This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine
Let it shine
Everywhere I go
I'm gonna let it shine
Everywhere I go
I'm gonna let it shine
Well, I am happy to
report that my potato salad
is once again the hit of the potluck.
- That's great, honey.
- I feel bad
for Pam Staples.
No one's touching her potato salad.
If you feel bad, then
why are you smiling?
'Cause sometimes your
mommy's a big ol' hypocrite.
Howdy, Coopers! How we doing today?
- Pastor Jeff.
- Thank you, Pastor Jeff.
Y'all remember my wife Selena.
- MEEMAW: Hi, Selena.
- Oh, yeah.
¿Qué tal?
You're married to her?
Why, yes, I am.
[QUIETLY]: You can think
it You don't need to say it.
How are you liking Medford, Selena?
¿Cómo te gusta Medford?
She likes it fine.
[GRUNTS] She needs to use
the little girls' room.
Mary, could I talk to you for a second?
Don't worry.
I'll bring her right back.
Wasn't worried, but okay.
His Spanish is terrible.
That's not what she said at all.
I don't know if you've heard,
but our church secretary,
Elizabeth Sohinki, is
currently seeking treatment
for a little problem
with shall we say
Under-the-counter medications.
So that rumor's true.
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, she did
always seem extremely alert.
Alert, shaky, sweaty.
we need someone to step
in and fill the position.
I was wondering if
you might consider it.
It's not just bookkeeping.
I'd be in charge of handling the
maintenance issues you know,
plumbing, electric, what have you.
And I'd also head the planning committee
for all the social events,
which, of course,
includes the big three:
baptisms, weddings, funerals.
And here is the cherry on top.
The sign in front of the church
with all the clever sayings
"Be an organ donor, give
your heart to Jesus"?
Guess whose job it
would be to write those.
Already working on a couple.
Listen to this.
"The best vitamin for
a Christian is B1.
You know, be one.
Like be a Christian.
And also B1 the vitamin.
Well, now that you
explained it, it's funny.
Might be a thinker.
But there's a lot more
where that came from.
What about the twins?
Well, I'll still get 'em
off to school every day.
And when they get home,
Mom can keep an eye
on 'em till I get back.
Think she'll go for it?
Are you kidding? She
loves 'em like crazy.
Fat chance.
Oh, come on.
You come on.
in the prime of my life.
I got my water aerobics
and my salsa dancing
and my bowling league.
But you love your grandchildren.
I love ice cream, too,
but I don't want to eat it
from 3:00 to 6:00 five days a week.
Well, I'm very disappointed.
And I'm fine with that.
Why don't you just get a babysitter?
Kinda defeats the purpose
of making extra money.
Oh, yeah, right.
All right, let's think about it.
Football practice.
- And I don't trust him when I'm home.
- Oh.
Okay, now, what are
we talking about here?
Sheldon is intelligent and responsible,
and Missy is his sister.
I think they'll be fine home alone
all by themselves for a
couple hours after school.
- You think?
- I do.
As a matter of fact, I actually
think it'll be great for them.
These kids today are so coddled,
I honestly think y'all are raising
a whole generation of sissies.
Is that the way you speak
about your grandchildren?
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
How'd it go with your mom?
She's not interested in watching 'em.
Doesn't want to give up her afternoons.
Of course.
You know what, it's okay.
The timing wasn't right.
Maybe when the kids are older.
[SIGHS] I guess I'll
go get dinner started.
How about this?
Go ahead and take the job.
Yeah, if it turns out
Sheldon and Missy can't
look out for themselves
for a couple hours after school,
then well, we'll cross
that bridge when we come to it.
Are you sure about this?
Actually, probably good for 'em.
Teach 'em a little responsibility.
That's exactly what my mom said.
Well, I still like the idea.
MARY: Thank you, God, for this food
we're about to receive,
and for the nourishment
of our bodies, and bless
the hands that prepared it.
ALL: Amen.
So, kids,
we have a little family
business to discuss.
- You're pregnant?
- No.
- We're getting a puppy?
- No.
I'm not sure I care.
Starting next Monday, I'm gonna take
a full-time job at the church.
Well, who's going to take care of us?
Well, nothing will change in the
morning I'll make breakfast,
take you both to school.
Then, after school,
you'll come home, do your homework,
watch TV, play with your toys
till I come home around 6:00.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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