Did he see you?
No, and that's a good thing.
Agent Kim wasn't so lucky.
Talbot killed Kim.
Deke: Very, very much.
The General's not
on our side anymore, okay?
He [Device beeps]
Oh, no.
[Electricity crackling]
Stand down.
I don't need the jet so I can fly.
I need it so I can breathe.
Deke: He's leaving.
And I think he's coming down to you.
I don't understand.
If he's flying the Quinjet,
I should be reading
its signature somewhere.
Not if he's figured out a way
to go dark.
If he's not relying
on the Quinjet's own power,
- then that means
- Then the signature wouldn't show up.
[Sighs] Okay
What if I force it by remote?
- You can do that?
- Oh, I can do many things.
If we can find Talbot,
maybe we can talk him down
and end this
before anyone else gets hurt.
Prison cells are all the same, no
matter what species builds them.
If there's a way in
there's got to be a way out.
So, we're just not
gonna talk about him?
- "Him" who?
- [Sighs] Phil, come on.
- Oh.
That "him.
- Look, I hate it, too,
but I've seen a man
go rotten overnight.
He might be lost.
You don't have to feel like
you're responsible.
Of course I do.
After all our ups and downs,
Talbot got shot in the head,
and he waited for us
to rescue him from Hale.
- We were a little busy.
- Yes, but even after we didn't come,
even after
Hydra messed with his brain,
he still put himself in that machine.
- He did that for us.
- We didn't ask him to.
[Exhales sharply]
We didn't have to.
- What?
- The first time we met him.
When he told us about
the peacekeeping force
he was sending to the Hub?
I mean, imagine back then
if someone had told us
that someday we'd be worried
about Glenn Talbot.
I know.
But things evolve.
They change.
People change.
Yeah, they do.
And sometimes, even then,
you can't save them.
But you still have to try.
[Wrist beeps]
Back to work.
[Door closes]
- Mr.
- General
How you feeling?
- What are you wearing?
- Well [Chuckles] choices were limited.
It's the new me, but I'm here
to talk about the new you.
It's all right, soldier.
You've been through a lot.
It's good to see you, Carl.
- It's good to see you, too, sir.
- I know what it's like.
You're trapped in this hospital bed,
- noggin's not working right.
- I know you do, sir.
But I also got through it,
and I can help you.
The two of us are stronger together.
General, you seem
You all right?
Right as rain.
Never felt better.
I did come in contact
with Gravitonium,
- just like you.
- No.
It's okay.
It's all right.
Soldier, I'm fine.
As a matter of fact,
I've learned a few things.
Do you still hear the voices?
[Breathing heavily]
What if I told you
I know how to control them,
silence them?
I can silence them for you, too.
You are formidable,
but your strength
has been going to waste.
Come with me,
and I can show you
how to unleash your power.
- As your weapon.
- As my disciple.
Oh, God.
What is with your
family and this God complex?
- What do you know of my family?
- Plenty.
Well, then you know
that I am from a long line
of inventive thinkers.
I have ideas, methods,
which don't, shall we say,
- mesh with those of my breed.
- That's not completely chilling.
I'm merely saying that
I understand what it is
to be on the outside,
as I'm sure you are
hunted by lesser humans.
You deserve better than that.
Look, yeah, some people
have given me a hard time.
Humans are
are complicated.
They disagree.
Sometimes it comes to blows.
Only, sometimes, it's a person
who risks everything
for their friends
even though she lost her limbs.
We fight, okay,
but not with a lack of respect,
and that's something I don't
think you're quite understanding.
Oh, no matter.
You will come
with me, willingly or not.
I'm gonna have to choose "not.
What is this?
- Why can't I
- Because you're not conscious yet.
- Not conscious?
- I'm not a fool.
I know how strong you are,
and I have to make sure
that you are thoroughly broken in
before you're brought to me.
[Monitor beeps]
Fitz, it's done.
- This could change everything.
- Change everything about what?
Uh Daisy asked us
to run some tests.
Looking for a way to revive
Coulson's necrotic tissue.
Jemma thinks it could work.
Oh, okay, that's
that's good to know.
- That's really good.
- What do you need, Mack?
It's Talbot.
The Gravitonium
is becoming a problem.
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