Louis, Missouri.
Hunter and I left the Zephyr
cloaked just outside of town.
I'll show you where it is.
- Great.
But I'm not going.
- What?
If I'm responsible
for ending the world,
I'd rather not get near
one of the first omens.
- Hard pass.
- We could use you out there.
I'll be more useful in here.
I'll run back end on the mission
with all of Noah's
dope-ass equipment.
- Dope
-ass is a it's a good thing.
So, what do we do?
Just walk out the front door
into town?
Mack: Well, we are wanted.
After what Fitz said about
General Hale's task force,
- we need to be covert.
- You will be.
[Computer beeps]
The Lighthouse has
a few covert entrances.
This place has secret tunnels,
- like an Agatha Christie novel.
- More like "C.
There are a few tunnels,
but this one takes you underground
to the charming, little town
of River's End.
From there, it is up to you.
No time like the present.
Let's go.
[Breathes deeply]
[Door creaks]
[Breathes deeply]
We really are home.
[Bird squawks]
We have to get moving.
How about that one, Mack?
- Here comes the catch.
- But there's a catch.
- Come on.
We're damn spies.
- I think it's admirable of him.
We'll return the van
when we're done.
- No stealing, I promise.
- Okay.
Daisy: If I'm gonna
be holed up here for a while,
it's good to know
that it's fortified.
It's kind of the perfect
place to hide out.
You are typing with my keyboard.
Which is fine.
It does not bother me,
even though you did not ask.
- But why are you typing?
- I'm setting up an alert.
Even though my friends
have been out in the world
for like four minutes,
it'll let me know
if one of them is spotted.
It has been much longer
than four min
Dramatic effect, Noah.
These things look roomier
from the outside.
It'll get us where we need to go.
- Hey, could be worse.
- True.
We could be enslaved by an alien
sociopath in a dystopian future.
Or we could be trapped inside
a virtual-reality fascist state.
Or stuck
at the bottom of the ocean.
- Or stopping a crazy robot lady.
- Or falling out of a plane.
Fighting Daisy's mom.
- Or fighting Daisy's dad.
- Or dancing.
We're not just wanted.
We're most wanted.
Top of the lists.
All the lists.
It seems you are the object
of much interest right now.
Every local P.
has our picture,
which means to anyone
with a badge
we're famous.
Everyone just stay calm.
[Engine shuts off]
Hi, officer.
Is there a problem?
Hey, you tell me.
Oh, this right here.
Um, I was sparring.
No, I mean the van.
This is John Nickel's van.
Yeah, yeah
I mean, is it a clunker or what?
'Cause he's been trying
to sell it for months.
Hey, be honest how badly
did he fleece you on this?
Are you kidding me?
You know how long
I've been looking
for a 1975 T2 1600 engine
with shag carpeting? [Laughs]
John's price was more than fair.
It was a steal.
Officer: First time
for everything, I guess.
- Yeah.
- You guys have a great day.
- [Engine starts] You too.
- Thank you.
That's closer than I would've liked.
We're lucky this is a quiet,
simple town.
If we don't make any noise,
we can keep it that way.
[Breathing heavily]
Oh, boy.
You got to be kidding me.
[Birds chirping]
- Not from here.
- Hey, I get it.
It's a pretty tree.
Yeah, I've never seen
anything like it.
Yeah, that'll probably stop when
whatever you took wears off.
[Ice cream thuds]
[Upbeat rock music plays on stereo]
All right.
I got some of it right.
I'd like to try a beer
a real one, please.
One real beer.
You got it.
[Liquid pouring]
That does not
taste like it looks.
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