- Loving this plan.
Good luck, May.
- You're with me.
I need you to set the
coordinates for the trip back.
Right, because numbers.
No, it's too risky.
We do it together.
I'll take care of it.
Go home, Phil now.
Are you giving me an order?
'Cause that sounded like
- you were giving me an or
- Yes, I'm giving you an order!
You're just gonna slow me down,
so zip it and get to the
Thought that might shut you up.
Now go.
- Uh
- Not a word, Agent Johnson.
That's an order.
Copy that, Hot Lips.
Talbot: It's a really big ship,
and it's full of these crazy aliens.
But don't worry.
They're my friends.
And I have a friend for you, too.
- [Voice breaking] Put her down, Dad.
- I can't do that, son.
She's not on our side anymore.
[Voice breaking] That's not true.
I love you.
- I would do anything for you.
- Oh, really, Carla?
Like when you helped Hydra
brainwash me,
or when you worked with S.
- to conspire behind my back?
- That's not true.
"Your compliance will be rewarded.
Any of that ring a bell?
Do you remember that? Do ya?!
They said it would help.
I'm sorry, Carla,
but the only way I'll ever trust
you again is if you join me.
[Engine revs, tires screeching]
Welcome to the neighborhood.
We don't want to hurt you, Talbot.
- We just want to talk to you.
- Where's Coulson?
- What did you do to them?
- They're prisoners of war.
We're not at war with you.
They declared war
when they tried to stop me.
Stay right there.
Go ahead, cowboy.
Stop! Stop!
Hold your fire!
Take cover!
- Qovas has ordered the launch.
- Deke: Excuse me, fellas.
Just looking for the men's room.
You know
if there's one close by?
You know what?
On second thought?
I'm actually just gonna find
a corner somewhere.
Ugh, what are you doing?
in case more show up.
Don't just stand there.
Start transferring
the missile-target numbers
- to the Teleporter.
- Right, because
because the Lighthouse is the target,
so the coordinates are ticket home.
That's good thinking, May.
- But which one's the launch system?
- I don't know! Pick one.
[Device beeps]
That's navigation.
[Device beeps]
I'll take that just in case.
[Device beeps]
Okay, got it.
Weapons system.
And I-I found the launch codes.
Do I deactivate the missiles?
We're not deactivating them.
Well, then what the hell
are we doing here?!
We're giving them a new target.
Now do you see what I am,
what I've become?
I'm a superhero,
and I plan on doing
- what needs to be done.
- You're not a hero.
It's okay, George.
They're the bad people.
They're trying to stop me.
I need to get him out of there.
[Grunts, panting]
I can't get near him.
You're the bad one.
You want to hurt them.
No, I don't.
No, I'm just giving them
a warning.
That's all.
So that they'll understand that
I'm the one who's gonna save them.
I just need to get a little more
fuel in my tank first,
and then I can do it.
You'll see.
You keep watching the news, son.
You'll see.
Close it up.
Let's get this bird ready for liftoff.
[Electricity crackling]
[As Carol Anne] They're here.
Davis, we're back.
Is everything o
Davis: under attack.
Two of them.
Can't lose our pilot again.
I owe you a life debt.
Nice try, but I'm good.
- I hate those things.
- Tell me about it.
- Coulson, you're bleeding.
- I'll survive.
Agent Davis, fire up the engines.
Time to go home.
Go home?
What about Agent May and Deke?
They're taking the express train.
Deke: Okay Okay, the one
that looks like the
the house with the broken roof?
- I think that's a three.
- Uh, uh-huh.
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