JASON: Let's go, Ben.
Well, maybe I could-- Come on, Ben, this was your idea to go to the zoo.
-Let's go.
-This is gonna be great.
I wanna spend the whole day at the snake house.
Anybody else wanna come? No, I've got things to do.
JASON: Carol? -Oh, no, darn it.
You know how I love to see God's creatures in cages, but I have to study.
-Let's roll.
No, you have to go through the kitchen.
-Carol, the kitchen floor is wet.
Well, so is the porch.
Apparently, there's no way out, Ben.
I guess we'll have to stay here.
ALL: No.
What's going on here? Oh, I know.
The kitchen floor is probably dry by now.
You can go out that way, Jason.
Thanks, Maggie.
MAGGIE: So the kitchen it is then.
Hey, you all have fun now, all right? Mike, what's this? What's what, Dad? What's the mess you're making? This mess, as you call it, just happens to be my project for art class.
I call it Hold the Onions or I'll Kill You.
BEN: Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Seaver, you're good.
And the kid can paint.
Hello, test.
One, two, three.
Louder, Carol.
Ladies and gentlemen [MICROPHONE ECHOING] Bruce Springsteen.
-Yeah, Mom? Can you hold it down? We have a lot to do.
All right, Mom, no problem.
Well, we have less than an hour left.
Is everything ready? VoilÃÂ .
Ladies and gentlemen, Madonna.
Carol, not you too.
I don't know, Mom.
If this doesn't cheer Dad up, you ought to divorce him.
Of course it'll work.
He'll be seeing his old friends, his old band.
It'll give him a whole new outlook.
[DOORBELL RINGS] I'll get it.
Carol, would you and Mike put up more balloons? MIKE: Okay.
How are you? Wild and hot.
[RICK LAUGHING] Well, you look sensational.
You haven't changed a bi-- Well, maybe just a little bit, huh? Oh, wow.
Oh! The Wild Hots never played in a place this classy before.
Kids, this is Rick.
Rick, this is Carol and Mike.
By the way, Maggie The Wild Hots are gonna sound a little thin tonight.
We don't have a keyboard man.
Warren said he'd be here.
Well, he's had a little coronary.
-Oh, dear.
-Nothing serious.
He'll be up and around in a week.
Wait a minute, wait.
Mike can fill in on keyboards.
Hey, Mom, look, I don't know any of those old, stupid fogey-- Classics.
If you know five chords, then you know two more than we do.
[ECHOES] [RICK LAUGHING] [PLAYING "FOOLS RUSH IN"] [SINGING] I felt my life begin So open up your heart and let This fool rush in So open up your heart and let This fool rush in Radical.
Now, Mom, if we go through with this there's a chance Dad's gonna drown himself.
Well, I don't think it sounded that bad.
Maggie, do you have any aspirin? [RICK PLAYING GUITAR] I rest my case.
Okay, okay.
Mike, you're right.
But what am I supposed to do? I can't throw all these people out.
All right, all right, Mom.
Now, we can handle this.
I could set the kitchen on fire.
No, I like the kitchen.
All right, how about Dad's office? Oh, no, look, I'll handle this, okay? Rick? Rick? [ECHOES] Hey.
Excuse me, everyone.
We've had a slight change of plans and I just learned that Jason has been called into the hospital -on an emergency in another state.
RICK: Ohh.
[GUESTS MURMURING] I know, I know.
I'm as disappointed as you are, but he won't be back for days.
What's with you people? What is this? Look at-- Peggy, it's nice to-- Oh! It's been years.
Doug, how are you? Maggie, what's the occasion here? Ladies and gentlemen, the founder of The Wild Hots Jamming Jason Seaver.
How are you? Good to see you guys.
I think it's going well.
Do you think it's going well? I think it's going well.
Oh, this is great.
Where's Warren? He had a.
He had a heart attack.
-A what? -He'll be fine.
He's 38 years old.
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