- You're the ones who lost Daisy.
- We didn't lose her.
Just do your best, Deke.
It won't be long before
they figure out we're gone,
so just pick a direction.
This way.
Not that way.
- We can fight or we can run.
- Fight.
Are you okay?
Did Are you Did they
hurt you, or whatever?
I'm fine.
Just had a little
head trip with Father Kasius.
Father Kasius?
What, you mean his dad's here?
- Here but not "here.
- Well, that's just another reason
that we need to get to
the Zephyr and fly out of here.
We're not going not yet.
What? What
What are you talk
You can't escape without,
you know, escaping.
Qovas has a couple of Ionizer
Missiles aimed at the Lighthouse.
If we try to leave, he'll fire them.
- The Lighthouse can handle it.
- Maybe.
But the people of River's End
might not be so lucky.
We can forget about
finding the Quinjet.
- Then how do we find him?
- I don't know.
We have to think like him.
He's a man we all knew,
a man that had a lot of stars
and stripes on his uniform.
What's he want to do now
that he has all this power?
Death and destruction.
- That's what they all want.
- Nah, I'm not so sure.
He risked his life to save us
from the Remorath.
And then he went on a killing spree.
He's in full villain mode.
Yet everyone's the hero
in their own story.
- And what's his? "Macbeth"?
- Nah, I mean it.
Did he say it anything before
he went into the machine?
He kept saying, "I can fix this.
- What's he fixing?
- I don't know.
His mistakes, his reputation?
Maybe he's trying to prove
that he's still a good soldier,
- a good man.
- A good dad.
Reporter: Unprecedented
levels of destruction
rivaling even that
of the Chitauri invasion.
[Telephone ringing] First
responders are on the scene.
[TV mutes]
[Telephone ringing]
[Knock on door]
[Telephone beeps]
Hello, George.
Daddy's home.
What's the matter?
Cat got your tongues?
I'm just surprised.
With everything going on
in the world,
I-I didn't know
- You look, um
- Like a million bucks.
You're okay?
Fit as a fiddle.
Never better.
I'm a new man
clear-headed and healthy.
- Why are you dressed so funny?
- Well
this is my new uniform, son.
Your dad's a superhero now,
just like those Avengers.
And guess what.
I even
have my own superpowers.
That's just a taste.
I can move buildings and cars.
And you want to know
something else?
I can even fly.
And I don't need a hammer
or an iron suit to do it.
- Can I fly with you?
- Absolutely.
Things are gonna be different
from now on.
Your daddy's all better.
And I'm not gonna let
anything bad happen to you
or anyone else.
I'm gonna chase those invaders
out of town.
- Now, you ready to go for that flight?
- George, honey,
why don't you go up to your room and
play so your father and I can talk?
Not now, Carla.
We're having fun.
Glenn, please.
We need to talk.
I heard about the accident.
What the hell
are you talking about?
- S.
called, and
- S.
- Look what you made me do.
- I'm really sorry, Glenn.
They're just worried about you.
That's all.
And so am I.
George, please, honey, go upstairs.
Talbot: I'm sorry, George.
I can fix it, though.
Better yet, I can take you
to a real spaceship.
What do you think
about that, partner?
They are fools if they think
they'll get off this ship.
Bring me the powered one.
She belongs to Kasius.
As for the others, they do not
deserve a warrior's death.
Kill them with their own weapons.
Let them die in shame and dishonor.
Coulson: We're getting close
to the bridge.
Deke: We have a clear path
to the Zephyr from here.
We might not get that chance again.
- We're not leaving till we finish the job.
- Yes, you are.
- May?
- I'll deal with the missiles
and get back to the base.
You and Daisy get to
the Zephyr and go home.
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