really that bad?
Mom! Dad's trying to convince me
that fishing wasn't that bad!
Come on!
Forget I said anything about fishing.
Just think about it,
and we'll do whatever you want.
Thank you.
There is the launching of the
space shuttle this weekend.
Space shuttle?
Don't they do those out of Florida?
Cape Canaveral.
Sheldon, that's-that's
like a 12, 15 hour drive.
I understand.
Never mind.
You know what? Let's do it.
It'll be fun.
The three Cooper boys
on a little adventure.
Sound good?
Sounds good.
was coming together.
I just needed to get on the shuttle
so I could finally escape
this ridiculous planet.
Spoiler alert, I'm still here.
So, Sheldon, me and Georgie
are gonna take a little
road trip this weekend,
see the shuttle launch.
Looks like I don't get a vote in this.
Oh, good, you're catching on.
I wonder if we'll get
to meet an astronaut.
I remember when I was a teenager,
I had the biggest crush on
John Glenn.
I would've given it
up for him no problem.
- Mom.
- Given what up?
Her allowance.
Just eat.
So how long are you gonna be gone?
Oh, we'll leave first
thing Saturday morning,
stay the night in a motel,
and see the launch bright
and early on Sunday.
I can't believe we're going to see
an actual working spacecraft.
Look how happy he is.
Good job.
How come I don't get to go?
'Cause you, me and Meemaw
are gonna have our own fun.
Could we shoot guns at the gun range?
Mm, you're too young
to go to the gun range.
Meemaw took me.
We pinky swore.
What are you doing?
Oh, yeah.
Don't listen to me.
I don't know what I'm saying.
I know you like to just keep driving,
and get where you're
going, but you can't ignore
- his bathroom schedule.
- I know.
He goes number one first
thing in the morning,
then again in the afternoon,
once more in the late afternoon,
say 4:00, 4:30, depending
on his juice intake,
and then, a quick piddle before bedtime.
- "Piddle.
" Got it.
- Now,
number two's a little trickier.
Mary? Relax.
I can take care of my son.
I know.
I'm just saying,
if he's upset or nervous,
he can get all clogged up.
I won't let that happen.
Thank you.
Okay, let's talk about food.
No need to.
He likes his meat cooked
to at least 165 degrees,
except for chicken, which is 180.
The different foods can't
touch each other on the plate.
Ketchup and mustard must
come out of a packet.
No bottles.
What about his issues with spaghetti?
That's a trick question.
He likes spaghetti.
All right, I guess you got this.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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