We just need to get to them,
and then they can smooth
this all out.
[Door opens]
- Hi, there.
- Yes?
Um, Chief Wellins, is it?
I'm here for Deke Shaw
over there.
I'm his state-assigned
social worker.
Well, he didn't mention a social
worker was supervising him.
- Your name?
- Sinara.
Sinara Smith.
It's Portuguese, Sinara,
not Smith.
Uh, he wandered off
during a day trip.
- My apologies.
- He was out of control.
- Yeah.
- Says you.
He's not even my toughest
customer, believe me.
Just a little slippery.
If you check online,
you'll see that I sent out
an alert when I lost him.
What are Mr.
Shaw's issues?
I mean, how much time
do you have, sir? [Chuckles]
Uh, complex
neurological deficiencies,
lowlow I.
poor motor skills.
Oh, he hasn't, uh,
soiled himself today, has he?
No, but he was quite inebriated.
- Huh.
- He told us he was saving the world.
Imagine that.
Not the first guy we picked up
who's made big claims.
Seems like you've got your work
cut out for you with this one.
Chief, you have no idea.
[Keyboard clacking]
You look like you're ready
to suit up for battle.
We just got a call, ma'am.
has been spotted.
- Orders?
- Keep them there.
I can't tell you how relieved I
am to see you all in one piece.
So, what happened?
How did you end up here?
Yeah, last we saw you,
you HALO'd out of the Zephyr.
With instructions
if the fight didn't go your way,
I tell your story.
Make sure Aida and The Russian
didn't get away with it.
- Ivanov.
- Yeah, but I never heard which way it went.
No news, no confirmation if
- If we were dead?
- Yeah, that.
So, I looked for you everywhere
safe houses, any S.
contacts I could find.
- I even had eyes on your families.
- May: Oh, great.
One more thing for my mother
to be paranoid about.
I was stealth.
Hey, let's not forget
I'm most wanted, too, you know.
So, where on Earth were you hiding?
Well, technically, it was Earth.
Story for another time.
Go on.
I had my eye on every news outlet,
anything that looked like you guys
getting into trouble or out of it.
Saw a report about a light
coming from the sky.
You recognized the beacon?
Even took Fitz-Simmons
a few hours.
Yeah, well, let's not forget
that was my first mission
to Union City with you all.
Called up from the minors.
It was a big day for me.
Plus, aliens.
You know, they leave an impression.
- [Scoffs] You have no idea.
- So, you came here to warn the staff.
Yeah, and to kick the blue ass
of anything that showed up.
I was trained well.
They have the beacon here
on government contract.
Just examining it, and it turned on.
Totally random.
- Did they try to shut it down?
- No.
They couldn't.
And I don't do science,
so I sent everyone away.
Well, Fitz-Simmons will
figure it out eventually.
Yeah, question is,
how long is "eventually"?
Could be too late.
[Beacon humming]
So, yeah, if you check
River's End P.
online account,
you'll see that I went ahead
and took care of Mr.
Shaw's bail.
[Clears throat]
What did we discuss about
wandering off without permission?
- Don't
- "Don't wander off without permission.
We went over this.
Uh, I also went ahead
and made a small contribution
to the department's charity fund
to thank you for your trouble.
Truth is, I have no desire to
keep drunks here in the office.
You should go, but take better
care of your charges, Ms.
Yes, Chief.
Thank you.
Of course.
Hold on!
[Breathes deeply]
There's still paperwork
you need to fill out.
Of course.
Whatever you need.
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