Now we're looking for two binomials
that multiply to get the given trinomial.
Whenever I wasn't being
challenged intellectually,
my brain was more than happy
to step up and accommodate.
It was like having the
perfect playmate in my skull.
Sir, the COBE satellite is
going into an uncontrolled spin.
So fix it!
We can't.
Our computer
programs weren't designed
to handle a chaotic system.
Darn it! If only someone
could calculate the maneuver
and make it stable again!
There is someone.
And it's me.
You're just a kid.
A kid who knows to add an x-cubed term
to a simple harmonic oscillator.
If you extend the solar
panel by one meter,
you'll save your satellite.
You heard him.
Do it!
Were you paying attention
to anything I said?
Then what'd I say?
When factoring a trinomial
where the leading coefficient isn't one,
it must be written in descending order
from highest power to lowest power.
Well yeah.
You'll save your satellite.
You heard him.
Do it!
It worked.
The satellite is stable!
Thanks, kid.
You really saved my bottom.
Tell your bottom, "It's welcome.
And bless our appetites,
both physical and spiritual,
to honor You in all we do.
In Jesus' name.
What happened to "Bless
the hands that prepared it"?
I thought I'd mix it up.
I miss the old one.
Me, too.
Yeah, what I like about the other one
And bless the hands that prepared it.
- Amen.
- Amen.
So, how was everybody's day?
I'm done with high school.
What does that mean?
Well, I don't learn anything there,
and I don't want to go anymore.
Well, where do you
think you're gonna go?
Who cares? Let him go.
I've been corresponding
with Dr.
John Sturgis
at East Texas Tech.
He said I could audit his course.
You're pen pals with a
stranger? Is this okay?
He's not a stranger.
He's a famous scientist.
He carbon-dated the oldest human feces.
That ain't strange.
Now, Shelly, I appreciate that you want
to expand your horizons, but
how would you even get there?
The school's an hour away.
I'm working, your dad's working.
Again, who cares? Let him go.
He could hitchhike.
It's only one day a week,
and I was hoping Meemaw could take me.
I'm gonna start eating
dinner at my house.
You better make a whole lot of money
and take care of me when I'm old.
I'm not interested in money.
I'm interested in the
pursuit of knowledge.
That is the wrong
thing to say to someone
who is spending her Friday
night as your chauffeur.
Did you know the word chauffeur
is French for "stoker,"
because the first automobiles
were steam-powered,
and the driver had to stoke the engine?
Right there.
Why am I
driving you to college
when you already know everything?
I didn't know everything,
but compared to her
friends at water aerobics,
I could see how it felt that way.
Okay, this is you.
Good luck.
Aren't you going to walk
me in and get me situated?
Oh, yes, of course.
Right this way, my prince.
Why are they all looking at us?
I think they're looking at you.
There you go.
Okay, you all situated?
I believe so, yes.
- I'll be right outside.
- Are you sure
you don't want to stay and learn
about quantum chromodynamics?
And spoil the fun of you
telling me all about it
on the ride home?
No way.
That's my meemaw.
- He's really ours?
- Thank you.
Oh, come on, you done all the work.
Adrian, I can't believe you done this.
Can you help me?
With what?
I don't understand my homework.
You're asking me?
I don't understand my own homework.
I know, but you're all I got.
What kind of homework is it?
I ain't great with grammar.
Well, grammar's just talking,
and we both talk good.
I guess.
There's a list of sentences,
and you're supposed to say
if each one's a
complete sentence or not.
The first one is,
"Most people in the country""
That doesn't sound like a sentence.
But ask me who drives pickup trucks.
Who drives pickup trucks?
Most people in the country.
Well, now it does sound like one.
I told you, it's confusing.
I can't help you.
If you don't want me
mixing with Creed no more
Do you think we're stupid?
Sheldon's in college right now,
and we can't figure out
your homework.
What do you think?
Sometimes I tell myself
I only look stupid
because he's so smart.
Give me the book.
Don't just sit there,
make me a sandwich.
Coming up.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Forgive me, but is that
pattern a double basket weave?
Um, I suppose so.
I've always just called it a
"loop-loop whoopsie-do.
Well, it's very impressive.
Do you knit?
No, but it's always intrigued me.
Believe it or not,
the first computer was a loom.
Is that so?
It is.
Well, okay.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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