What are you doing?
I heard you could punch a hole in these
and make them double-sided.
Then it would have more storage?
Yes, but I didn't pay for
a double-sided floppy disk.
So it's an ethical dilemma.
We have to take a shower in
the locker room next period,
and that's what you're worried about?
Actually, I have a bathing
suit under my pants.
That girl just took a
book on geostatistics.
Yeah, so?
That's not required reading
for any science course.
Maybe she wants to
squash a spider with it.
No, look, she's reading it.
Who is this mystery woman?
Should we invite her
to have lunch with us?
I don't know.
So far,
it's just been you and me,
and we know that works.
Do we really want to mess with success?
We could think of it as an experiment.
Oh, you do know how to push my buttons.
All right, go ask her.
Why me?
Your lack of testosterone
makes you adorable to women.
I can't argue with that.
My name is Sheldon.
Yeah, you're Sheldon Cooper.
You know who I am?
Well, there's only one
nine-year-old in high school,
and you still have your baby teeth.
She knows who I am.
It's going well.
What do you want?
Would you like to have
lunch with me and my friend?
Why else?
So we can have a spirited conversation
about geostatistics.
You really are as
smart as everybody says.
My teeth are small, but my
prefrontal cortex is enormous.
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
The addition of Libby brought
a level of sophistication
to our lunchtime discussion.
Her mom also packed extra string cheese,
which is a well-known social lubricant.
You're gonna be a geologist.
That's fascinating.
Why'd you choose that?
When I was a little girl,
my grandparents took me
to Carlsbad Caverns, and I was hooked.
Exploring caves, that is super cool.
Dark, enclosed
spaces are terrifying.
I get scared putting on a sweatshirt.
- Hmm.
- I've seen it.
Pretty entertaining.
Do you know what you're
going to major in in college?
I'm leaning towards quantum
chromodynamics, but who knows?
A few years ago, I would've
said choo-choo trains.
What about you?
Oh, geology for sure.
When did you decide that?
A long time ago.
Eat your apple slices.
So we eat in the library every day.
You're welcome to join us.
It's much better than the cafeteria.
It's quiet, and a lot less
food gets thrown at us.
Maybe I'll see y'all tomorrow.
Maybe y'all will.
Bye, Libby.
I'm assimilating.
Shut up.
So how was school today?
Sheldon's got a girlfriend.
- What?
- SHELDON: That's not true.
Oh, yes, it is.
I seen him
talking to her at school.
Sheldon Lee Cooper, you dog.
Is she cute?
Compared to what?
What grade is she in?
An older woman.
Most everybody's older than me.
Why is that nice?
[CHUCKLES] So what do you think, George?
Is it time to have "the talk" with him?
What talk?
No talk.
Nobody's talking.
If "the talk" is in
regards to human reproduction,
I already understand how that works.
How do you know that?
I told him.
Oh, Lord.
our little social circle
grew from two to three.
An early example of how
people are just drawn to me.
Are you saying that without geology,
there'd be no theory of evolution?
Charles Lyell taught Charles Darwin
the Earth was much, much
older than anyone thought,
which gave Darwin the
courage to figure out
all species evolved
over billions of years.
That's good.
I can use that
to humiliate my pastor at Sunday school.
I don't know what's more beautiful,
your mind or your eyes.
Tam, please.
We're eating.
You know spying on kids is creepy.
I wasn't spying on kids, I
was s-spying on your brother.
Why won't you just go inside?
Well, then, it wouldn't
be spying, now would it?
Oh, what?
You didn't mention she was black.
Was I supposed to?
No, 'course not.
Then why bring it up?
It just wasn't what I was expecting.
What were you expecting?
It's a big school.
Why are you right here?
They've got some books in
there about Martin Luther King.
Maybe you should go read one.
So why did it take people so long
to believe in continental drift,
when it's obvious that
Africa and South America
- fit together like a puzzle?
- No, they don't.
People didn't understand
continental drift
because they didn't
understand seafloor spreading.
I'm both threatened
and delighted by your brain.
I'm just delighted by it.
They do fit.
That's nuts.
"Geologists lead a
sedimentary lifestyle.
Libby, that is a good one.
Can you believe what's
going on with him?
[LAUGHING]: I know.
He's been on the phone with
that girl for almost an hour.
Sheldon's got a girlfriend.
What are the odds?
She's not a girlfriend,
it's more of a mental rapport.
That's where it starts.
I did win you over with
my superior intellect.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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