Power has always been a deadly narcotic,
and in 1989,
RadioShack's Tandy 1000 SL
was my drug of choice.
With an Intel 8086
running at eight megahertz
and a five-and-a-quarter-inch
floppy drive,
there was nothing
I couldn't do.
From adding snazzy graphics
to my homework
So snazzy.
To easily alphabetizing
my list of enemies and their crimes.
So easy.
Sheldon, time to go.
We really need to get one of these.
What on earth do we need a computer for?
Yeah, we got you and your big head.
But we can get so much accomplished.
I could use a spreadsheet program
to keep track of your expenses.
I do that in the back of my checkbook.
Yes, but does your checkbook
go "beep" when you open it?
I don't think so.
Plus, the computer
can organize your recipes.
But my recipes are organized.
On index cards.
Like a cave person.
Cave Mom.
I'm gonna call you that.
It doesn't matter, Sheldon.
We can't afford a computer.
Sure we can.
It's only $998,
and Dave says we can buy
it on easy monthly payments.
That's true.
Stay out of this, Dave.
Come on.
We got to get home.
- But
- Sheldon, I said no.
I can make you a good deal
on the floor model,
Seriously, Dave, you're
getting on my nerves.
It's not fair.
You bought Missy a Ring Pop.
For ten cents.
- And I'm worth every penny.
- Let's go.
Sorry, Dave.
We're living paycheck to paycheck.
- Ah, RadioShack.
- Ah, RadioShack.
Here it is, the Tandy
1000 SL computer system.
Sheldon was going on and
on about that thing today.
I've never seen one so easy to use.
Need directions
back to your planet?
This technology is more
advanced than we thought.
You know that movie E.
The kid who finds him,
his name is Elliott,
which starts with an
"E" and ends with a "T.
I don't think so.
You're gonna live with
us forever, aren't you?
So, Sheldon wants a computer?
Ever since he could talk.
But now more than ever.
Well, he should get a job after school.
Save up and buy one.
Get a job? He's nine.
I mowed lawns when I was his age.
Made pretty good money.
You want Sheldon to mow lawns?
He's so pale, five minutes in the sun,
he'd burst into flames.
I would pay to see that.
Shut up, Georgie.
I hope you told him
we can't afford it.
Of course.
I could buy it for him,
and then y'all could
pay me back when you can.
Okay, Connie, now
you're just insulting me.
Well, that was not my intention,
but I'm glad to hear it.
I can pay my own bills
and take care of my family.
There are expenses we could cut back on
so we could afford a computer.
You mean like the money
you give to church?
No, I mean like the money you give
to the Lone Star Beer company.
Good one, Mom.
- Shut up.
- Shut up, pumpkin.
We're not getting a computer.
We don't need your money.
Where are you going?
To get a glass of milk.
He's lying.
He's getting a beer.
Shut up, Georgie.
Why are you still up?
Madame Curie is on the roof,
and she's not wearing her hat.
You're just dreaming, baby.
But she'll be cold without her hat.
I'll give her mine.
Now you go to sleep.
Mm, thanks, Mom.
You're the best.
Oh, Lord.
I'm guessing we're not
having our once-a-week.
Sorry, I only have relations
with gentlemen I like.
Oh, come on.
You know how I feel
about your mother
meddlin' in our finances.
She wasn't meddlin',
she was offering to help.
And that computer is not some silly toy.
Sheldon could use it for his schoolwork,
and I could use it to
organize my recipes.
You already got 'em organized
on those little cards.
Yeah, like a cave person.
Well, it doesn't matter.
We can't afford it, end of story.
Not exactly end of story.
What's that mean?
I've been setting money aside
the last couple of years,
and this might be a good use for it.
Money from what?
You know, here and there.
Bookkeeping for the church,
some seamstress work,
birthday money from my Aunt Zelda.
And just how much of this
"here and there" money
you got saved up?
Well, seeing as it's my money,
I don't think that's
any of your business.
None of my business?
You see every nickel
I make, and you got secret money?
It's not secret.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
12. A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer 全部台词 (一共 4 页)
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