I think planet Earth has just been transported.
The head has left and sent its children.
Holy crap! Oh, dear giant head, we apologize for that discussion.
It will never happen again.
Oh, dear-- Oh, dear giant head Sir, we started picking up on a garbled signal.
We're decrypting it now.
We asked them to show us what they got, and they did.
Now we'll see which of them has got the most.
24 hours, 5 planets, 5 songs.
But in the end, there can only be one Planet music! All participation is involuntary.
Disqualified and losing planets are disintegrated by plasma ray.
Uh, it's probably a bad time to mention it, but any astronauts you guys had in orbit are definitely dead.
Welcome back to "Planet Music"! First up, let's hear the latest song from planet Parblesnops', The Greeby Bobes! Show me what you got! Hold it, hold it.
Music isn't about competition or captivity.
If you love music, you love freedom.
Let these worlds be free! Please! Disqualified.
There's one every season.
Moving on to planet Arboles Mentirosos.
Arbolian Mentirososians, show us what you got! A 2, 3, 4! Rick, Morty, Ice-T, the timetable's moved up.
Earth's on in six hours.
Like we're not already under enough pressure?! - Whoa! Whoa! - Yeah! Geez, Morty, the guy's just doing his job.
Take it easy.
Rick, Ice-T, could you guys take it less easy?! We've got six hours to come up with a song! Genius happens in the moment, Morty.
Well, can we at least go get our family? You know, so we can take them-- With u-- With us if we lose? That's planning for failure, Morty.
Even dumber than regular planning.
Morty, Morty, stop.
There's only so much charge left in this thing.
If we portal home from here and back, we're not gonna have enough charge left to get off world.
- Get it? - What?! - Yeah.
- You see? I try to shelter you from certain realities, Morty, because if I let you make me nervous, then we can't get schwifty.
Stop saying it like it's a thing! You made it up! Hey, Morty, could you lick my Balls, balls Rick, cut it out! It's not funny, Rick! I've seen enough.
These guys are one-hit wonders.
And what's your plan, general? We still have the nuclear option.
On my word, we can launch a missile at every one of those heads in the sky.
Our planet's held captive on a live game show, and your solution is to shoot the audience? You can put your faith in nukes if we get through this, general.
Until then, I'll put mine in Rick and Morty.
"Get Schwifty" was a jam.
Hello? Yes, sir, yeah.
Eh, thank you, sir.
Thank you.
He says he's proud of what we're doing and hopes we have a great ascension festival! - Happy ascension! - Happy ascension! We should pack up and leave town now.
I think it's inspiring that our community is coping with fear in a way that involves a festival and homemade ice cream.
If you'd stop being such an Evangelical atheist, you might start enjoying yourself.
Whoa! Look at you! You're wearing the hat and everything! Here's yours! Mom, do you mind if I cook dinner tonight? Yeah, sure.
What? I love you guys.
You gave me life.
And it's the will of the many heads that all children honor their parents.
Dinner sounds nice.
Pardon, Mr.
and Mrs.
Summer, are you coming to the ascension? Father, can we please go to the ascension? Sure! Let's go to the ascension.
Wh-wh-what is it? We hereby send these unwantables skyward that they might be inhaled by the many heads, later to be sneezed back to us as better babies.
Headward, free now to rise.
Headward, free now to rise.
Headward, free now to rise.
Oh, yes! Yes! Rise to the giant head! You are free to be free! And squeegee comes up from the garage, right? But he's got a lobster in one hand, the movie tickets in the other, he's like, "I'm ready!" You gonna take a lobster to see "Iron Man 3"? Ice-T! Ah, damn.
We're out of original-flavor fig Newtons.
I should get going anyway.
Wait, wait, wait! C-come on.
H-hold on a second.
Hold on.
- What?! - Damn.
You didn't tell me you [bleep] around with portals and shit.
That's it! Whoa, whoa, Morty! Give me that.
You lied! You lied about the charge! You were just being lazy! Get back! Sit down! Morty, just put it down.
You don't know what you're doing.
I'm going to go find mom and dad! No! Oh [bleep]! Oh [bleep].
Oh [bleep].
And then Ethan played guitar, and we learned the seven contemplations of the head by singing them.
It was really fun.
Praise be the head! Praise be the Yeah.
Hi, folks.
Head Priest Vagina.
Thanks for farming all those potatoes.
It's 6:00 P.
, so if you're a parent, you're now entitled to adoration from your children.
I'm going to start dinner! I don't know what to say.
Summer is doing really well here.
She's aced every test in potato class, and look how important potatoes have become.
She's not getting pregnant or doing drugs or missing curfew.
Please help me.
You can reach me if you try.
Please help me! That's not our business as long as Summer is thriving.
Taco time! I hope it pleases you as the head desires.
That's wonderful, Summer.
We're so proud of you.
But obviously you don't have to make dinner every night.
Of course I do, silly! Oh, my God, daddy! I'm sorry I called you silly! I'm so sorry! Heavenly heads and cranial creator, forgive my transgressions against family and community.
May my chores complete me as I complete them.
- Morty.
- Birdperson? You appear to be dying.
I will make efforts to prevent this but can promise nothing.
Wh-what do you think, ice? Probably a little overdeveloped.
Shit, overdeveloped, underdeveloped-- A bad song's a bad song.
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