A simile directly compares two things,
using the words "like" and "as.
"I slept like a log.
"I'm hungry as a horse.
"Your love is like bad medicine.
That's Bon Jovi.
His hair is awesome.
Moving on.
Metaphors are different from similes.
called a germophobe,
but I do find a single
sneeze acceptable.
It could be caused by dust, allergies
Really, whatever nasal
irritant floats your boat.
during flu season
a second sneeze means a
plague is upon the land,
and it's every man for himself.
Where do you think you're going?
Away from you.
Why's that?
I want to live.
I'm not sick.
Get back in your seat.
No, thank you.
You know the rules.
You can't leave without a hall pass.
May I have a hall pass?
No, you may not.
Now get back in your seat.
the pillars of society.
I love rules.
But what benefit are
rules to a dead man?
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Excuse me.
Do I look like I'm getting sick to you?
You look a little pale.
Okay, good, that's normal.
Now, I understand Sheldon
is an exceptional child,
all right, but when he
willfully disobeys
the order of a teacher,
there needs to be
some consequences here.
Oh, we couldn't agree more.
What kind of punishment
are you thinking?
Well, Mary, in a case like
this, a few days of detention.
Really? That seems a little harsh.
Oh, detention's no big deal.
Now, my principal used to
whup my ass with a paddle.
That got my attention.
Oh, yeah.
Those were the days.
Still have mine.
Ol' Spanky.
- Got a real nice grip on that thing.
- Yeah, George.
Had the equipment manager over
at the Astros make this for me.
The holes in it
cut down on wind resistance.
But these days you have
to have a consent form
to whack the kids.
I don't know where this world's headed.
You ought to get one of those
for when Georgie acts up.
Like you never thought
about going upside his head
with a slab of wood.
You know, there was a time
this thing gave me tennis elbow.
Okay, Sheldon, come o
Where'd he go?
Well, I'm running
Police on my back
I've been hiding
- Police on my back
There was a shooting
Police on my back
And the victim
Well, he won't come back
What you doing, kid?!
- Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
ADULT SHELDON: Enjoy this.
It is, by far,
the most athletic two
minutes of my entire life.
What have I done?
What have I done?
It's not funny.
Oh, come on, now.
Sheldon in detention That's funny.
I actually think it'd be good for him.
He needs to learn he's not special.
But he is special.
You know what I mean.
He can't just
walk out of a classroom
'cause he feels like it.
He was worried about catching a cold.
That is a legitimate concern.
And now he's in danger of being mugged
by a roomful of hoodlums.
He's not getting mugged.
It's half a dozen kids doing homework
while a teacher watches 'em.
Although it might not hurt
to give Sheldon a few dollars
to buy himself some protection.
That's actually not a bad idea.
What are you doing?
Is that chewing tobacco?
It's chocolate Bazooka.
What do you want?
I have detention tomorrow,
and I thought you
could give me some tips.
That was pretty badass, you
walking out of class like that.
It was not my intention to be
bad "A" word, but thank you.
The only thing you need
to worry about in detention
is staying close to the teacher.
If he leaves the room, you go with him.
'Cause you're gonna get
your "A" word kicked.
Are you saying I'll
be in physical danger?
It's all the worst kids in school
in one room for an hour.
What do you think's gonna happen?
I thought we were gonna spend
the time regretting our actions
and thinking about how we
could be better in the future.
Well, you thought wrong.
Get lost.
You're both mean and nice to me.
It's confusing.
Maybe I'm doing this wrong.
Have you ever been in detention?
But I do take the school bus.
And that is no party.
It's like a mental hospital on wheels.
That's a good use of simile.
Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
I hope.
I'm here for detention.
Where is the teacher?
Not here yet.
I have three dollars.
Feel free to share it with the others.
Would you prefer a piece of paper?
I have some in my briefcase.
It's here if you change your mind.
All right, losers, you
know how this works.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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