First off, I want to
thank you both for coming.
Yeah, yeah, what'd he do?
Uh, he didn't do anything.
Gosh, Tom, I want to believe you.
Okay, the problem is,
the curriculum here
is not challenging enough for Sheldon.
Now, he gets bored
and maybe doesn't express himself
in the most productive way.
And so the square of sine
plus cosine equals one.
I don't want to embarrass you,
so I'm going to give you a moment
to think about what you just said.
I'm wondering if you read
the book you assigned to us,
because I did.
WILKINS: 20 laps.
If you're going to ask us to run,
don't you think you
should lead by example?
So you're saying he's
being rude to his teachers?
That's unacceptable.
give him a talkin' to.
I don't know if I'd call him rude.
Well, put a word on it.
Rude, let's go with rude.
Rude is good.
So what do you want us to do?
I want you to consider another
approach to his education.
- Okay.
- What does that mean?
I recently had a nice chat with the head
of Wilmot Academy for Gifted Children.
Now, I told her all about
Sheldon, and she seemed to think
he would be a perfect fit over there.
MARY: We already looked
into private school.
We can't afford it.
- Not unless you're giving me a raise.
- I'm not.
Okay, just checking.
But I can tell you this.
Wilmot has been known
to give children like
Sheldon full scholarship.
Take a look at that.
- My goodness.
- No kidding.
Yeah, just read up on it.
Give it some thought.
MARY: Hold on.
This place is in Dallas,
that's three hours away.
Well, yeah, but, uh,
what they do in cases like yours,
they look for a local family
for him to live with.
And, George, Dallas?
Dallas is certainly close enough
that he can come home on the weekends.
Look, we appreciate
you going to bat for him, but he's just
a wee little thing.
We can't ship him off to Dallas.
Shouldn't we talk about this first?
What's there to talk about, George?
This could be a great
opportunity for Sheldon.
He's nine years old.
Oh, come on, you can't
measure him in Earth years.
You're saying he's an alien?
PETERSEN: Well, in George's defense,
that idea has been tossed around
a little bit.
That's a bad joke.
Look, I understand
this is a big decision.
If you change your mind, give me a call.
I'd be more than happy
to set up an interview.
- Uh, yeah.
Thank you.
- You bet.
Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Maybe you all are the aliens.
I love my job.
Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man
Well, I don't understand
how you could turn this down.
This place looks fantastic.
It's 200 miles away, Mom.
I know where Dallas is.
I used to buy my marijuana there.
I said "used to".
Then I got pregnant with this one
and all the fun stopped.
All I am saying is that
this would be a great
opportunity for Sheldon.
I know, you're right.
Whoa, she's right?
I said the same thing
in Petersen's office,
you looked at me like I was an idiot.
Yeah, that's the look.
Maybe y'all are being a
little selfish about this.
Selfish? We're thinking of him.
Well, that's all well and good,
but maybe you should be
thinking about the whole world.
I mean,
what if Einstein's
parents had held him back?
We wouldn't even have the
Well, I was gonna say atomic bomb,
but there's probably a better example.
Here's a crazy idea:
how about we ask Sheldon
what he thinks of all this?
Go ahead, but he's not gonna want to go.
This is his home, we're his family.
Sheldon, can you come
in here for a minute?!
- Have a seat.
We want to talk to you.
- All right.
So, today we found out
about a school in Dallas
for really smart kids.
When can I start?
Hold on.
Dallas is far away,
so you'd have to live
with another family.
Do they have a dog?
Uh, we don't know.
Well, can you make some calls?
I guess, but wouldn't
you miss your mom and dad?
Yes, I suppose I will.
So, when are you calling about the dog?
You know him so well.
What's wrong with them?
What are you talking about?
They're so quiet.
Are they on medication?
No, they're just smart like you.
I've been going to school in a zoo.
Not sure about these uniforms.
Kinda froufrou.
Sheldon, I've been looking
over your transcripts
and I must say, I am very impressed.
Thank you.
What's your doctorate in?
Noncommutative Algebraic Topology.
I like her.
It's gonna be weird around
here without Sheldon.
Don't you mean less weird?
That's not nice.
I wasn't trying for nice.
You sure you're not jealous
'cause your little brother's
moving up in the world?
Hey, I got plans of my own.
Do tell.
Soon as I graduate
high school, I'm gonna be
a professional male model.
That is hilarious.
What? I'm good-lookin'.
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所属电视剧:Young Sheldon (2017)
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