Let's go.
Let's go.
We're gonna be late!
ADULT SHELDON: Fun fact the first time
I almost died was at the age of nine.
The murder weapon?
A Jimmy Dean sausage.
Mom, Sheldon's making faces at me.
ADULT SHELDON: In fairness to Mr.
- Honey!
- This one morning, I decided
to forgo my normal
20 chews per bite,
as prescribed by the
American Medical Association.
George, help!
Come here, boy.
We got it.
We just got to smack it out.
complicate matters,
in any real-life crisis,
my family's default
mode is mindless panic.
Sheldon's gonna die!
Sheldon's gonna die!
ADULT SHELDON: Or heartless apathy.
MARY: Oh, Lord.
Here we go.
This is how you do it.
- Here we go.
And we shake.
- Honey!
ADULT SHELDON: It's interesting
the things you think about
when life is ebbing from your body.
For instance, linoleum.
What is it, really?
Plastic? And if so, how is
it different from Formica?
I'm calling 911.
about Count Chocula?
How is he a count?
Did the title come with land?
George, Heimlich!
- MARY: Don't hurt his little ribs!
in the final moments,
your life passes before your eyes.
All I saw was my brother
licking jelly off the knife
and putting it back in the jar.
Okay, it's better now.
- Honey.
Are you okay?
Can you breathe? Say something!
You have to throw away that jelly.
Nobody else is
stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
I've never been late to school before.
I'm late all the time.
It's no big deal.
I get you to school on time
every day.
Why are you late?
I have a lot of people to
say hi to in the morning.
would you write a note for me?
You have the coolest excuse.
You almost died.
Did you see Jesus?
I saw Count Chocula.
But feel free to mention my
brush with death in the note.
All right, that's enough
talk about death and dying.
I came this close to having my own room.
MACELROY: Remember, the food drive
ends Friday.
All canned goods are welcome.
But please make sure
your cans have labels.
Needy people have enough problems
without having to
guess what's for dinner.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I have a note.
You poor thing, you
had a medical emergency?
Yes, ma'am.
I choked on a sausage.
BOY: How big was it?
About yay big.
ADULT SHELDON: To this day,
I still don't understand
why they were laughing.
You're sitting in my spot.
Why is it your spot?
It's complicated.
Just move.
- You're reading a comic book.
- I am.
You do understand
those are for children.
Have you ever read one?
I outgrew picture
books when I was three.
Just eat your lunch.
What's the matter?
I-I don't think I can eat this.
You want to trade?
My mom made me fish soup again.
How long do we have
to be in this country
before I get baloney?
Mm, no, thank you.
I'm not hungry.
"I'm not hungry.
Three words you never hear in Vietnam.
MEEMAW: Well, here's
something nice.
You know that Mr.
with the furniture store
over by the steakhouse?
- I don't think so.
- Oh, sure you do.
That Hebrew fella with the comb-over?
You mean Jewish?
I think they like to be called Hebrew.
he's asked me to dinner.
Well, good for you.
What'd you say?
I said I'd have to think about it.
What's to think about?
Well, a lot.
I mean, assuming he enjoys
dinner, he might want
a scoop of Meemaw for dessert.
Mom, the kids.
I said "dessert.
Did you know I was talking about sex?
Why aren't you eating?
I don't think I can.
Sometimes the different foods
touch each other, Sheldon.
Not the end of the world.
No, I'm afraid I'll choke again.
Oh, honey, that's not gonna happen.
Go ahead, eat your dinner.
What's all this about choking?
Sheldon almost died this morning.
- What?!
- Oh, yeah.
Dad was shaking him upside
down like a ketchup bottle.
It was great.
Well, you got to eat something, baby.
Just have a few bites.
I can't.
It's too risky.
Dibs on the tater tots.
All right, I'll wrap that up for you,
and if you change your mind,
you can have some later.
At least drink your milk.
mother and father saw
that I'd been traumatized and
were patient and understanding
about my fear of
eating solid foods.
This lasted one more day.
MARY: Sheldon Lee Cooper, if you don't
finish that pork chop,
I swear I will chew it up
and spit it in your
mouth like a mama bird.
Do it, Mom.
Do it.
- Mary, can I speak to you for a second?
- No.
Enough is enough.
The boy has got to eat.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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