We leak the real stats, hold the cooked ones in case he won't go quietly.
And replace him with who? Rawls? He came in with the same stats.
If I know Bill Rawls, he'll be calling over here as soon as he gets back to his office, telling us he warned Burrell against cooking the books.
The ministers won't live with Rawls.
Neither will Nerese.
As acting commissioner they will, for a few months at least, if we've got a black candidate to sell them.
Daniels isn't ready.
He's only been colonel for a year.
A year will do in a pinch.
You float it with one of your bunkies on Calvert Street.
See how it plays.
Burrell reads that, he'll shit melons.
I fucking hope so.
It's Baltimore.
No one lives forever.
Andreas, right? The Russian sent me.
Need you to get a word to Vondas.
- He got a new friend.
- I never hear the name.
Just let him know Marlo came past with a gift.
Be at you same time tomorrow.
Any idea how long this could take? Don't know.
Might be here all day.
I have meetings scheduled.
We've got to lay the foundation carefully, make it so the grand jurors understand all the ins and outs so they don't get lost in the details.
Howard? Is there any way I could go earlier? If you're important enough, sure.
I'm the vice president of a major financial institution.
Who the fuck isn't? Now, sir, directing your attention to the document in your hand, is that also an account statement? Yes, it is, for a nonprofit, interest-bearing account, organizational, with 5013 designation.
Can you begin by slowly explaining in the most basic terms each of those things, beginning with the word nonprofit? - Hey, is box two open? - Not yet.
- What about three? - Someone's killing homeless men.
Medical examiner says so.
Weird thing about my case, Bunk.
Dead man was homeless, but he had a red ribbon tied around his wrist.
What does a homeless guy have to remember that he should have a red ribbon tied around his wrist? - Barlow.
- What? Nice out.
Oh, like Chanel No.
5 comes out of your ass, Moreland.
If you got a problem, then I got a problem.
That's how the co-op work.
What's the problem? I got too much money.
Son, believe me, you ain't alone.
What to do with the shit we sell ain't no thing.
In Baltimore, dope and coke sell themselves, but the money that come back? Ain't enough mattresses, is there, now? You got any ideas? A few.
If you askin'.
- Not Twigg.
- Damn.
Guy gives 20 years to the paper, and this how it ends? Fact of the matter is, it's more profitable these days to run a worse paper for less money.
Cut back people and pages, you increase revenue.
If we're lucky, they'll just get rid of deadwood.
How'd it go? - "You've done excellent work.
" - Shit Without being explicit, they gave me a choice - - either the copy desk or the buyout.
- You're kidding, right? Apparently, they can hire for what it costs to keep me in print, so Damn, Roger.
Sorry, man.
Fuck it.
I might as well get to work on that great American novel.
- Yeah.
- Gus, come on in.
Have a seat.
Relax, Gus.
We need you here.
We value your dedication.
You've done excellent work.
We're counting on you to transition the new team.
There's still excellent talent out there that needs to be developed.
- What kind of team's going to be left? - We're losing good people, but we expect to retain the core of a solid staff.
Doing more with less.
That's what we have to contemplate going forward.
More with less, huh? Look at this.
A red ribbon in one of Ray Cole's files.
Cole left a note with it.
"Found on left wrist of victim.
"Check against other cases.
" Hey, hon.
How's the stain look on the cabinets? They dry yet? Great.
I'm on my way.
This is the hard part, getting these guys to give a shit.
Let's get a taste.
I'm buying.
You think I'm drinking with you? Go home, Jimmy.
Think your weak shit through, man.
Go home? For the love of God, I'm working a serial killer.
You want to talk on it? Went with Chris and them.
Set up on this family.
Everything so serious now.
Yo, little man, you finish your homework? 'Cause it's late now, and it's only gonna get later if we don't roll home soon.
Ain't no school tomorrow.
Teacher meetings.
We should do something, Mike.
Got my corner to run, man.
What? What, nigger? Six Flags be open again.
That shit's taking forever.
Complicated stuff, I suppose.
It's more like Joe make it complicated.
That nigga got a thing for conversation.
Not like Marlo.
Definitely not.
Now, see, pastor here, he one of about three I like to give money to.
Help with his good works and all that.
Good works? He down with all kind of missionary work going on down in the islands.
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