Hey, what you reading?
A magazine.
Making a collage for school?
No, just reading it.
Look at that.
Maybe Sheldon isn't the
only bookworm around here.
Which magazine?
- Cosmopolitan.
- What?
It's a magazine for today's woman.
Hey! I was about to find
out what turns a man on.
Where'd you get this?
I traded a
Fruit Roll-Up for it.
- Well, this is going in the garbage.
- You sure?
It's got some great tips on
how to spice up your marriage.
My marriage is fine, thank you.
And you are not to bring filth
like this into our house again.
That's not fair.
Sheldon reads dirty stuff
all the time, and you
don't say anything.
He does not.
Check out the comic book on his desk.
MARY: What?
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my.
Hold on.
Th-This blue man's backside
is all over the place.
On page 112, you get
to see his front side.
- I'll be back.
- Where you going?
To give the owner of
that comic book store
- a piece of my mind!
- Cool.
And then I'm calling Heather's mom!
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Someone told me long ago
There's a calm before the storm
I know
It's been coming for some time
Are there any Vietnamese superheroes?
There's one called Half-Face.
The communist government
forced him to build bombs,
and one blew off half his face.
The left half or the right half?
The bottom half.
- That's an important half.
Excuse me.
Did you sell this to my son?
I don't know.
Who's your son?
The little boy in the corner.
- Which one?
- Sheldon Cooper.
Look at him!
He is the same size as one
of the dolls you sell here.
Those are action figures.
Where is your sense of responsibility?
Have you looked inside this book?
Because I have.
ADULT SHELDON: At that moment,
I felt a subtle heat
rising through my body.
I was used to being
humiliated by my siblings
on a daily basis, but from my mother?
This was new territory.
Mom, you're embarrassing me.
Oh, is that right?
Well, guess what.
I don't care.
And if I catch you doing it again,
I'll be back with my husband,
he is way scarier than me.
- I doubt that.
- Let's go.
But I came here with Tam.
Tam, you coming or not?
I'm good.
I want to know
Have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know
Have you ever seen the rain
As you can see, I'm not related to them.
And in local weather,
the tornado watch issued Tuesday
is still in effect for the area.
Stay right here for
updates as we get 'em.
I don't understand why
you'd even be interested
in a book like that.
One of the characters is a scientist
who worked on the Manhattan Project.
Well, it's filled with
violence and nudity,
and you are done looking at it.
But comics are a form of art.
You wouldn't forbid me from looking
at Michelangelo's David
just because he's nude.
When a statue of your naked blue fella
is on display at the
Vatican, we'll talk.
Actually, David is at the
Accademia Gallery in Florence.
Doesn't matter.
I don't want
you looking at his bottom either.
Where's Mom?
Chewing out the guy who
runs the comic book store.
She found an inappropriate comic
that Sheldon had and went ballistic.
She also took my Cosmo.
What's a Cosmo?
A magazine for today's woman.
Sucks for you.
You know, if I had something in
my room she might disapprove of,
I might be looking for
a real good hiding place
right about now.
I think I'm okay.
Your air vent?
Boys are dumb.
What are you doing?
Confiscating your comic books.
You can have them back when you're 18.
You're taking Casper the Friendly Ghost?
Ghosts are sacrilegious.
Nothing friendly about that.
Very well.
There's one more book
that belongs in the box,
filled with adultery, genocide,
and even human sacrifice.
You think you're so smart.
I do.
And yet you continue
to treat me like a child.
You know what?
You want me to treat you
like an adult, you got it.
From this moment on, I
am done mommy-ing you.
Does that mean I
can have my comic books back?
Comic books are for
You're an adult.
ADULT SHELDON: My new adult
responsibilities began that night.
Luckily, a cookbook is nothing more
than a set of instructions.
And if there's one thing I shine at,
it's following instructions.
What's Sheldon doing?
- Cooking his own dinner.
- Why?
He wants to take care
of himself like an adult.
I plan on putting that off
for as long as possible.
Really? It's a plan?
Maybe I should go keep an eye on him.
Let him handle this on his own.
I wouldn't mind watching.
[SIGHS] Let's just say grace.
- I can't.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
18. A Mother, a Child and a Blue Man's Backside 全部台词 (一共 3 页)
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