Look at him.
Bres my heart.
Poor little guy, all alone.
I don't see why
- his brother can't sit with him.
- Come on, Mary.
When you were in high
school, would you have lunch
- with a nine-year-old?
- Yes, I would've.
Well, there's something wrong with you.
I'm gonna keep him company.
Hey, hey, hey, Mary.
Think this through.
Right now the kids
are just ignoring Sheldon.
What happens if he's
sitting with his mommy?
They could mistake me for a senior.
Well, I look younger than you.
Just give this time, all right?
- It'll work itself out.
ADULT SHELDON: My mother never understood
that I actually enjoyed being alone.
Solitude allowed me to think
about important things,
like the effect of gravitational forces
as you approach an event horizon,
as opposed to less important things,
like how many grapes my
brother can fit in his mouth.
[MUFFLED]: 14!
- Yeah!
ADULT SHELDON: Jean-Paul Sartre said,
"Hell is other people.
That's humorous because it's true.
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Something wrong?
How come math is easy for Sheldon
and hard for me?
I don't know, honey,
but you have your own gifts.
Like what?
Well, like
you have very pretty hair.
Would you do me a little tiny favor?
Like what?
Tomorrow at lunch, would you mind
sitting with your brother?
Don't do it, Georgie.
You stay out of this.
I ate with him in second grade.
It really hurt my social life.
- Sorry, Mom.
Can't do it.
Why are you such a brat?
Maybe I'm crying for attention.
This isn't a joke, young lady.
Yes, your brother may be smart,
but he doesn't have
a friend in the world.
And I am sorry, but I am
very worried about him.
Nice going.
You're making
Mom a nervous wreck.
What did I do?
You don't have any friends,
and she is beside herself.
But I'm fine without friends.
I don't know what to tell you, Sheldon.
She said it's your fault.
I'm going to watch ALF.
ADULT SHELDON: Science fact:
- sisters are the worst.
ADULT SHELDON: When you're three foot ten
and in high school,
getting from point "A"
to point "B" can be
a harrowing experience.
- Oh, yeah
- We are the youth gone wild
ADULT SHELDON: But it's worth
it when point "B" is
the library.
Home to the original
information superhighway,
the Dewey Decimal System.
HUTCHINS: Hey there, Sheldon.
What can I get for you today?
Quantum mechanics? Astronomy?
No, nothing fun today.
I need to learn how to make a friend.
Aw, honey, you having a hard time
adjusting to high school?
I'm having a hard time
adjusting to Earth.
You and me both.
Try this.
It's been around a while,
but it's still quite popular.
Unlike me,
who's just been around a while.
"How to Win Friends
and Influence People.
This might do it.
"Principle one.
Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
ADULT SHELDON: The three sharpest arrows
in my quiver.
Thus began the greatest challenge
of my young life.
Hello, George.
I do admire your thick head of hair
What's going on?
Well, I'm practicing the
principles in this book.
- Why?
- Well, I know Mom is concerned
that I don't have any friends,
so I'm determined to
remedy the situation.
Well, good for you.
Do you feel complimented
when I say your name, George?
The book says you should.
I suppose.
Kind of overdoing it a little.
- Sheldon.
- Well, thank you
for your criticism.
It also says I should praise
any improvements that you've made.
I'll get back to you.
ADULT SHELDON: On the heels
of that successful beta test,
I decided to practice
the Carnegie principles
on someone my own age.
- Hello, Billy Sparks.
- Hey, Sheldon.
I am genuinely interested in you
and would like to encourage
you to talk about yourself.
Billy Sparks.
Thank you.
You have the floor.
Thank you.
ADULT SHELDON: Looking back,
I would've had better luck
making friends with the chickens.
- Go Wolves.
You're a cheerleader, and by saying
"Go Wolves," I'm
initiating a conversation
about something that interests you.
Oh, are you one of
those special ed kids?
My mom says I'm special.
Would you like to be friends?
I don't think so.
Are you sure? What if I told you
I admired your boldly-applied makeup?
SHELDON: Greetings from stall number one.
As much as I detest that
odd-smelling cigarette,
I do applaud
your rule-breaking bravado.
My name is Sheldon.
What's yours?
Hello, gentlemen.
Did you watch any sports
programs over the weekend?
That's what I like about
Or perhaps did some kissing with girls?
That's what I like about you
Can you hear me?
Hey! Hey!
MISSY: 95, 96, 97.
99, 100.
- You missed 11 numbers.
- I don't need
to be good at math.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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