Previously on Young Sheldon
You know that Mr.
with the furniture store
over by the steak house?
He's asked me to dinner.
Is he your boyfriend?
Well, he's one of them,
so let's not bring that up.
All right, so what can I do for you?
What's it like to be Jewish?
Oh, it's terrible.
I don't recommend it.
Connie, I would like to
have dinner with you tonight.
This is very promising.
Sturgis and Meemaw
had their first sleepover.
It's a big step in their relationship.
I'm going to go congratulate them.
Hey, put on a jacket, it's chilly out.
I have only seen you eat
vanilla ice cream for dessert.
- Why is that?
- Well, I've taken a page
from the great physicist
Richard Feynman.
In order to have
one less decision in his life,
he decided that dessert would
always be chocolate ice cream.
Sounds like it could get kind of boring.
Oh, it does.
But over the last 35 years,
I believe I've saved at
least a day and a half.
Well, you have to let
me cook for you sometime.
But I enjoy cooking for you.
It's a means of expressing my affection.
It also allows me to
control the amount of garlic,
which gives me the burps.
Well, I do make a mean barbecue,
and I promise I can make it garlic-free.
Next time, you can express
your affection for me.
Excuse me.
I bet it's Sheldon checking on us.
Connie? It's Ira.
Hey Hey
I'm, uh
I-It's Sheldon.
He sounds a little agitated.
I'm gonna take it in the other room.
Hello again.
Listen, I'm wondering what
you're doing this weekend.
I miss you.
Cool, cool.
You want to go to a movie
or bowl a few frames?
Uh, you know, listen, it's
not a great time right now.
Um, I have a little family over,
and can I call you later?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
don't want to interrupt.
I just miss hearing your voice.
Well here it is,
coming right up out of my throat.
Um, okay,
so, uh, uh, bye.
How's Sheldon doing?
- What?
- Sheldon.
You were talking to Sheldon.
Oh right, yes.
Did you know he has a
picture of that fella Feynman
in his bedroom?
What? So do I.
Peas in a pod.
Oh, darn.
Excuse me.
How's it going?
It's Sheldon again.
What do you mean "again"?
I recently read an article
about a superconducting supercollider
that might be built in Texas.
What about it?
Well, I thought if there was a lull
in your dinner conversation,
you might casually drop
it as an icebreaker.
Our dinner conversation
is going just fine.
Well, now you have it
in your back pocket.
Carry on.
Question will we be
engaging in coitus tonight?
Because I believe I pulled a hamstring
on the bike ride over.
Why didn't you say something?
Well, I was trying to display machismo,
but it's becoming more and more clear
that there's something
askew in my groin.
Oh, John
we don't have to do anything.
We can just be together.
But if it's all the same to you,
I'd like to give it the old college try.
Here you go.
Thank you.
So, you're really gonna go out
with this furniture store fella
while seeing Dr.
It's called playing the field.
And if you'd done some of that,
you wouldn't be saddled
with Bluto in there.
That's not nice.
And is that really necessary?
The Italians call it "corretto.
It means correcting the drink.
So, a drink without
alcohol in it is wrong?
Italian people, they know what's up.
All right, one issue at a time.
So, you're really gonna
date two men simultaneously?
- Two that you know of.
- Oh, Mom.
Come on, don't be such a prude.
I'm not gonna have any babies.
I don't need these
men to take care of me.
Why shouldn't I just enjoy myself?
Well, it isn't very Christian of you.
I got no argument there.
Yeah, that fixed it.
Oh, Meemaw, no.
Hey, who are you calling?
I saw Meemaw get in a car
with Mr.
I don't know if it
really happened this way,
but to my nine-year-old mind,
my mother was flying.
So, how's the brisket?
It's good.
It ain't my brisket, but it's good.
I should take you to New York
so you could taste some
authentic Jewish brisket.
How's it different?
Well, it's pretty much the same except
it's-it's a lot juicier
and you can feel the fat
go directly to your heart.
Oh, boy
I miss that laugh.
So, uh
what do you think of that idea?
- What idea?
- Going to New York.
Maybe we'll catch a
couple of Broadway shows,
uh, see some sights.
Oh, Ira, gee
I don't know.
- Seems like a big step.
- Is it?
I think at this time of our lives,
we should travel, see the world.
I guess.
I mean, we're not getting any younger.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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