He's racking up a body count.
- No
- Yeah.
There must be something
you can do to reverse the machine.
Something else that needs fixing?
Right now, Talbot's out there.
He's dangerous.
If there's a solution,
we need it fast, okay?
Or none of this matters.
- Okay, we're on it.
- Thank you.
He and I will work it out.
May: There.
Circuit panel.
Remorath tech
wasn't exactly my major,
but let's assume the circuitry
still creates an electric field.
I use the charge from my arm,
- maybe I can short it out.
- And the door opens.
- That's the theory.
- At this point, I'll take theory.
I mean, we still have to
face the guard outside,
but we'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.
[Door opens]
[Body thud, reathing heavily]
Hey, guys.
You ever notice these schmucks
are really hard to beat up.
- We're glad to see you.
- Yeah, likewise.
We just had a tiny adventure
with Talbot
and ended with a man down.
I figured I'd better start looking
- for you on the prison level.
- Good thinking.
Where's Daisy?
She's not here?
Qovas handed her
off to his warriors.
We got to find her next.
- You see where Talbot went?
- Sort of.
You're not gonna like it.
[Exhales sharply]
These voices
I thought I was stuck with them.
You don't have to be.
Let me help you.
- You have it in you.
- It's okay, son.
I'm telling you the truth.
This will make everything better.
Join me.
[Breathing heavily]
What do you feel?
So much quieter.
This part isn't gonna be great
for you, Carl
- No!
- but it will be over quickly.
I promise.
The two of
us are stronger than one,
and your suffering,
it's over now.
Thank you, Carl.
Talbot: Thank you, Carl.
So, he can do that.
He must've gotten Creel's location
from the Quinjet's flight log.
We knew Talbot was killing people,
but to see him do that
to Creel, I just
- I ever tell you about Isabelle Hartley?
- Yeah, a little.
- I know she was your friend.
- Mm.
- I know Creel killed her.
- Yeah.
I wanted him dead.
I thought I'd never forgive him,
but once he was deprogrammed,
and once I got to know him,
he was a decent man.
- I'm glad I had the chance.
- I'm sure he was, too.
You have an amazing capacity
to forgive people, Mack.
But the bodies are still
piling up, aren't they?
- He has to be stopped no matter what.
- Yes.
Maybe for good.
If it comes to that,
I'm the one who does it.
Our Astralscope projects
your consciousness here.
you're being brought to me,
but rest assured,
you are already mine.
You know
I have a little experience
- getting out of stuff like this, right?
- I'm afraid this is different.
You already lost all sense
of how long you've been here,
haven't you?
I find that people outside of
physical space, when they lose time,
when they get hungry
but they can't eat,
when they get tired
but they can't sleep,
they break.
So I already know
what your future holds.
I see the future, too.
And you have two despicable sons
who wear even dumber makeup
than you,
and they die like cowards
stabbed in the back.
When I get out of this,
I'm stronger than you know.
- Everyone thinks that.
- Mm.
But in my case, it's true.
I'm the Destroyer of Worlds.
I don't see a way
to reverse the effects
of the Gravitonium on his system
or even neutralize it.
How are you doing?
Give me some good news.
Uh, I finally got
the compound right.
Should only take a few days
to synthesize.
It's funny, isn't it?
The Centipede serum
was part of our first mission,
and now it's the key
to curing Coulson.
- We've come full circle.
- Just in time for the end of days.
You ever think it would be Talbot?
I don't want to think about it.
He was one of the good guys.
[Device beeps, whirs]
Yeah, I know.
I don't know what he is anymore,
but he needs to be stopped,
even if that means
Even if it means finding
a terminal solution.
[Sighs] I mean,
if there are no other options,
we we could try the Odium.
How do we get him to take it?
Drinking it might not even
be strong enough.
We could use the Centipede serum
to deliver it straight into his cells.
It's a little too quiet in here.
That make anyone nervous?
Maybe it's Remorath nap time.
May: Then we need to wake
one up and ask for directions.
- All these hallways look the same.
- That's the same writing
that was in the Lighthouse
in the future.
- What's it say, Deke?
- How would I know?
Because you lived there.
Well, they don't teach you the
I can count to five.
You lived there for decades,
and you know five numbers?
I also know zero,
so, no, I know six numbers.
I'm amazed
you were able to survive.
You know, I found you, didn't I?
And I can lead us back to the
Zephyr, so I'm doing my job.
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